12 research outputs found

    Nature’s nations: the shared conservation history of Canada and the USA

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    Historians often study the history of conservation within the confines of national borders, concentrating on the bureaucratic and political manifestations of policy within individual governments. Even studies of the popular expression of conservationist ideas are generally limited to the national or sub-national (province, state, etc.) scale. This paper suggests that conservationist discourse, policy and practice in Canada and the USA were the products of a significant cross-border movement of ideas and initiatives derived from common European sources. In addition, the historical development of common approaches to conservation in North America suggests, contrary to common assumptions, that Canada did not always lag behind the USA in terms of policy innovation. The basic tenets of conservation (i.e. state control over resource, class-based disdain for subsistence hunters and utilitarian approaches to resource management) have instead developed at similar time periods and along parallel ideological paths in Canada and the USA

    Obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance

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    Casca de café em dietas para vacas em lactação: balanço de compostos nitrogenados e síntese de proteína microbiana Coffee hulls in diet of lactating dairy cows: nitrogen balance and microbial protein synthesis

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    Avaliaram-se o balanço de compostos nitrogenados e a síntese de proteína microbiana (PBmic) de vacas alimentadas com dietas contendo diferentes níveis de casca de café (0,0; 8,75; 17,5 e 26,25% da MS, correspondentes a 0,0; 3,5; 7,0 e 10,5% de casca de café na MS total da dieta) em substituição ao milho na ração concentrada. Foram utilizadas 12 vacas da raça Holandesa com produção média de leite de 23,4 kg. A síntese de PBmic foi estimada utilizando-se os derivados de purinas na urina e no leite. Amostras de urina spot dos animais foram coletadas aproximadamente 4 horas após a alimentação da manhã. A análise de regressão não detectou efeito dos níveis de casca de café sobre o consumo de nitrogênio total (441,3 g.dia) e a excreção de N na urina (190,8 g/dia) e no leite (114,7 g/dia). A casca de café aumentou a excreção de N nas fezes e promoveu balanço de N negativo. As excreções de alantoína na urina (294,6 mmol/dia), alantoína no leite (21,3 mmol/dia), ácido úrico na urina (42,3 mmol/dia) e de derivados de purinas totais (358,2 mmol/dia) e a síntese de proteína microbiana (266,3 g/dia) não foram influenciadas pela adição de casca de café. Todavia, a casca de café não alterou a eficiência de síntese de PBmic, estimada em 136,8 g de PBmic/kg de nutrientes digestíveis totais.<br>The effects of replacing ground corn with coffee hulls on N balance and microbial protein synthesis of lactating dairy cows were evaluated in this trial. Twelve crossbred Holstein-Zebu cows yielding on average 23.4 kg/day of milk were used. The microbial protein synthesis was estimated by excretion of purine derivatives in urine and milk. Animas were fed diets containing the following coffee hulls levels (% DM): 0.0, 3.5, 7.0 or 10.5%. Spot urine samples were collected approximately 4 hours post-feeding. Regression analysis showed no effects of dietary coffee hulls levels on total nitrogen intake (441.3 g/day) and excretion of urine N (190.8 g/day) and milk N (114.7 g/day). However, feeding coffee hulls to lactating dairy cows increased fecal N excretion resulting in negative N balance. The increased dietary levels of coffee hulls did not affect excretions of milk allantoin (294.6 mmol/day), urinary allantoin (21.3 mmol/day), uric acid (42.3 mmol/day), and purine derivatives (358.2 mmol/day). Microbial protein synthesis estimated by urinary excretion of purine derivatives averaged 266.3 g/day and did not differ across diets. In addition, efficiency of microbial protein synthesis averaged 136.8 g of microbial N per kg/TDN and also did not differ among diets

    Neuroendocrine Control of Food Intake

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