39 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Kepemimpinan dalam Organisasi: Analisis Konsep dan Amalan dalam Tiga Organisasi Terpilih

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang mendalam dan menyeluruh tentang konsep dan amalan komunikasi kepemimpinan dalam tiga organisasi pengurusan kualiti terpilih. Oleh yang demikian, pendekatan penyelidikan kualitatif paling sesuai dan telah digunakan untuk mencapai objektif kajian ini. Kriteria lokasi kajian adalah organisasi yang telah memperoleh anugerah persijilan MS ISO 9000 antara tahun 1994 hingga 2002 di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan Shah Alam, Selangor daripada SIRIM Berhad. Manakala, informan kajian terdiri daripada tujuh orang pengurusan atasan dan sembilan orang kakitangan bawahan yang dipilih secara persampelan bertujuan (purposive sampling) dan pemilihan informan dilakukan melalui snowball selection method. Penemuan kajian kes ini menunjukkan pemlmpm atasan perlu mengamalkan kepelbagaian kemahiran komunikasi termasuk komunikasi secara atas ke bawah (downward communication), komunikasi bawah ke atas (upward communication), dan komunikasi mendatar (horizontal communication) untuk meningkatkan tahap komunikasi kepemimpinan dengan kakitangan bawahan dalam organisasi mereka. Selain itu, pemimpin atasan juga perlu menggunakan komunikasi formal dan tidak formal, komunikasi intrapersonal dan interpersonal, serta media dan komunikasi teknologi maklumat (lCT) kerana ia merupakan kemahiran yang penting kepada kedua-dua pihak dalam organisasi. Pemimpin juga harus mempelbagaikan strategi dan gaya komunikasi kepemimpinan dalam organisasi termasuk mengamalkan strategi memahamkan visi, misi dan objektif organisasi kepada kakitangan bawahan. Seterusnya, pemimpin juga perlu bijak menggunakan strategi penyelesaian masalah dan membuat keputusan dengan meningkatkan motivasi dan psikologi, dan mengatasi halangan komunikasi dalam organisasi mereka. Ini kerana kemampuan seseorang pemimpin atasan bergantung kepada pemahamannya tentang situasi organisasi termasuk memahami kepentingan imej peribadi, kewibawaan, dan kuasa serta memahami budaya, sikap, dan nilai di kalangan kakitangan bawahan mereka. Penemuan kajian kes ini membuktikan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kepemimpinan transformasi dan pengurusan altruistik dalam Islam, pemimpin dapat meningkatkan kualiti dan kepuasan pelanggan, serta memastikan pengekalan anugerah MS ISO 9000 dalam organisasi mereka. Kesimpulannya, pemimpin atasan yang mengamalkan komunikasi kepemimpinan dalam organisasi dapat berinteraksi dengan kakitangan bawahan mereka dengan lebih efektif dengan mempelbagaikan kemahiran komunikasi, menggunakan strategi dan gaya komunikasi kepemimpinan yang bijak, dan memahami situasi organisasi mereka

    Pembinaan indeks perlakuan melepak dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya di kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di Negeri Johor

