8 research outputs found

    Cone beam computed tomography use in sialolithiasis of the submandibular salivary gland

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    A 62-year-old diabetic male patient presented with right sided facial pain associated with a firm palpable mobile mass in the right submandibular area. Following initial examination, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) investigation demonstrated multiple smooth homogenous calcifications (Figure 1) collectively measuring 12mm x 9mm x 8mm within the region of the right submandibular gland (Figure 2). On resection of the submandibular gland, the histological features of the lesion were confirmed to be those of chronic sclerosing sialadenitis supporting the clinical impression of a sialolith

    Maxillofacial Radiology 195

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    A 48 year old asymptomatic male patient presented with a mass on the left maxilla with a reported awareness of two years. Clinical examination revealed normal mucosa overlying buccal and palatal swellings in dental region extending from the 23 to 27. Tooth 26 was missing and teeth 24, 27 and 28 demonstrated displacement

    Gardner syndrome

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    A 58-year-old male patient was referred for a panoramic radiograph after having presented with a hard swelling of the right mandible. Panoramic radiographic examination (Fig. 1) demonstrated multiples dental anomalies and variable bone densities in both jaws prompting clinicians to “dig” further. Teeth 17, 12, 11, 26 and 27 were missing. Teeth 13, 23, 24, 25, 38, 34, 33 and 43 were unerupted. An unerupted supernumerary left mandibular molar appeared in the region of the mandibular coronoid process. Multiple, small, well-defined radiopacities of density comparable to odontogenic material were evident in the anterior maxilla and mandible. These opacities often demonstrated radiolucent borders consistent with the finding of multiple odontomas. Both jaws demonstrated variable bone density. Cottonwool like opacities partially blending into adjacent trabeculae were evident in the mandible and maxilla posteriorly. The contour of the inferior border of the mandible bilaterally in proximity to the angle was irregular with multiple, well-defined, smooth, lobulated homogenous radiopacities suggestive of osteomas. The radiographic features of multiple osteomas, odontomas, variable bone density, supernumerary and unerupted teeth warranted the referral of the patient for gastroenterological investigation to exclude Gardner Syndrome

    A Review of the role of Nuclear Medicine Imaging in Diagnostic Dentistry

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    The increasing scope of nuclear medicine imaging as a diagnostic utility is impressive. Plain film radiographs, computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) diagnostically provide high-quality images but provide little physiological information about disease processes. Nuclear medicine imaging modalities advantageously can characterise the early dynamic physiological changes in a diseased environment. Dental professionals working within the arena of integrated holistic health practices are likely to encounter patients having had procedures like conventional scintigraphy, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), hybrid SPECT/CT and positron emission tomography computed tomography (PET/CT). The aim of this review is to acquaint the oral health care professional with some commonly utilised nuclear medicine techniques, the principles upon which such modalities are based and their applications in the diagnosis of head and neck pathology to facilitate enhanced multidisciplinary patient management

    Clinical Signs, Causes, and Risk Factors of Pediatric Chronic Kidney Diseases: a Hospital-based Case-control Study

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    Background This retrospective study aimed to determine the epidemiologic characteristics and risk factors of chronic kidney diseases (CKD) in patients < 18 years old at a single referral center. Materials and Methods In a hospital-based case control study, 66 CKD patients less than 18 years old were compared to 81 control patients (also under 18) without CKD. A patient was defined as a CKD case with renal injury and/or had a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of Results Fever, chills, and urinary tract infections were the most common clinical signs in the referred patients. Urinary tract infection (39.5%) and growth failure (12.9%) were the most important causes in referred pediatric CKD. After controlling the effect of confounding variables, household income, using packed water for drinking, percentile of body mass index (BMI), and gestational age were the significant predictors of pediatric CKD (

    The effect of thermocycling on the determination of microleakage in permite amalgam restorations

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    The effect of thermocycling on the determination of microleakage in Permite amalgam restorations INTRODUCTION: Microleakage is an important clinical performance parameter of restorative materials. A literature review of the effect of thermocycling on microleakage revealed an incongruity of results. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe the effect of thermocycling on microleakage in Class V Permite amalgam restorations. Methods: Class V cavities were prepared at the mesial and distal cemento-enamel junctions of 20 extracted, sound, human molar teeth. Cavities were treated with Polyvar cavity varnish and restored with Permite amalgam as per manufacturer’s directions. Teeth were randomly divided into two groups of 10 teeth each. After one day only one group was thermocycled for 500 hundred cycles (5 - 55oC; dwell time of 30 seconds: transfer time of 10 seconds). Teeth were subsequently submersed in 0.5% Basic Fuchsin solution (24 hours: room temperature), then cleaned and embedded in polyester potting resin. Teeth were sectioned longitudinally along the long axis of the tooth into three slices using the Isomet low speed saw. Microleakage was scored under a light microscope at 10 times magnification. RESULTS: While microleakage at cementum margins was significantly and negatively influenced by thermocycling, enamel margins appeared to be significantly unaffected. CONCLUSION: The effect of thermocycling on the determination of microleakage was only significant at the cementum margins of Permite restorations

    Thermal cycling for restorative materials: Does a standardized protocol exist in laboratory testing? A literature review

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