39 research outputs found

    Fitoplâncton como alimento para microcrustáceos e rotíferos nos períodos de seca e enchente no lago Tupé, Manaus-AM

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    The lake Tupé, which is located near Manaus, in the Amazonas state, is a black-water lake of great richness of phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic species. The zooplanktonic organisms may belong to different size categories: microplankton, mesoplankton, and macroplankton; but the phytoplanktonic organisms may belong to picoplankton, nanoplankton, and microplankton. Because of the size difference, the zooplanktonic organisms might be feeding on phytoplanktonic organisms of different sizes. The goal of this research was to evaluate the importance of phytoplankton different fractions as food for microcrustaceans and planktonic rotifers in the low waters period (2015) and rising waters (2016) at the lake Tupé, Manaus-AM. The samples were conducted in two months at the low Waters period and two months in the rising Waters period at the lake Tupé (Reserve of Sustainable Development of Tupé). As sampling criteria, the estimated photic zone extension was used with the assistance of transparency measures by the Secchi disc. A PVC tube of 50 mm in diameter and 3 m in length with a water retention valve which was inserted in this extension and its content was placed in a bucket, homogenized and 2 L samples were taken. At the laboratory, the samples were fractionated in order to obtain the picoplankton, nanoplankton, and microplankton and later the biomass of each fraction was measured through the Chlorophyl-a. An experiment was placed at lake Tupé during 24 hours in the low Waters period and rising water period. The zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic samples were collected with a PVC tube of 4 m in length, later they were taken to the laboratory to be analyzed. The zooplanktonic organisms. The zooplanktonic organisms were counted and measured. The phytoplankton samples were fractionated in order to obtain the differences in size fraction, and later, the biomass of each fraction was measured. The total low Waters period biomass was 27,03 μg/L, and the total rising Waters biomass was 36,59 μg ̸ L. There were no statistically significant differences between the biomass of the picoplankton, nanoplankton and microplankton in the two periods. The zooplanktonic organisms did not exercised selective predation pressure on just one of the phytoplankton size fractions. Instead, they exercised predation pressure on phytoplankton three size fractions.O lago Tupé, localizado próximo a Manaus no Amazonas, é um lago de água preta de elevada riqueza de espécies fitoplanctônicas e zooplanctônicas. Os organismos do zooplâncton podem pertencer a diferentes categorias de tamanhos: microplâncton, mesoplâncton e macroplâncton; já os organismos fitoplanctônicos podem pertencer ao picoplâncton, nanoplâncton e microplâncton. Por terem tamanhos diferentes os organismos zooplanctônicos podem estar se alimentando de tamanhos diferentes de organismos fitoplanctônicos. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar a importância de diferentes frações do fitoplâncton como alimento para microcrustáceos e rotíferos planctônicos nos períodos de seca (2015) e enchente (2016) no lago Tupé, Manaus-AM. As coletas foram realizadas em dois meses da seca e dois meses da enchente no lago Tupé (RDS do tupé). Como critério de amostragem utilizou-se a extensão da zona eufótica estimada com auxílio de medidas de transparência por disco de Secchi. Um tubo de PVC de 50 mm de diâmetro e 3 m de comprimento com uma válvula para retenção da água foi inserido nessa extensão e seu conteúdo foi colocado em um balde, homogeneizada e amostras de 2 L foram retiradas. Em laboratório, as amostras foram fracionadas para se obter o pico, nano e microfitoplâncton e depois a biomassa de cada fração foi medida através da clorofila-a. Um experimento foi colocado durante 24 horas no período de seca e enchente no lago Tupé. Amostras de zooplâncton e fitoplâncton foram coletadas com um tubo de PVC de 4 m de comprimento, depois foram levadas ao laboratório para serem analisadas. Os organismos zooplanctônicos foram contados e medidos. A amostra de fitoplâncton foi fracionada para se ter as diferentes frações de tamanho e, depois foi medida a biomassa de cada fração. A biomassa total da seca foi de 27,03 μg/L e a biomassa total da enchente foi de 36,59 μg ̸ L. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a biomassa do pico nano e microfitoplâncton nos dois períodos. Na seca e na enchente houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre microplâncton e mesoplâncton da amostra inicial e também da amostra final do experimento. A maior densidade dos organismos foi encontrada no experimento do período de seca. Os organismos zooplanctônicos não exerceram pressão de predação seletiva sobre apenas uma das frações de tamanho do fitoplâncton, exerceram pressão de predação sobre as três frações de tamanho do fitoplâncton. Estudos que levem em conta a pressão de predação sofrida pelos organismos zooplanctônicos e destes sobre organismos fitoplanctônicos são necessários para entender se os controles na cadeia trófica são top down ou bottom up

    Using ICP-OES and SEM-EDX in biosorption studies

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    We have compared the analytical results obtained by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and by scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray analytical system (SEM-EDX) in order to explore the mechanism of metal ions biosorption by biomass using two independent methods. The marine macroalga Enteromorpha sp. was enriched with Cu(II), Mn(II), Zn(II), and Co(II) ions via biosorption, and the biosorption capacity of alga determined from the solution and biomass composition before and after biosorption process was compared. The first technique was used to analyze the composition of the natural and metal-loaded biomass, and additionally the composition of the solution before and after biosorption. The second technique was used to obtain a picture of the surface of natural and metal ion-loaded macroalgae, to map the elements on the cell wall of dry biomass, and to determine their concentration before and after biosorption. ICP-OES showed a better precision and lower detection limit than EDX, but SEM-EDX gave more information regarding the sample composition of Enteromorpha sp. Both techniques confirmed that biosorption is a surface phenomenon, in which alkali and alkaline earth metal ions were exchanged by metal ions from aqueous solution

