431 research outputs found

    Optimization of Top Contact for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells

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    As world energy demands continue to increase, the need to generate electricity from a broader variety of sources, including renewables, is more critical than ever. With costs still 30% higher than those of natural gas, solar energy is a viable contender, but more progress is needed to level the playing field with other forms of energy generation. The overall energy security can be enhanced by diversifying the energy supply. Among them, Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) has gained significant momentum as a possible high efficiency and low cost thin film solar cell material. The capacity to scale up any photovoltaic technology is one of the criteria that will determine its long term viability. In the case of CIGS, many manufacturers are showing the way for GW-scale production capacity. However, as CIGS technology continues to increase its share of the market, the scarcity and high price of indium will potentially affect its ability to compete with other technologies. One way to avoid this bottleneck is to reduce the importance of indium in the fabrication of the cell simply by reducing its thickness without significant efficiency loss. Reducing the thickness of CIGS thin film will not only save the material but will also lower the production time and the power needed to produce the cell. As the properties of the absorber and buffer layers are modified with each enhancement, it is also important to continue developing a better and effective light trapping mechanism. The overall reflection losses can be minimized to a great extent by applying an efficient anti-reflective (AR) coating, thus increasing the power conversion efficiency of the device. We describe a method using in-situ real time spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical modeling allowing for the optimization of the thickness of the anti-reflective (AR) coating for Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells. The model is based on a transfer matrix theory as well as accurate measurement of the dielectric function and thickness of each layer in the stack by spectroscopic ellipsometry. The AR coating thickness is then optimized in real time to optically enhance the performance of the device for various device configurations by varying the thickness and properties of different layers. In ultra-thin CIGS solar cells, multi-layered anti-reflective coatings are essential since a single layer AR coating is not capable of suppressing the reflectance as it increases. Thus it is very important to obtain an enhanced light trap in the red and near infra-red region. Multi-layer AR coatings are used to obtain at least five passes in the internal reflection from the bottom surface of the cell


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    Eucalyptus oil (EO) is an essential oil which has been used as a traditional remedy in upper respiratory tract infection. It contains approximately 90% cineole and is readily available worldwide in over-the-counter cough drops, liniments, toothpaste, mouthwashes, cold preparations, and hair lice remover. EO-induced adverse drug reaction is rare in both adults and children. The signs and symptoms of EO poisoning are CNS depression, hypotension, tachycardia, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, and contact dermatitis. Symptom onset is usually rapid and resolves within 24 h. We report the case series of four adult patients with EO-induced seizure in India, who inhaled EO for common cold and presented to the critical care with single first attack of generalized tonic-clonic seizures. On further evaluation, none of them had a family background of seizures/febrile seizures. EEG and brain MRI were found to be normal in all patients. All the patients were managed with anti-epileptic drugs and standard supportive care. All medical practitioners should be aware of the toxic effects of EO, a common OTC medication used in Indian households. Warning labels may be attached on EO comprised products

    Real-Time Optimization of Anti-Reflective Coatings for CIGS Solar Cells

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    A new method combining in-situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical modeling to optimize the thickness of an anti-reflective (AR) coating for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells is described and applied directly to fabricate devices. The model is based on transfer matrix theory with input from the accurate measurement of complex dielectric function spectra and thickness of each layer in the solar cell by spectroscopic ellipsometry. The AR coating thickness is optimized in real time to optically enhance device performance with varying thickness and properties of the constituent layers. Among the parameters studied, we notably demonstrate how changes in thickness of the CIGS absorber layer, buffer layers, and transparent contact layer of higher performance solar cells affect the optimized AR coating thickness. An increase in the device performance of up to 6% with the optimized AR layer is demonstrated, emphasizing the importance of designing the AR coating based on the properties of the device structure

    Characterization and Analysis of Ultrathin CIGS Films and Solar Cells Deposited by 3-Stage Process

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    In view of the large-scale utilization of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells for photovoltaic application, it is of interest not only to enhance the conversion efficiency but also to reduce the thickness of the CIGS absorber layer in order to reduce the cost and improve the solar cell manufacturing throughput. In situ and real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry (RTSE) has been used conjointly with ex situ characterizations to understand the properties of ultrathin CIGS films. This enables monitoring the growth process, analyzing the optical properties of the CIGS films during deposition, and extracting composition, film thickness, grain size, and surface roughness which can be corroborated with ex situ measurements. The fabricated devices were characterized using current voltage and quantum efficiency measurements and modeled using a 1-dimensional solar cell device simulator. An analysis of the diode parameters indicates that the efficiency of the thinnest cells was restricted not only by limited light absorption, as expected, but also by a low fill factor and open-circuit voltage, explained by an increased series resistance, reverse saturation current, and diode quality factor, associated with an increased trap density

    Assessment of Cu(In, Ga)Seâ‚‚ Solar Cells Degradation Due to Water Ingress Effect on the CdS Buffer Layer

