8 research outputs found

    Ecofriendly Synthesis of DHPMs using Copper-based Nano catalysts and Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity

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    A new catalytic approach has been developed under microwave irradiation for the multicomponent reaction (MCR) of aromatic aldehydes, urea/thiourea and ethylacetoacetate to give corresponding dihydropyrimidinones (DHPMs) by using CuFe2O4/CuO-CeO2 nanoparticles (NPs) as heterogeneous and recyclable catalysts. 3, 4-Dihydropyrimidin-2(1H) ones/thiones are synthesized in higher yields (80-95 %) and short reaction time (8−10 minutes) at 245 Watts. It is applicable for both types of aromatic aldehydes containing EWS as well as EDS. Further, the synthesized compounds were evaluated for antibacterial activity against E. coli, B. subtilis, B. megaterium, and P. vulgaris. Among the compounds tested, ethyl-6-methyl-2-oxo-4-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidin-5-carboxylate, 4c showed response against B. subtilis, B. megaterium, and P. vulgaris and ethyl-6-methyl-2-oxo-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidin-5-carboxylate, 4h showed –ve response against E. coli, B. subtilis, B. megaterium, and P. vulgaris

    Role of radiological modalities in bone tumors & tumor mimics

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    Imaging bone tumors causes uncertainty,especially outside dedicated sarcoma treatment centres. Conventional radiographs remains the backbone of bone tumor diagnostics, but MR imaging has a role.Radiographs are crucial for assessing tumor matrix and aggressiveness. MR imaging is the best modality for local staging. This article reviews semiological aspects of bone tumors: patient age, tumor localization,pattern of bone destruction,periosteal reaction

    Role of Probiotics in Health Improvement: Adaptations, Advantages and their Uses

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    The probiotics especially lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are usually found in human mucous layers, dairy items and on some plant surfaces. These are assumed to be a basic part for nourishment generation and welfare conservation for human beings. There is an expanding fervor for these species to uncover the numerous possible medical advantages related with them. The activities of LAB’s are depend on species or strain particular, and rely upon the measure of the number of beneficial microscopic organisms accessible in the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics are having beneficial effect on human health therefore, with this paper, probiotics are acknowledged as characteristic way to safeguard nourishment and advance welfare. The paper present to survey the brief and current information regarding probiotics in the safeguarding of nourishments, their role in the gastrointestinal tract, and its medical advantages

    Symbiotic Relationships between Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria and Leguminous Plants Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives: A Review

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    The symbiotic relationships between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and leguminous plants play a Important role in enhancing soil fertility, boosting crop yields, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. The molecular and biochemical mechanisms underpinning these interactions, including signal exchange, root nodule formation, and metabolic integration. The co-evolution of legumes and rhizobia, driven by reciprocal selective pressures, has resulted in highly specialized and efficient symbiotic relationships. Genetic adaptations in legumes, such as the evolution of receptor-like kinases and transcription factors, facilitate the establishment and maintenance of these symbioses. The evolutionary divergence among nitrogen-fixing bacteria, influenced by host specificity and environmental factors, has led to a diverse array of rhizobial strains with varying symbiotic capabilities. Horizontal gene transfer has further contributed to the spread of symbiotic traits, enhancing the adaptability and ecological success of rhizobia. In agricultural contexts, the benefits of symbiotic nitrogen fixation are substantial, reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers and improving soil health. Sustainable practices such as crop rotation, intercropping, and cover cropping with legumes enhance soil nitrogen levels and overall farm productivity. Advances in genetic engineering and biofertilizer technology offer promising avenues to optimize symbiotic efficiency and extend nitrogen-fixing capabilities to non-leguminous crops. Challenges remain, including the need for effective delivery systems for biofertilizers and the variability of symbiotic performance under different environmental conditions. Future research should focus on understanding soil microbial interactions and developing resilient rhizobial strains. By leveraging these natural processes, we can enhance agricultural sustainability, ensuring food security and environmental health for future generations. This comprehensive review underscores the critical importance of nitrogen-fixing symbioses in agriculture and ecosystem management

    Effect of periodic gas-puffs on drift-tearing modes in ADITYA/ADITYA-U tokamak discharges

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    The effect of a periodic train of short gas-puff pulses on the rotation frequency and amplitude of drift-tearing modes has been studied in ADITYA/ADITYA-U tokamak. The short gas puffs, injecting approximately similar to 10(17)-10(18) molecules of fuel gas (hydrogen) at one toroidal location, are found to concomitantly decrease the drift-tearing mode rotation frequency and the mode amplitude during the period of injection and then recover back to its initial values when the gas pulse is over. This leads to a periodic modulation of the rotation frequency and amplitude of the drift-tearing modes that is correlated with the periodicity of the gas pulse injection. The underlying mechanism for this change in the mode characteristic appears to be related to gas puff induced change in the radial profile of the plasma pressure in the edge region that brings about a reduction in the diamagnetic drift frequency. Detailed experimental measurements and BOUT++ code simulations support such a reduction in diamagnetic drift frequency. Our results reveal a close interaction between the edge dynamics and core MHD phenomena in a tokamak that could help us better understand the rotation dynamics and amplitude pulsations of magnetic islands