    Differences in Cognitive Function, Impulsivity, and Hyperactivity Between Children with and without ADHD

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    Pētījumā tika izvirzīti trīs mērķi: 1) Noskaidrot, kādas uzmanības noturības, impulsu kontroles un hiperaktivitātes rādītāju atšķirības pastāv starp bērnu grupu ar un bez UDHS pazīmēm; 2) Kādas kognitīvo funkciju atšķirības pastāv starp bērnu grupu ar un bez UDHS rādītājiem; 3) Noskaidrot vai vecāku sniegtais vērtējums par bērnu uzmanības noturību, impulsu kontroli un hiperaktivitāti statistiski nozīmīgi korelē ar bērnu sniegtajiem rezultātiem kognitīvo testu uzdevumos. Izlasi veidoja 76 respondenti – klīniskā grupa (n = 38) un kontroles grupa (n = 38). Pazīmes tika vērtētas ar Konera uzvedības novērtējuma aptauju un pieciem kognitīvajiem testiem. Tika noskaidrots, ka pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas atšķirības uzmanības noturības, impulsu kontroles un hiperaktivitātes rādītājos starp grupām. Savukārt kognitīvo testu rādītājos netika konstatētas grupu atšķirības, kas saskan ar to, ka neviens no kognitīvajiem testiem statistiski nozīmīgi nekorelē ar pašnovērtējuma aptaujas skalām. Šie ir negaidīti rezultāti, bet tie ir izskaidrojami.The study had three objectives: 1) To find out the differences in the levels of attention deficit, impulse control and hyperactivity between the group of children with and without ADHD. 2) To find out what are the differences in cognitive function between the group of children with and without ADHD. 3) To find out whether the parents' assessment of children's attention span, impulse control and hyperactivity is statistically significantly correlated with the children's results in cognitive test tasks. Sample consisted of 76 respondents - clinical n = 38; controls = 38. Characteristics were assessed using a Conner Behavior Assessment Questionnaire and five cognitive tests. The goals were met, and it was found that there are statistically significant differences in the indicators of attention deficit, impulse control and hyperactivity between the groups. On the other hand, no differences were found in the indicators of cognitive tests, which is consistent with the fact that none of the cognitive tests correlated statistically significantly with the scales of the self-assessment survey. These are unexpected results, but they can be explained. This is given a place in the discussion section and the conclusions provide recommendations for further successful research on the topic of ADHD

    Characteristics of paraphilia and characteristics of disfunkcional thinking among adults.

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    Bakalaura darba mērķis bija noskaidrot, kādas saistības pastāv starp parafilijas pazīmēm un kognitīvo izkropļojumu pazīmēm pieaugušajiem. Šajā darbā tika apskatīti 15 parafilijas veidi, kuri visbiežāk ir sastopami klīniskajā un juridiskajā praksē, un to saistība ar kognitīvajiem izkropļojumiem jeb domāšanas paterniem, kuri attiecas uz kādu noteiktu uzvedību raksturojošu faktoru. Pētījumā piedalījās 119 respondenti, no tiem 34 (29 %) vīrieši un 85 (71 %) sievietes, vecumā no 18–55 gadiem (Mvec.=28,9). Lai noskaidrotu pētāmo konstruktu saistības, tika izmantotas divas aptaujas: Parafilijas skala (“Paraphilia Scale”, Dawson, Bannerman, Lalumiere, 2016), aptauja tika adaptēta šī darba ietvaros, un Kriminogēnas domāšanas veida aptauja (“The Measure of Criminogenic Thinking Style” – MOCTS, Mandracchia, 2017), aptauju pirmo reizi Latvijā adaptējusi Ieva Smukause (2017), šī darba ietvaros tika veikta aptaujas modifikācija, pielāgojot to jaunākajai aptaujas versijai un lietošanai vispārējā izlasē. Pētījuma rezultāti uzrādīja, ka starp skalām pastāv vāja, bet vērā ņemama statistiski nozīmīga un pozitīva korelācija. Visaugstāko savstarpējo skalu korelāciju skaitu uzrādīja Kontroles skala ar 12 parafilijas skalām, kognitīvā brieduma skala – ar divām parafilijas skalām, egocentrisma skala – ar vienu parafilijas skalu. Savukārt divas skalas neuzrādīja statistiski nozīmīgu korelāciju ne ar vienu no MOCTS skalām, un skalas, kuras uzrādīja statistiski nozīmīgas korelācijas, nekorelē vairāk nekā ar vienu MOCTS skalu.The aim of the study was to clarify the relationship between characteristics of paraphilia and characteristics of cognitive distortions among adults. The work examined 15 types of paraphilia, which are most common in clinical and legal practice, and their relationship with cognitive distortions, or thinking patterns, which refer to a particular behavioral factor. The study involved 119 respondents, 34 (29%) men and 85 (71%) women aged 18-55 (Mvec. = 28.9). To clarify the relationship between the characteristics of paraphilia and MOCTS two surveys were used: the “Paraphilia Scale” Dawson, Bannerman, Lalumiere, (2016) survey was adapted as part of this work, and the “Measure of Criminogenic Thinking Style” – MOCTS, Mandracchia, (2017), the survey was first adapted in Latvia by Ieva Smukause (2017), and the survey was modified as part of this work, adapting it to the latest version of the survey and for use in the general sample. The results of the study showed that there was a weak but statistically significant and positive correlation between the scales. The highest number of cross-scale correlations was reported by a Control scale with 12 Paraphilia scales. Cognitive immaturity scale with two Paraphilia scales. Egocentrism scale with a single Paraphilia scale. On the other hand, two scales showed no statistically significant correlation with any of the MOCTS scales, and the scales showing statistically significant correlations do not correlate more than with a single MOCTS scale


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