3,928 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Potential Sources of Allelochemicals in Lalang

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    Aqueous leachates from fragmented lalang (I. cylindrica (L) Raeuschel var. major) dead leaves in situ, caused delayed germination in biossays of all six species of pasture legumes tested, while radicle and shoot growth were inhibited in two of the test species. Phytotoxicity was dependent on the quantity of plant residues available in the proximity of germinating phytometer species. Leachates from rhizome and root fragments exhibited strong inhibitory activity even at the 5% (w/v) level while leaf leachates were inhibitory at the 10% level and higher. In pot experiments with soil containing living lalang tillers or incorporated with rhizome or root fragments, phytotoxicity development in the soil extracts was evident at four weeks of growth or decay. In soils with decaying roots or rhizomes there was a sub-sequent loss in activity over the eight week incubation period. Extracts of soils with living tillers showed loss of activity at six weeks of growth followed by a significant stimulatory response at eight weeks. The use of two controls (control-soil extract and distilled water control) enabled detection of inherent stimulatory activity in the control soiL Comparison with both controls to eliminate such influences showed only living tillers, and decaying rhizomes and roots as major potential sources of inhibitory substances. The common soil organism, Bacillus cereus (Frankland & Frankland), Alcaligenes faecalis Castellani & Chalmers) and a Trichoderma sp. were found to be associated with the decay of rhizomes resulting in an initial stimulatory growth reponse in the phytometer species followed by inhibition and subsequent loss in activity. The nature of these organisms suggest that the release ofPhytotoxins through decay of rhizomes as a common, natural phenomenon in most soils. The dead leaves accumulating as litter in mature lalang vegetation may serve as an additional source of water leachable allelochemicals if sufficient quantities were available in contact with the soil

    Shafranov's virial theorem and magnetic plasma confinement

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    Shafranov's virial theorem implies that nontrivial magnetohydrodynamical equilibrium configurations must be supported by externally supplied currents. Here we extend the virial theorem to field theory, where it relates to Derrick's scaling argument on soliton stability. We then employ virial arguments to investigate a realistic field theory model of a two-component plasma, and conclude that stable localized solitons can exist in the bulk of a finite density plasma. These solitons entail a nontrivial electric field which implies that purely magnetohydrodynamical arguments are insufficient for describing stable, nontrivial structures within the bulk of a plasma.Comment: 9 pages no figure

    Overseas recruitment in India : structures, practices and remedies

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    This paper is drawn from an exploratory study aimed at assessing the efficiency of the existing institution for governing labour emigration in India with special reference to the overseas recruitment system. It traces the evolution of the current institution from the colonial times and foregrounds its discriminatory rationalities engendering enormous social cost. It tracks the difference between emigration through social network and recruiting agents and looks at the difference of cost and risk involved. By focusing on the unskilled and semi-skilled emigrations from India, the paper makes an endeavour to determine the discrepancy between the legal/policy structures and the prevailing practices of overseas recruitment, including strategies of circumventing legality. Drawing inputs from major stakeholders like intending emigrants, return emigrants, emigrant households, recruiting agents, Protectors of Emigrants, foreign employers, emigrant labourers and Indian Missions in select destination countries, it assesses the transaction costs of the present institution, identifies its major inadequacies and make recommendations for an alternative institutional framework that can effectively counter the many and varied illegitimate and dishonest activities which have sprung up in the field of emigration and ensure ethical practices in India’s overseas recruitment sector. Key words: emigration, recruitment, institution, social cost, transaction cost, social network, legality/illegality, protection, ECR/ ECNR JEL Classification : J21, J2

    White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection in tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon: A non-lethal histopathological rapid diagnostic method using paraffin and frozen sections

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    White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection was induced in tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, under laboratory conditions, and histopathological changes in subcuticular epithelial cells of the eye stalk and pleopod were studied sequentially at different time post-challenge. Routine histological techniques using paraffin embedded tissues, as well as frozen tissues, were used to document WSSV infection. Histological manifestations such as cellular hypertrophy in the subcuticular epithelial cells of the eyestalk and pleopod could be detected as early as 18 h postinfection (p.i.) before the manifestation of clinical signs of the diseas

    Experiences in the transfer of technology of open sea mussel culture under the operational research project

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    The paper deals with the problems encountered while implementing a programme on the transfer of technology of open sea mussel culture to the fishermen at Kovalam, near madras under the operational research project on 'blending sea farming with traditional capture fisheries'


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    Objective: To develop precise LC-MS method for the estimation of valsartan impurities and perform validation as per ICH guidelines.Methods: Valsartan (VLN) and its degradation products were analyzed by reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) using mobile phase water: acetonitrile: glacial acetic acid: phosphate buffer in the ratio of 500:500:1:0.5 v/v/v/v at 225 nm using column nucleosil C18, 125 ×4.0 mm, 5 µm. VLN sample (VLN SPL) thus obtained an unknown major impurity (UIMP) of 0.5 % at 0.38 retention time ratio (RRt) and purity of VLN was found to be 98.70 % respectively.Results: Estimation of VLN SPL total unknown impurities was found to be 1.3% by RP-HPLC. In similarly by liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) a typical chromatogram of valsartan (VLN) at Rt 9.03 min and UIMP at Rt 3.3 min were recorded at a total run time of 23 min. Assay of VLN SPL was validated as per international council for harmonization (ICH) guidelines. Average % recovery was found to be 100.04 % for VLN SPL.Conclusion: The proposed work clearly indicates that the method can be easily adapted for the routine one step estimation of VLN active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)

    A surgical study of serological markers such as C-reactive protein and interleukin 6 in response to postoperative infection in patients with open fractures in a tertiary care hospital

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    To study the response of C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) to postoperative infection in patients with open fractures. Thirty patients with open fractures of extremities within 12 hours of injury were included in study. Blood samples were collected for Postoperative infection is a devastating complication of open fractures. The ideal investigation for early diagnosis of infection should be done before surgery and should be accurate, convenient to patient, cause minimal morbidity. Test such as CRP and IL-6 estimation is utilized in this study. CRP and IL 6 estimation on admission, second and fourth post-op day. All patients underwent surgery and reports evaluated. It was observed that CRP peak on post-op day 4 and IL 6 on postoperative day 2 in patients with infection before clinical evidence of infection. This prospective study includes 30 cases, followed up in ward for a week. Various factors regarding clinical presentation, findings of various investigations, operative treatment had been analyzed. The sensitivity of CRP in our study was 100%, and specificity was 42%. The persistent rise of CRP value seen within the infected group was statistically significant (p<0.05). The present clinical study of estimation of CRP and IL 6 to detect postoperative infection in patients after open fractures is an excellent diagnostic test for early detection and management of infection

    Involvement of Enterobacter cloacae in the mortality of the fish, Mugil cephalus

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    Enterobacter cloacae, an enteric bacterium that belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae, is widely distributed in nature. It is found in faeces of humans and animals, water, soil, plants, plant materials, insects and dairy product