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti 1) faktor- faktor dominan (peranan ibu bapa, sekolahdan rakan) yang mempengaruhi perlakuan melepak 2)indeks perlakuan melepak di kalangan pelajarsekolah menengah 3) hubungan antara perlakuan melepak dengan peranan ibu bapa, sekolah dan rakan dan4) perbezaan antara perlakuan melepak dengan jantina,lokasi tempat kediaman,lokasi sekolah. Seramai386 pelajar telah dipilih dari enam buah sekolah menengah negeri Johor. Satu set soal selidik yangmengandungi tiga bahagian, iaitu latar belakang responden, faktor- faktor dominan dan tahap perlakuanmelepak telah digunakan. Bahagian B dan C soalan soal selidik masing-masing mempunyaikebolehpercayaanÎą= 0.7675 dan 0.6047. Program SPSS versi 11.5 telah digunakan untuk menganalisisdata. Statistik deskriptif (kekerapan, peratus, min dan sisihan piawai) digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi perlakuan melepak dan tahap perlakuan melepak. Manakala Statistikinferensi seperti ujian-t digunakan untuk menganalisisperbezaan perlakuan melepak dengan jantina, lokasitempat kediaman dan lokasi sekolah. Korelasi Pearson digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan perlakuanmelepak dengan peranan ibu bapa, sekolah dan rakan.Analisis dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa 1)indeks perlakuan melepak adalah 34.4 2) terdapat hubungan yang negatif antara perlakuan melepak denganperanan ibu bapa, sekolah dan rakanpada aras signifikan r = 0.01 3)tidak terdapat perbezaan yangsignifikan antara perlakuan melepak dengan jantina, lokasi sekolah, lokasi sekolah pada aras signifikan p =0.05.(kata kunci: peranan ibu bapa, peranan sekolah, peranan rakan sebaya, jantina, lokasi tempat kediaman,lokasi sekolah dan indeks perlakuan melepak)


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    Understanding developing the effectiveness entrepreneurial leadership styles were important for theoretical and practical reasons because Bumiputera technopreneurial leaders were the individual that need to lead small and medium industries (SMIs) in today‟s innovative and dynamic market in Melaka. The objective of this study was to examine the developing effective entrepreneurial leadership styles in impoving SMIs manufacturing bumiputera technopreneurs performance in Melaka. The research had identified the certain personality traits, behaviors, competencies technopreneurial leaders. There were positive and significant relationship between entrepreneurial leadership styles namely transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style and charismatic style with entrepreneurial leaders‟ personality traits, entrepreneurial leaders‟ behaviours, entrepreneurial leaders‟ competencies, entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring companies‟ operation and entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring companies‟ performance. The analysis shown that Bumiputera technopreneurial leaders and entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring operation and performance among the Bumiputera can use it‟s to evaluate SMIs success and ventures success. Also practitioners of high-risk lending may be interested in methods of assessing entrepreneurial leadership that can be introduced into their risk calculus and potentially improve the likelihood of higher returns of their venture in investments. Thus, charismatic leadership style was found most highly related to entrepreneurial leaders‟ personality traits, entrepreneurial leaders‟ behaviours, entrepreneurial leaders‟ competencies, entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring companies‟ operation and entrepreneurial leaders‟ monitoring companies‟ performance followed by transactional leadership style and transformational leadership style. The conclusion, the research had provide insights for team building in executives‟ teams of SMIs, for example providing guidance in finding team members that can make unique contributions via their personality traits, behaviors, competencies and ways to monitor SMIs operation and performance. Suggestions of the research can be used as a guide to present and future SMIs technopreneurs regarding developing the effectiveness entrepreneurial leadership style that have to be practiced to become successful Bumiputera technopreneurial leader in Melaka

    Persepsi pelajar kemahiran hidup terhadap tingkatan dua terhadap keberkesanan pengajaran kemahiran hidup di Sekolah Menengah Seberang Perai Selatan Pulau Pinang

