70 research outputs found

    Symbolic Exploration of Transition Hierarchies

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    In formal design verification, successful model checking is typically preceded by a laborious manual process of constructing design abstractions. We present a methodology for partially - and in some cases, fully - bypassing the abstraction process. For this purpose, we provide to the designer abstraction operators which, if used judiciously in the description of a design, structure the corresponding state space hierarchically. This structure can then be exploited by verification tools, and makes possible the automatic and exhaustive exploration of state spaces that would otherwise be out of scope for existing model checkers. Specifically, we present the following contributions: - A temporal abstraction operator that aggregates transitions and hides intermediate steps. Mathematically, our abstraction operator is a function that maps a flat transition system into a two-level hierarchy where each atomic upper-level transition expands into an entire lower-level transition system. For example, an arithmetic operation may expand to a sequence of bit operations. - A BDD-based algorithm for the symbolic exploration of multi-level hierarchies of transition systems. The algorithm traverses a level-n transition by expanding the corresponding level-(n-1) transition system on-the-fly. The level-n successors of a state are determined by computing a level-(n-1) reach set, which is then immediately released from memory. In this fashion, we can exhaustively explore hierarchically structured state spaces whose flat counterparts cause memory overflows. - We experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of our method with three examples - a multiplier, a cache coherence protocol, and a multiprocessor system. In the first two examples, we obtain significant improvements in run times and peak BDD sizes over traditional state-space search. The third example cannot be model checked at all using conventional methods (without manual abstractions), but can be analyzed fully automatically using transition hierarchies

    A Provably Correct Sampler for Probabilistic Programs

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    Bebop: A Symbolic Model Checker for Boolean Programs

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    We present the design, implementation and empirical evaluation of Bebop -- a symbolic model checker for boolean programs. Bebop represents control flow explicitly, and sets of states implicitly using BDDs. By harnessing the inherent modularity in procedural abstraction and exploiting the locality of variable scoping, Bebop is able to model check boolean programs with several thousand lines of code, hundreds of procedures, and several thousand variables in a few minutes

    Enforcing Object Protocols by Combining Static and Runtime Analysis

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    In this paper, we consider object protocols that constrain interactions between objects in a program. Several such protocols have been proposed in the literature [3, 9, 6, 5]. For many APIs (such as JDOM [23], JDBC [22]), API designers constrain how API clients interact with API objects. In practice, API clients violate such constraints, as evidenced by postings in discussion forums for these APIs. Thus, it is important that API designers specify constraints using appropriate object protocols and enforce them. The goal of an object protocol is expressed as a protocol invariant. Fundamental properties such as ownership can be expressed as protocol invariants. We present a language, PROLANG, to specify object protocols along with their protocol invariants, and a tool, INVCOP++, to check if a program satisfies a protocol invariant. INVCOP++ separates the problem of checking if a protocol satisfies its protocol invariant (called protocol correctness), from the problem of checking if a program conforms to a protocol (called program conformance). The former is solved using static analysis, and the latter using runtime analysis. Due to this separation (1) errors made in protocol design are detected at a higher level of abstraction, independent of the program's source code, and (2) performance of conformance checking is improved as protocol correctness has been verified statically. We present theoretical guarantees about the way we combine static and runtime analysis, and empirical evidence that our tool INVCOP++ finds usage errors in widely used APIs. We also show that statically checking protocol correctness greatly optimizes the overhead of checking program conformance, thus enabling API clients to test whether their programs use the API as intended by the API designe

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    Abstract. We have implemented a contract checker for asynchronous, message-passing applications to check that service implementations con-form to behavioural contracts. Our contract checker is based on a process algebraic theory of conformance and is implemented on top of a software model checker, Zing. The purpose of this paper is to explain the model construction implemented by our contract checker and how it is related to a mathematical theory of conformance. In addition, we point out cur-rent and future research directions in model construction for conformance checking in the presence of channel-passing.

    An Empirical Study of Optimizations in YOGI

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    Though verification tools are finding industrial use, the utility of engineering optimizations that make them scalable and usable is not widely known. Despite the fact that several optimizations are part of folklore in the communities that develop these tools, no rigorous evaluation of these optimizations has been done before. We describe and evaluate several engineering optimizations implemented in the Yogi property checking tool, including techniques to pick an initial abstraction, heuristics to pick predicates for refinement, optimizations for interprocedural analysis, and optimizations for testing. We believe that our empirical evaluation gives the verification community useful information about which optimizations they could implement in their tools, and what gains they can realistically expect from these optimizations

    Runtime Monitoring of Object Invariants with Guarantee

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    High level design decisions are never captured formally in programs and are often violated as programs evolve. In this paper, we focus on design decisions in which an object o works correctly only if another object p is in some specific states. Such decisions can be specified as the object invariant of o. The invariant of o must hold when control is not inside any of o’s methods (i.e. when o is in a steady state). From discussion forums on widely used APIs, it is clear that there are many instances where o’s invariant is violated by the programmer inadvertently changing the state of p when o is in a steady state. Typically, o and p are objects exposed by the API, and the programmer (who is the user of the API), unaware of the dependency between o and p, calls a method of p in such a way that o’s invariant is violated. The fact that the violation occurred is detected much later, when a method of o is called again, and it is difficult to determine exactly where such violations occur. We propose a runtime verification scheme which guarantees that when o is in a steady state, any violation of o’s invariant is detected exactly where it occurs. This is done by tracking dependencies automatically and validating whether a state change of an object p breaks the invariant of any object o that depends on p. We demonstrate that our tool InvCOP, which implements this scheme, can accurately pinpoint violations of invariants involving multiple objects that were reported in discussion forums on widely used APIs