109 research outputs found

    Low-frequency vibrational spectrum of mean-field disordered systems

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    We study a recently introduced and exactly solvable mean-field model for the density of vibrational states D(ω) of a structurally disordered system. The model is formulated as a collection of disordered anharmonic oscillators, with random stiffness κ drawn from a distribution p(κ), subjected to a constant field h and interacting bilinearly with a coupling of strength J. We investigate the vibrational properties of its ground state at zero temperature. When p(κ) is gapped, the emergent D(ω) is also gapped, for small J. Upon increasing J, the gap vanishes on a critical line in the (h, J) phase diagram, whereupon replica symmetry is broken. At small h, the form of this pseudogap is quadratic, D(ω) ~ ω2, and its modes are delocalized, as expected from previously investigated mean-field spin glass models. However, we determine that for large enough h, a quartic pseudogap D(ω) ~ ω4, populated by localized modes, emerges, the two regimes being separated by a special point on the critical line. We thus uncover that mean-field disordered systems can generically display both a quadratic-delocalized and a quartic-localized spectrum at the glass transition.</p

    Tick Bite Protection With Permethrin-Treated Summer-Weight Clothing

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    The number of tick bites received by individuals wearing either permethrin-treated or untreated summer clothing (T-shirt, shorts, socks, and sneakers) was compared during a controlled indoor study. Pathogen-free nymphal Ixodes scapularis Say were placed on the left shoe, right leg, and left arm of 15 (5/treatment group/d) human volunteers wearing untreated outfits or outfits treated with permethrin either commercially or using a do-at-home treatment kit. The number and location of ticks attached to subjects\u27 skin were recorded 2.5 h postinfestation. Subjects wearing outfits treated with permethrin received 3.36 times fewer tick bites than subjects wearing untreated outfits. No statistically significant differences in number of tick bites were detected between commercial permethrin treatment (19.33%) and the do-at-home permethrin application method (24.67%). The success of permethrin-treated clothing in reducing tick bites varied depending on the specific article of clothing. Subjects wearing permethrin-treated sneakers and socks were 73.6 times less likely to have a tick bite than subjects wearing untreated footware. Subjects wearing permethrin-treated shorts and T-shirts were 4.74 and 2.17 times, respectively, less likely to receive a tick bite in areas related to those specific garments than subjects wearing untreated shorts and T-shirts. Ticks attached to subjects were classified as alive or dead before removal. On subjects wearing untreated outfits, 97.6% of attached nymphs were alive, whereas significantly fewer (22.6%) attached nymphs were alive on subjects wearing repellent-treated outfits. Results of this study demonstrate the potential of permethrin-treated summer clothing for significantly reducing tick bites and tick-borne pathogen transmission

    Pathology Reporting in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Digestive System: Everything You Always Wanted to Know but Were Too Afraid to Ask

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    During the 5th NIKE (Neuroendocrine tumors Innovation in Knowledge and Education) meeting, held in Naples, Italy, in May 2019, discussions centered on the understanding of pathology reports of gastroenetropancreactic neuroendocrine neoplasms. In particular, the main problem concerned the difficulty that clinicians experience in extrapolating relevant information from neuroendocrine tumor pathology reports. During the meeting, participants were asked to identify and rate issues which they have encountered, for which the input of an expert pathologist would have been appreciated. This article is a collection of the most rated questions and relative answers, focusing on three main topics: 1) morphology and classification; 2) Ki67 and grading; 3) immunohistochemistry. Patient management should be based on multidisciplinary decisions, taking into account clinical and pathology-related features with clear comprehension between all health care professionals. Indeed, pathologists require clinical details and laboratory findings when relevant, while clinicians require concise and standardized reports. In keeping with this last statement, the minimum requirements in pathology datasets are provided in this paper and should be a baseline for all neuroendocrine tumor professionals

    Analytical tools used to distinguish chemical profiles of plants widely consumed as infusions and dietary supplements: artichoke, milk thistle and borututu

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    Artichoke, borututu and milk thistle are three medicinal plants widely consumed as infusions or included in dietary supplements (e.g., pills and syrups). Despite their high consumption, studies on nutritional value and primary metabolites are scarce, being only reported the composition in secondary metabolites such as phenolic compounds. Therefore, their nutritional value was assessed and analytical tools (liquid and gas chromatography coupled to different detectors) were used to distinguish the chemical profiles namely in hydrophilic (sugars and organic acids) and lipophilic (fatty acids and tocopherols) compounds. Chromatographic techniques are important analytical tools used in the identification and quantification of several molecules, also being a standard requirement to distinguish different profiles. Borututu gave the highest energetic value with the highest content of carbohydrates and fat, sucrose and total sugars, shikimic and citric acids, α-, β-, δ- and total tocopherols. Artichoke had the highest ash and protein contents, oxalic acid, SFA (mainly palmitic acid acid), and γ-tocopherol, as also the best n6/n3 ratio. