2,040 research outputs found

    Neutrino Mass Matrices with Two Vanishing Elements/Cofactors

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    We study the phenomenological implications of the recent neutrino data for class B of two texture zeros and two vanishing cofactors for Majorana neutrinos in the flavor basis. We find that classes B1B_{1}(B2B_2) of two texture zeros and classes B5B_5(B6B_6) of two vanishing cofactors have similar predictions for neutrino oscillation parameters for the same mass hierarchy. Similar predictions for classes B3B_3(B4B_4) of two texture zeros and classes B3B_3(B4B_4) of two vanishing cofactors are expected. However, a preference for a shift in the quadrant of the Dirac-type CP violating phase(δ\delta) in contrast to the earlier analysis has been predicted for a relatively large value of the reactor neutrino mixing angle(θ13\theta_{13}) for class B of two texture zeros and two vanishing cofactors for an inverted mass spectrum. No such shift in the quadrant of δ\delta has been found for the normal mass spectrum.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures and 3 table

    Učinak dodataka biotina i cinka na zdravlje papaka i kvalitetu mlijeka mliječnih krava

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    The objective of this field study was to evaluate the effect of biotin and zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) supplementation on hoof health and milk quality in lactating dairy cows. Clinically lame (n = 31) and healthy (n = 28) cows were selected on the basis of locomotion scores (LS), and were randomly assigned to either the ‘treatment group’ [clinically lame treatment (CLT) = 17 and healthy treatment (HT) = 15; supplemented with 1 g of 2% biotin and 4 g of ZnSO4 daily for 4 mo] or the ‘control group’ [clinically lame control (CLC) = 14 and healthy control (HC) = 13]. Locomotion scores, body condition scores, and milk quality and yield were estimated before and after the end of the study. Also, hoof trimming was undertaken before and after the supplementation period, and claw lesions were observed for type and severity. Sole thickness (ST) was measured by ultrasonography in some of the back claws in treatment and control cows. Data were analyzed using likelihood ratio Chi-square and paired t tests. At the end of the study, there was a significant improvement in the LS (P<0.001); heel horn erosion score (P<0.05); overgrown sole score (P<0.001); and sole haemorrhage score (P<0.01) in the CLT cows. Some of these lesion scores deteriorated in the HC cows. Sole thickness increased in the CLT cows (P<0.05), whereas it decreased in the CLC cows (P<0.05). The milk somatic cell count (SCC) decreased (P<0.05), whereas milk yield (P<0.001) and fat content (P<0.05) increased in the CLT cows. A significant decline in the average SCC (P<0.05) in the HT was also observed. We concluded that concurrent supplementation with biotin and ZnSO4 seems to be beneficial for correction and prevention of claw lesions, as well as improvement of milk quantity and quality in clinically lame dairy cows.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinak dodataka biotina i cinkova sulfata (ZnSO4) na zdravlje papaka i kvalitetu mlijeka u mliječnih krava. Klinička hrome (n = 31) i zdrave krave (n = 28) odabrane su na temelju ocjene pokretljivosti (LS) te su slučajnim odabirom podijeljene u pokusnu i kontrolnu skupinu. Pokusnu skupinu činile su klinički hrome (CLT, n = 17) i zdrave (HT, n = 15) krave kojima je u hranu dodan 1 g 2 %-tnog biotina i 4 g ZnSO4 dnevno tijekom 4 mjeseca, Kontrolnu skupinu činile su hrome krave (CLC, n = 14 i zdrave krave (HC, n = 13). Pokretljivost, tjelesna kondicija te kvaliteta i količina mlijeka procijenjeni su prije i nakon završetka istraživanja. Također, prije i poslije dodavanja dodataka hrani provedena je kirurška obrada papaka te je promatrana vrsta i težina oštećenja papaka. Debljina tabana (ST) stražnjih papaka nekih krava mjerena je ultrazvučno u pokusnoj i kontrolnoj skupini. Podaci su analizirani omjerom vjerodostojnosti hi-kvadrat testa i parnog t-testa. Na kraju istraživanja uočen je znakovit napredak LS-a (P < 0,001); vjerodostojnosti hi-kvadrat testa i parnog t-testa. Neke su se od tih ocjena oštećenja pogoršale u krava u HC skupini krava. Debljina tabana povećala se u krava u pokusnoj skupini (P < 0,05), dok je u krava u kontrolnoj skupini smanjena (P < 0,05). Broj somatskih stanica u mlijeku (SCC) smanjen je (P < 0,05), dok su prinos mlijeka (P < 0,001) i sadržaj masti (P < 0,05) povećani u krava u pokusnoj skupini. Također, utvrđeno je znakovito smanjenje prosječnog broja SCC-a (P < 0,05) u zdravih krava u pokusnoj skupini. Zaključeno je da bi istodobno dodavanje biotina i cinkova sulfata u hranu moglo biti korisno u korekciji i prevenciji oštećenja papaka kao što bi moglo pridonijeti količini i kvaliteti mlijeka kod klinički hromih mliječnih krava

    Probability Models For Explaining Migration Process From Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India

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    This paper aims to examine the pattern of male out-migration and explains the distribution of households according to number of male migrants aged fifteen and above. The suitability of proposed model is tested with primary data collected from remote and semi-urban areas of Varanasi, 2012. Findings highlight that the average number of clusters from the remote households is higher and the average number of individuals per clusters is lower in comparison to the semi-urban villages. The average number of migrants per household has increased with increasing size of households in the remote as well as in semi-urban villages. The average number of migrants per household is higher among upper caste followed by middle caste, Muslims and scheduled caste from the study area. Average number of migrants per household has increased over six times in the low economic status of the households. In the medium and high economic status of the households, average number of migrants per household is found to be around three and two times more respectively, over the last three decades. The increasing average number of migrants per household portray that an increasing propensity of adult male migration from the study area. Over 2.7 times increase in the average number of migrants per household may be primarily due to increasing man-land ratio in the absence of relative growth in employment opportunities. Thus, the existing imbalances in demand and supply of gainful employment opportunities in the region may be the key to continuously increasing the number of migrants per households from the region

    H-Function and a problem related to a String

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    The aim of this paper is to obtain the solution of a problem related to a String with the help of H–function of one variable

    Morbidity Pattern Among Out-Patients Attending Urban Health Training Centre in Srinagar

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    The current study was designed to identify the morbidity pattern of out-patients attending Urban Health Training Centre in an urban area of a medical college in Srinagar, Pauri Garhwal district, Uttarakhand, North India. The present study record-based retrospective study was conducted among the out-patients attending the regular clinic at the Urban Health Training Centre, of a medical college in Srinagar city of Uttarakhand State of North India during the study period of one year in 2014. Data was retrieved from the OPD registers maintained at the clinic. Data was collected pertaining to socio-demographic profile, morbidity details and treatment pattern. Diseases were identified using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) code. Descriptive analysis was done. During the study period, a total of 9343 subjects attended the OPD. Among them, majority of them (60%) were females. More than half (56 %) belonged to the age group of 35-65 year age-group. The association of disease classification was found to be statistically significant with respect to gender. The leading morbidity of communicable disease was found to be certain infectious and parasitic diseases especially Typhoid whereas musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders were the most common cause among morbidity due to NCDs. Out of all, typhoid was found to cause maximum of morbidity among the subjects. The present study highlights the morbidity pattern of communicable and NCDs among the population of hilly areas of Garhwal, Uttarakhand India. Priority should be preferred for the regular tracking of diseases in terms of preventive and promotive aspects. Morbidity in the out- door clinics reflects the emerging trend of mixed disease spectrum burden comprising communicable and non-communicable diseases

    Evidence of mobile carriers with Charge Ordering gap in Epitaxial Pr0.625_{0.625}Ca0.375_{0.375}MnO3_{3} Thin Films

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    Epitaxial thin films of charge-ordered Pr0.625_{0.625}Ca0.375_{0.375}MnO3_{3} have been studied using variable temperature Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS). The as grown films were found to be granular while the annealed films show atomic terraces at all temperatures and are found to be electronically homogeneous in 78-300K temperature range. At high temperatures (T>>TCO_{CO}\approx 230 K) the local tunnel spectra of the annealed films show a depression in the density of states (DOS) near Fermi energy implying a pseudogap with a significant DOS at EF_F. The gap feature becomes more robust with cooling with a sharp jump in DOS at EF_F at TCO_{CO} and with a gap value of \sim0.3 eV at 78K. At low temperatures we find a small but finite DOS at EF_F indicative of some delocalized carriers in the CO phase together with an energy gap. This is consistent with bulk transport, which shows weakening of the activation gap with cooling below 200K, and indicates the presence of two types of carriers at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure