168 research outputs found

    A Semi-markov Model For The Prognosis Of The Cancer Of The Cervix

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    Capsule Endoscopy: A Comprehensive Review

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    Stent thrombosis: Prevention and management

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    Stent thrombosis (ST) is a persistent and important clinical problem. Stent thrombosis has been defined and classified by the Academic Research Consortium (ARC). We have reviewed the data available on the incidence of ST in various registries and trials. The incidence of ST is higher with DES compared to BMS. ST incidence is highest with first generation DES but reduces significantly with second and third generation DES. We have reviewed the factors which predict a higher incidence of ST. These can be divided into patient, lesion and procedure characteristics. The upcoming new technologies and their potential impact on ST have been discussed. Finally, the methods of minimising the incidence of ST in practice have been discussed


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    The vein recognition is the most accurate and secure technology in the field of biometrics. We have seen that many criminal cases like risk of forgery or theft. All biometric traits have their own advantages and disadvantages. Like in long term, a person’s fingerprint may be damaged due to environment, aging or ethnicity; face recognition has medium accuracy; iris recognition is costly affair. To overcome all the problems, the solution is vein recognition. The most important point about vein recognition system is that it works on living persons only as the infrared radiation is absorbed by hemoglobin present in blood of living persons. The skin integrity does not affect the accuracy or readability of finger vein recognition. There are lots of benefits to include vein recognition in biometric traits in which some are, users are not required to get in physical contact with the device. This technology can also be used for medical purposes like children that are below the age of 12 have very smooth vein which sometime cannot be detected by doctors to inject injection which can be detected by NIR cameras. In this paper we have presented the various techniques of palm vein recognition that are applied in today’s scenario, Need and Scope of vein recognition system, its implementation challenges, its application, Merit and Demerit and finally conclusion

    Examining the Impacts of Robot Service on Hotel Guest Experience

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)The aim of the study is to assess the impact of robot service on hotel guest experiences. Application of technology in tourism and hospitality services is growing each day. Using robots in hospitality establishment is becoming more and more popular, mainly because it can help cut down the labor costs, increase efficiency and reduce human contacts. Very few studies, however, have been done on examining customer experience regarding robots used in the hotel. Social media sites such as TripAdvisor are popular platforms where people share their first-hand experiences. Hence, this study focuses on studying the reviews of robotic hotels. Using the software Leximancer, reviews were studied and categorized in different themes to understand if the presence of the robot would create positive or negative experience for customers. The sample of the study included total of 2383 reviews related to robotic hotels from TripAdvisor from January 2011 to October 2020. The findings highlighted the major themes as Room, Robot, Hotel and Staff and their relationship with the ratings. It also provided insights into the contribution of robot service to consumer’s hotel experiences.2021-12-0

    Green Approach for Next Generation Computing: A Survey

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    In the past few years, the Information and Communication Technology sector have made a significant advancement in Cloud Computing technology. The world wide acceptance of Cloud technology can be credited to the various benefits a Cloud offers to its users. The Cloud technology helps in preventing resource wastage to a much greater extent. The authors of this paper wish to explore the concept behind cloud computing, its strategy, and benefits. This paper presents some facts and figures related to cloud and green computing which will help in obtaining the gist of Cloud Computing and in understanding the need of going green in computing

    Role of Apoptotic Proteins in REC-2006 Mediated Radiation Protection in Hepatoma Cell Lines

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the role of apoptotic proteins in REC-2006-mediated radiation protection in hepatoma cell lines. REC-2006 treatment 2 h before irradiation strongly inhibited the cleavage of ATM and PARP-1 in HepG2 cells. The expression of nuclear apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) was found to be more inhibited (~17%) in HepG2 cells in REC-2006 + radiation-treated group. More inhibition (~33%) of cytochrome c was observed in HepG2 cells upon REC-2006 treatment 2 h prior irradiation. Similarly, significantly more (P<.05) inhibition of Apaf-1, caspase-9 and caspase-3 was observed in REC-2006 + radition-treated group in HepG2 cells. REC-2006 treatment restored the expression of ICAD in HepG2 cells; however, no restoration was observed in Hep3B cells. Lower nuclear to cytoplasmic CAD ratio was observed in HepG2 cells (~0.6) as compared with Hep3B cells (~1.2) in REC-2006 + radiation-treated group. In conclusion, REC-2006 rendered higher protection in HepG2 cells by inhibiting the expression and translocation of AIF, inhibiting the cleavage of ATM and PARP-1, restoring the expression of ICAD, inhibiting the release of cytochrome c and thus modulating the expression of Apaf-1 caspase-9 and activity of caspase-3

    Does robotic service improve restaurant consumer experiences? An application of the value-co-creation framework

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    One recent application of technology In the foodservice industry involves robotic services in restaurants, mainly because it reduces labor costs and increases efficiencies. Driven by the value co-creation framework, the purpose of this study was to examine the impact of robot service on restaurant customer experiences and satisfaction. The sample includes a total of 1381 reviews posted from January 2015 to January 2020. This study used the software Leximancer to analyze the data and identified the following themes: Food, Robot, Quality, Ordering and Delivery Serivces. The findings further indicated that robotic services play an essential role in creating positive dining experiences and are more likely to lead to higher satisfaction levels. Based on the results, this study discussed how robotic services might contribute to customers’ value co-creating process and affect their evaluation of the dining experiences. This study, however, is delimited to English reviews and North American restaurants

    Carbon Modeling of Agroforestry Systems at Farmers’ Field in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India

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    The Indian Green revolution region “Indo-Gangetic Plain” (IGP) comprises of four agro-climatic zones namely lower, middle, upper, and trans gangetic plains covering West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Chandigarh, Haryana, Punjab, and some part of Rajasthan state. It covers 169 districts with total geographical area of 43.70 million ha. The Indo-Gangetic plains are one of the most populous regions with its area covering nearly 13% of the total geographical area of the country. It produces about 50% of the total food grains to feed 40% of the population. The continuous cropping of rice-wheat system has degraded the soil health dramatically over the years. Hence, the incorporation of trees in agriculture would be a better option to improve the soil as well as livelihood of the farmers in IGP. Agriculture is the major enterprise of the region that is most vulnerable to climate changes particularly owing to the inadequacy of resources with the smallholder farmers. While, agroforestry has the potential to play a significant role in mitigating the atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG), it also helps smallholder farmers adapt to the changes. These are the reasons for recognizing agroforestry as a viable alternative to prevent and mitigate climate change (Ram Newaj et al., 2014). A considerable proportion of agroforestry area located in IGP and some of the promising tree species like Populus deltoides, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Melia azadirach, Mangifera indica, Dalbergia sissoo, and Acacia nilotica are very common in the farmer’s fields. Keeping this in view, the field survey was carried out to estimate the carbon sequestration potential at a farmer’s field in IGP