944 research outputs found

    Variability for Qualitative and Quantitative Traits in Glory Lily (Gloriosa superba L.)

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    Glory lily (Gloriosa superba L.) is one of the major medicinal plants of India cultivated for its seeds which are exported to developed countries for pharmaceutical use. Identifying germplasm is an important component for efficient and effective management of plant genetic resources. Variability for qualitative and quantitative traits was investigated in 18 genotypes of G. superba collected from different regions of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. For qualitative traits, these genotypes were subjected to diversity analysis based on NBPGR descriptors. Fourteen qualitative and twenty quantitative traits of G. superba were evaluated to assess morphological variations among the genotypes collected. In qualitative traits, a large number of genotypes of the 18 clustered together, at 77% similarity in two clusters. Dendrogram constructed on the basis of twenty quantitative traits for the same set of genotypes did not reveal any clear pattern in grouping, and the genotypes were grouped into seven different clusters. Cluster analysis based on qualitative and quantitative traits revealed a different group of genotypes for each of the data-set. This clearly indicated that less variation existed between genotypes with respect to morphological traits. These easily observable morphological traits are useful tools for preliminary evaluation, because, they offer a fast and reliable approach for assessing extent of diversity in G. superba genotypes

    Estimation of Anti-hepatic Viral Compounds in Phyllanthus amarus in vitro Cultures

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    Phyllanthus amarus Schum. and Thonn (Euphorbiaceae) is recognized commonly as 'Bhumyamlaki' in the Indian system of medicine and has been traditionally used for treating a variety of ailments, including hepatic disorders. Anti-hepatic viral compounds such as phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin were evaluated in different types of in vitro cultures of Phyllanthus amarus by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Among the cultures, in vitro plantlets regenerating from the nodal segment recorded higher amounts of phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin

    Ginsparg-Wilson relation and the overlap formula

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    The fermionic determinant of a lattice Dirac operator that obeys the Ginsparg-Wilson relation factorizes into two factors that are complex conjugate of each other. Each factor is naturally associated with a single chiral fermion and can be realized as a overlap of two many body vacua.Comment: 4 pages, plain tex, no figure

    Analyzing Variability in Coleus forskohlii Briq. Using RAPD Markers

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    Coleus forskohlii Briq. is an indigenous medicinal plant with high traditional use in India. Genetic analysis of 37 diverse C. forskohlii genotypes was performed using 25 RAPD primers, which yielded 117 bands, of which 60 (51.28%) were polymorphic providing an average of 3.75 bands per primer. There were no genotype-specific products. The number of bands per primer varied from 1 (OPZ 8&16) to 7 (OPZ 11). Similarity matrix was constructed using Jaccard's Coefficient and the data matrix of coefficient of similarity was subjected to cluster analysis using unweighted pair group methodology with arithmetic average (UPGMA). Cluster analysis resulted in grouping of 37 genotypes into two major clusters. The results indicated that RAPD could be used for genetic diversity analysis in C. forskohlii using higher number of primers as it is reliable, easy, rapid and cost-effective


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    Critical review on polyurethane hybrid nano composite paper gives knowledge on its techniques and their applications. In addition to the scientific framework for the advancement in the polymer matrix hybrid nano composite research, the critical review provides an ample discussion on technology, characterization, processing and its applications on polyurethane hybrid nano composites

    Investigating the Impacts of Cyber-Attacks on Pricing Data of Home Energy Management Systems in Demand Response Programs

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    © 2018 IEEE. Provision of security involves protecting lives and properties, and properties in this context include data and services. This paper investigates the impact of cyber-attacks on load scheduling applications by simulating various possible modes for these attacks while observing possible effects on the users. The attack modes used are in the form of denial of service (DoS) and phishing attacks whereby the attacker is able to interfere with data intake to the Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) or a modification of critical data to the HEMS. The dynamic pricing information and load profile data is the target here although other types of data utilized by the central controller for load scheduling purposes can also be targeted. The test-bed uses load scheduling applications based on genetic algorithm optimization. Results show the impact on optimized load profiles and how they can discourage active demand response participation if such attacks are not properly managed.Published versio

    Impact of pollination strategies on fruit set and fruit growth attributes in jasmine

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    Jasmine occupies predominant position among the flower crops in India in terms of area, production and productivity. The demand for jasmine flowers is growing day by day owing to its wide range of uses and there is a pressing need for improving the crop by exploring strategies to evolve diverse genotypes. The present study focuses on the hybridization of Jasminum spp with the objective of introgression of desirable traits that would aid in creation of wider genetic variability. Pollination is the basis in any hybridization programme. The main aim of this research study was to determine the suitable pollination methods among self, open and cross pollination and to assess the effect of the pollination methods on the fruit set and fruit characteristics. The results of the study revealed that the overall response of J. auriculatum was found effective with maximum fruit set percentage. J. auriculatum cv Parimullai yielded the highest fruit set of 76.43% under open pollination and the least fruit set rate of 2.14% under self-pollination. Among the possible cross combination involving J. auriculatum and J. grandiflorum cultivars as seed parents with various pollen parents, J. flexile showed considerable results. Cross combination of J. auriculatum x J. flexile recorded maximum fruit set revealing best cross compatibility while crosses involving J. sambac resulted in no fruit set indicating the prevalence of fertilization barriers that hinder hybridization