239 research outputs found

    Cryptography Using Neural Network

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    The project is aimed to implement artificial neural network method in cryptography. Cryptography is a technique to encrypt simple message into cipher text for secure transmission over any channel. The training of the network has been done using the input output set generated by the cryptosystem, which include shift and RSA ciphers. The training patterns are observed and analyzed by varying the parameters of Levenberg Marquand method and the number of neurons in the hidden layer. Using the converged network, the model is first trained, and one may obtain the desired result with required accuracy. In this respect, simulations are shown to validate the proposed model. As such, the investigation gives an idea to use the trained neural network for encryption and decryption in cryptography

    Improving spectacle wear in school children.

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    Spectacle compliance is low in many school eye health programmes. There are various reasons for this, including that children do not perceive a beneficial improvement in their vision. Accurate visual acuity (VA) measurement, refraction and prescribing based on the degree of improvement in VA can also help

    Applications of Image Processing for Grading Agriculture products

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    Image processing in the context of Computer vision, is one of the renowned topic of computer science and engineering, which has played a vital role in automation. It has eased in revealing unknown fact in medical science, remote sensing, and many other domains. Digital image processing along with classification and neural network algorithms has enabled grading of various things. One of prominent area of its application is classification of agriculture products and especially grading of seed or cereals and its cultivars. Grading and sorting system allows maintaining the consistency, uniformity and depletion of time. This paper highlights various methods used for grading various agriculture products. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15036

    Thyroid Function Abnormalities among Hospital Patients of Hilly Nepal

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    Introduction: Thyroid dysfunction stands as the second most common endocrine disease after diabetes mellitus. National reports on its prevalence are meagre. Hence, the study was conducted with the objective of exploring the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction among hospital patients of hilly region of Nepal. Methods: A hospital based, retrospective, analytical study was conducted in the department of biochemistry, Lumbini Medical College Teaching Hospital (LMCTH) from 15th February 2017 to 30th April 2017. The hospital records of patients from March 2014 to mid-February 2017 with suspected thyroid dysfunction and presented from different departments of hospital were reviewed. Data was entered in Excel 2007 and analysis was done with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-21). Necessary descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was done. P value less than 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. Results: Out of 3136 subjects, 601 (19.2%) were male and 2535 (80.8%) were female with F:M ratio of 4.2:1. Female were more likely to be suspected of thyroid dysfunction. Mean age of male was 39.28 years (SD = 19.01) and that of female was 39.60 years (SD = 14.63). Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was 23.31%. Correlation of log10 TSH with age showed a significant relation (r = -0.05, p = 0.003).  Age group and thyroid function category among female patients was found to be statistically significant (p = 0.01). Conclusion: The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was high in Tansen region, a hilly mid-west Nepal. Female above 40 yrs (post reproductive age) and male above 60 yrs (elderly group) were more prone to thyroid disorders. Also, the study revealed that younger people are more likely to be euthyroid whereas as age advances, people are likely to be either hypothyroid or hyperthyroid. These findings can be a guide for elaborative research in thyroid disorder in future

    Profile of paediatric low vision population: a retrospective study from Nepal.

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood blindness and low vision have become major public health problems in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to categorise the causes of visual impairment according to aetiology and provide detailed local information on visually impaired children seeking low-vision services in a tertiary eye centre in Nepal. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted of all visually impaired children (visual acuity of less than 6/18 in the better eye), aged less than 17 years seen in the low-vision clinic at the Sagarmatha Chaudhary Eye Hospital in Lahan between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2013. RESULTS: Of the 558 visually impaired children, the majority were males, 356 (63.7 per cent). More than half (56.5 per cent) of the children were in the 11 to 16 years age group. Many of the low-vision children (52.9 per cent) were identified as having moderate visual impairment (visual acuity less than 6/18 to 6/60). Most children were diagnosed with childhood (36.2 per cent) or genetic (35.5 per cent) aetiology, followed by prenatal (22.2 per cent) and perinatal (6.1 per cent) aetiologies. Refractive error and amblyopia (20.1 per cent), retinitis pigmentosa (14.9 per cent) and macular dystrophy (13.4 per cent) were the most common causes of paediatric visual impairment. Nystagmus (50.0 per cent) was the most common cause of low vision in the one to five years age group, whereas refractive error and amblyopia were the major causes in the six to 10 and 11 to 16 years age group (17.6 and 22.9 per cent, respectively). Many of the children (86.0 per cent) were prescribed low-vision aids and 72.0 per cent of the low-vision aid users showed an improvement in visual acuity either at distance or near. CONCLUSION: Paediatric low vision has a negative impact on the quality of life in children. Data from this study indicate that knowledge about the local characteristics and aetiological categorisation of the causes of low vision are essential in tackling paediatric visual impairment. The findings also signify the importance of early intervention to ensure a better quality of life

    Role of Ultrasound-Guided Hemidiaphragm Sparing Brachial Plexus Block in the Morbidly Obese Patient

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    Patients with Grade III obesity pose unique challenges to the treating anesthesiologists. The challenges range from difficulty in intravenous cannulation to airway management. Regional anesthesia is advantageous over general anesthesia as it avoids airway manipulation, prevents reduction in functional residual capacity, and provides good postoperative analgesia. Regional anesthesia has its pitfalls like identifying the landmarks accurately and hemi diaphragmatic palsy following brachial plexus block. Hemi diaphragmatic palsy is poorly tolerated in grade III obese patients leading to increased peri-operative morbidity which undermines the advantages of regional over general anesthesia. Ultrasound-guided costoclavicular brachial plexus block(CCBPB) has the benefit of reduced hemi diaphragmatic palsy, avoiding pleural injury, and wider distribution of sensory blockade. Costoclavicular block has been administered to obese patients in the past with great success. We are reporting a successful case of ultrasound-guided costoclavicular brachial plexus block performed in an obese patient with a BMI of 51.56Kg/m2

    I am a Comedian, That’s My Job: The Stand-up Activism of Vir Das

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    In an epoch characterized by rapid digitalization, the proliferation of disinformation, and the deepening schisms within society, the significance of stand-up comedy has assumed unprecedented prominence. Its popularity is burgeoning on a global scale, and concurrently, the Indian comedy landscape has witnessed a remarkable influx of talent over recent decades. Among this exceptional cohort of comedic voices, Vir Das emerges as a prominent figure. Known for his incisive humour, he ventures far beyond light-hearted humour, delving into the heart of pivotal societal issues. This article discusses the profound impact of comedy and satire in catalysing socio-critical transformations through a discerning analysis of select jokes from Vir Das’s repertoire. As such, it is organized into three distinct sections, each contributing to the overarching objective. The initial section offers a concise exploration of the historical evolution of comedy, with a particular focus on its development within the Indian context. Subsequently, the second section delves into the core concept of stand-up comedy as a potent medium for activism, grappling with fundamental questions regarding the gravity and consequential influence of comedic discourse. Lastly, the concluding section meticulously conducts a comprehensive thematic analysis of Vir Das’s body of work, accentuating his pivotal role as a stand-up activist

    In-vitro propagation, organic farming and comparative phytochemical evaluation of Curculigo Orchioides Gaertn. (Musali)

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    Medicinal plants belong to the oldest known health care products that have been used by mankind all over the world in the form of folklore medicine, traditional medicines or ethnic medicines. But due to the over dependence of herbal drug industry on the plant population, wild source became depleted. Several drugs became endangered while some others had been in the verge of extinction. Musali (Curculigo orchioides) is such a plant which is facing a threat of extinction. These plants can be produced by different methods. The main 2 methods for the propagation of plants will come under the following headings viz; Conventional way of propagation and Non-conventional way of propagation (In Vitro propagation). If a small change in climate and temperature is affecting the chemical composition of plants, then obviously there may be chances for change in the same while propagating it through different techniques. In this study the preliminary analytical profile of the three samples were done in order to know whether the organic and In Vitro variety can be replaced with the wild. As Musali (Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.) is a drug used in several formulations and Musali Khadiradi Kashayam is one among the important one used for the reproductive problems. So the formulation also needs to be analysed in order to know whether the variation in cultivation techniques will affect the physicochemical and chromatographic parameters

    A Study on the Anti-Takeover Defence Strategies Used by the Corporates at the Time of Mergers & Acquisitions

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    Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become a common strategy for companies looking to grow and expand their operations. However, the potential benefits of M&A can also attract unwanted attention from potential acquirers, which can lead to hostile takeover attempts. To protect themselves from hostile takeovers, companies often implement anti-takeover defense strategies. Anti-takeover defense strategies refer to a range of defensive tactics that target companies can employ to deter or prevent hostile takeovers. These strategies can take various forms, including structural defenses, governance defenses, and financial defenses. This research paper examines anti-takeover defense strategies in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) using secondary data sources. The paper provides an overview of the various types of anti-takeover defense strategies that are commonly used by companies, including structural, governance, and financial defenses. The paper also analyzes the various anti-takeover defense strategies adopted in protecting shareholder value and limiting competition. The regulatory frameworks governing anti-takeover defense strategies in different jurisdictions are also explored, including the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, and Japan. The findings of this study indicate that the use of anti-takeover defense strategies can be effective in protecting shareholder value, but may also limit competition and potentially result in lower acquisition premiums. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for companies involved in M&A transactions, and the need to balance the protection of shareholder interests with the potential benefits of being an attractive target for acquisition. Overall, this research provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex landscape of anti-takeover defense strategies in M&A transactions, based on secondary data sources. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of the role of anti-takeover defense strategies in M&A transactions and the considerations that must be taken into account by companies when implementing these strategies