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    Kajian deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Persepsi Pelajar Kemahiran Hidup Tingkatan Dua Terhadap Keberkesanan Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup Di Sekolah Menengah. Seramai 280 orang responden yang dipilih adalah berdasarkan kaedah persampelan rawak kelompok di tujuh buah sekolah menengah sekitar daerah Seberang Perai Selatan, Pulau Pinang. Kajian rintis telah dijalankan untuk melihat ketekalan dalaman dan kebolehpercayaan instrumen dengan menggunakan Alpha Cronbach. Nilai kebolehpercayaan Alpha Cronbach bagi keseluruhan set soalan ini adalah 0.8172. Satu set borang soal selidik yang mengandungi bahagian A (demografi responden) dan bahagian B ( Soalan yang berkaitan pembolehubah ) telah digunakan. Data-data yang diperoleh diproses dan dianalisa dengan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 11.0 ( Statistical Packages For Social Science ). Statistik deskriptif seperti frekuensi, min dan sisihan piawai digunakan untuk mengenal pasti tahap keberkesanan berdasarkan beberapa pembolehubah yang ada dan yang paling dominan serta mengenal pasti tahap keberkesanan pengajaran mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup di sekolah menengah. Manakala statistik inferensi seperti Ujian-t telah digunakan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan (p=0.702>Îą 0.05 ), kemahiran (p=0.099), sikap (p=0.359 ) dan pengajaran guru (p=0.534 > Îą 0.05 ) dengan jantina pelajar. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa pengetahuan guru adalah aspek yang paling dominan, berbanding aspek yang lain berdasarkan kesemua pembolehubah yang ada. Analisis korelasi Pearson pula telah digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan kolerasi, dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan, kemahiran, sikap dan pengajaran guru dengan keputusan peperiksaan akhir tahun KH tingkatan satu. Oleh itu, beberapa cadangan dikemukakan dalam kajian ini. Antaranya ialah kajian dari segi peruntukan (Bahan dan alatan, ABM, bekalan Note book, bebanan kerja guru KH ) yang boleh meningkatkan lagi keberkesanan pengajaran mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup sekolah menengah di masa akan datang

    The Importance of Total Quality Management and Leadership Communication to Enhance Islamic Quality at Malaysian Civil Service

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    In the leadership communication styles, most of the middle management positions such as managers, assistant managers and those at executives’ level are practicing good leadership communication via enhancing the Islamic quality at Malaysian Public Service. A two-way communication does exist among the staff especially in meetings, discussions and working in team. A good leadership communication among the staff and their involvement are important in Malaysian Civil Service in order to achieve the total quality management objective. Reason being is that the leadership communication is the most important tool and vital part in all organisational operations. Leadership communication could be the basis for understanding, cooperation, teamwork and positive action, which without it such goals would be undermined at Malaysian Civil Service. Two-way communication gives more opportunities to the staff to be involved in discussions and meetings which create the spirit of togetherness in the organisation. The Total Quality Management (TQM) has positively affected job satisfaction, the employees' ability to work together, improve the staff work and builds leadership communication at Malaysian Public Service. Obviously, provide a significance relationship between leadership communication and quality management in Islamic perspectives on job satisfaction among the staff at Malaysian Public Service. Keywords: Total Quality Management


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    The role of service quality in the success of hotel businesses cannot be denied. It is vital for the hotel managers to have a good understanding on what exactly the customers want. Furthermore there also had been concerns that service quality dimensions may differ from one country to another. Hence this study intends to analyze the service quality dimensions in increasing customer satisfaction by conducting comparative study between three star hotels and resorts in Melaka, Malaysia to identify which service quality dimensions are significant in both type of establishment, to identify whether there are any differences regarding the perceived dimensions and to find out which dimensions are the best predictor of overall service quality. Probability sampling techniques were used to collect data from the modified SERVQUAL instruments. SPSS 16.0 for Windows was employed for the data analysis. Descriptive analysis such as means, standard deviation and frequencies are calculated. Reliability issues are tested and dimensionality of the scale is confirmed through an exploratory factor analysis. Finally, regression models were developed and analyzed for both type of establishments. Factor analysis confirmed the five-dimensional structure of SERVQUAL both in hotel and resort category; however, some of the dimensions found and their components were different from the original SERVQUAL. Results of regression analysis revealed that four dimensions were significant in determining overall service quality in hotel category while only one dimension were significant in determining overall service quality in resort category. The study concluded that identifying the perceptions of customers, the dimensions of service quality, and their relative importance for customers for each specific segment of the hotel industry would definitely help managers in the challenge of increasing customer satisfaction between Hotel and Resort in Melaka. Keywords: effectiveness, SERVQUAL dimensions, increasing, customer satisfactio