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    The effect of water ingress on the surface of the buffer layer of a Cu(In, Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cell was studied. Such degradation can occur either during the fabrication process, if it involves a chemical bath as is often the case for CdS, or while the modules are in the field and encapsulants degrade. To simulate the impact of this moisture ingress, devices with a structure sodalime glass/Mo/CIGS/CdS were immersed in deionized water. The thin films were then analyzed both pre and post water soaking. Dynamic secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) was performed on completed devices to analyze impurity diffusion (predominantly sodium and potassium) and to assess potential degradation mechanisms. The results were compared to device measurements, which indicate a degradation of all device parameters due to an increase in the total and peak trap densities, as shown by simulation. This is potentially due to a modification of the sodium profile in the bulk CIGS, with a decrease content after water soaking or because the oxygen profile increased in the bulk CIGS after water soaking

    Analysis of Post-Deposition Recrystallization Processing via Indium Bromide of Cu(In,Ga)Se\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Thin Films

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    Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin films were deposited at low temperature (350 °C) and high rate (10 µm/h) by a single stage process. The effect of post-deposition treatments at 400 °C and 500 °C by indium bromide vapor were studied and compared to the effect of a simple annealing under selenium. Structural, electrical, and chemical analyses demonstrate that there is a drastic difference between the different types of annealing, with the ones under indium bromide leading to much larger grains and higher conductivity. These properties are associated with a modification of the elemental profiles, specifically for gallium and sodium

    Theoretical Analysis of Experimental Data of Sodium Diffusion in Oxidized Molybdenum Thin Films

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    In this work, the diffusion process of sodium (Na) in molybdenum (Mo) thin films while it was deposited on soda lime glass (SLG) was studied. A small amount of oxygen was present in the chamber while the direct-current (DC) magnetron sputtering was used for the deposition. The substrate temperatures were varied to observe its effect. Such molybdenum films, with or without oxidations, are often used in thin film solar cells, either as back contact or as hole transport layers. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) was used to quantify the concentration of the species. A grain diffusion mechanistic model incorporating the effect of grain and grain boundary geometrical shape and size was developed. The model was used to provide an in-depth theoretical analysis of the sodium diffusion in molybdenum thin films that lead to the measured SIMS data. It was observed that not only diffusion coefficients should be considered when analyzing diffusion processes in thin films but also the ratio of grain boundary size to grain size. Both depend on substrate temperature and directly affect the amount of diffused species in the film. The data were analyzed under the light of the film growth speed versus diffusion front speed, the effect of oxygen content, and the effect of substrate temperature on the overall diffusion process. The temperature inversely affects the ratio of grain boundary size and grain size and directly affects the diffusion coefficient, which leads to a preferable temperature at which the highest amount of alkali can be found in the film

    Degradation Mechanism Due to Water Ingress Effect on the Top Contact of Cu(In,Ga)Se\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Solar Cells

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    The impact of moisture ingress on the surface of copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) solar cells was studied. While industry-scale modules are encapsulated in specialized polymers and glass, over time, the glass can break and the encapsulant can degrade. During such conditions, water can potentially degrade the interior layers and decrease performance. The first layer the water will come in contact with is the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer. To simulate the impact of this moisture ingress, complete devices were immersed in deionized water. To identify the potential sources of degradation, a common window layer for CIGS devices—a bilayer of intrinsic zinc oxide (i-ZnO) and conductive indium tin oxide (ITO)—was deposited. The thin films were then analyzed both pre and post water soaking. To determine the extent of ingress, dynamic secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) was performed on completed devices to analyze impurity diffusion (predominantly sodium and potassium) in the devices. The results were compared to device measurements, and indicated a degradation of device efficiency (mostly fill factor, contrary to previous studies), potentially due to a modification of the alkali profile

    Electron mobility in graded AlGaN alloys

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    Polarization gradients in graded AlGaN alloys induce bulk electron distributions without the use of impurity doping. Since the alloy composition is not constant in these structures, the electron scattering rates vary across the structure. Capacitance and conductivity measurements on field effect transistors were used to find mobility as a function of depth. The effective electron mobility at different depths calculated from theory closely matched the measured mobility. Local bulk mobility values for different AlGaN compositions were found, and the electron mobility in AlGaN as a function of alloy composition was deduced. These were found to match with theoretical calculations

    In Situ Recrystallization of Co-Evaporated Cu(In,Ga)Se\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Thin Films by Copper Chloride Vapor Treatment Towards Solar Cell Applications

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    Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (or CIGS) thin films and devices were fabricated using a modified three-stage process. Using high deposition rates and a low temperature during the process, a copper chloride vapor treatment was introduced in between the second and third stages to enhance the films properties. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy demonstrate that drastic changes occur after this recrystallization process, yielding films with much larger grains. Secondary ion mass spectrometry shows that the depth profile of many elements is not modified (such as Cu, In and Se) while others change dramatically (such as Ga and Na). Because of the competing effects of these changes, not all parameters of the solar cells are enhanced, yielding an increase of 15% in the device efficiency at the most
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