    A retrospective study of ranula in two centres in Malaysia

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    Introduction: Ranula is a mucous extravasation cyst which occurs as a result of trauma or obstruction of the sublingual or minor salivary gland or the duct itself. Patients and results: 14 patients were seen at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur and Hospital Tunku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Malaysia between 2000 to 2006. There were six cases of intra-oral ranula and eight plunging ranula. Twelve patients underwent surgical intervention while two refused surgery. Four patients (33.3%) from those who had surgical intervention returned with recurrence; two (16.7%) had marsupialization and the other two (16.7%) had excision of the pseudocyst intraorally. Conclusion: Excision and marsupialization remain as the treatment of choice in our centres

    Using Transmissibility And Vibration Power Flow Methods To Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Elastomeric Mounts For Vibration And Noise Control

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental evaluation of elastomeric mounts used to isolate vibration from a block (representing a powertrain) to a structure test rig (representing a vehicle structure). Four types of elastomeric mounts were considered, where three of them are from green material natural rubber (SMR CV60, ENR50 and DPNR) and one from petroleum based synthetic rubber (EPDM). Measurement of the dynamic stiffness and loss factor of these elastomers were initially performed. Dynamic stiffness and loss factor were measured in the axial direction for a range of frequency between 5 Hz and 150 Hz at with a dynamic amplitude of 0.2 mm (p-p). Shaker excitation using random vibration signal in the frequency range of 10 Hz to 150 Hz at constant force magnitude was applied to the block in order to quantity the effectiveness of the elastomeric mounts. Measured vibration amplitudes in the axial direction on both sides of each mount were used to calculate the transmissibility and vibration power flow. Sound radiation from a plate attached to the structure test rig was also measured to evaluate the elastomeric mounts contribution to structure-borne noise. The results from transmissibility showed that vibration was high on EPDM, particularly in the ranges 25 to 35 Hz, 60 to 80 Hz and 100 to 120 Hz. ENR50 ability to reduce or damped the amplitude at resonance was found to be the best as compared to the other elastomers. The to- tal vibration power flow was observed to be highest on ENR50 followed by EPDM. The high transmissibility on EPDM was due to its high dynamic stiffness and low loss factor. The larger total vibration power flow on ENR50 was attributed to its high dynamic stiffness and high loss factor


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    Understanding effectiveness entrepreneurial leadership styles were important for theoretical and practical reasons because Bumiputera technopreneurial leaders were the individual that need to lead small and medium industries (SMIs) in today’s innovative and dynamic market in Melaka. The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of entrepreneurial leadership styles in impoving SMIs manufacturing bumiputera technopreneurs performance in Melaka. The research had identified the certain personality traits, behaviors, competencies technopreneurial leaders. There were positive and significant relationship between entrepreneurial leadership styles namely transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style and charismatic style with entrepreneurial leaders’ personality traits, entrepreneurial leaders’ behaviours, entrepreneurial leaders’ competencies, entrepreneurial leaders’ monitoring companies’ operation and entrepreneurial leaders’ monitoring companies’ performance. The analysis shown that Bumiputera technopreneurial leaders and entrepreneurial leaders’ monitoring operation and performance among the Bumiputera can use it’s to evaluate SMIs success and ventures success. Also practitioners of high-risk lending may be interested in methods of assessing entrepreneurial leadership that can be introduced into their risk calculus and potentially improve the likelihood of higher returns of their venture in investments. Thus, charismatic leadership style was found most highly related to entrepreneurial leaders’ personality traits, entrepreneurial leaders’ behaviours, entrepreneurial leaders’ competencies, entrepreneurial leaders’ monitoring companies’ operation and entrepreneurial leaders’ monitoring companies’ performance followed by transactional leadership style and transformational leadership style. The conclusion, the research had provide insights for team building in executives’ teams of SMIs, for example providing guidance in finding team members that can make unique contributions via their personality traits, behaviors, competencies and ways to monitor SMIs operation and performance. Suggestions of the research can be used as a guide to present and future SMIs technopreneurs regarding entrepreneurial leadership style that have to be practiced to become successful Bumiputera technopreneurial leader in Melaka.Keywords: effectiveness, entrepreneurial leadership styles, improving, SMI Manufacturing Bumiputera Technopreneurs, performance, Melak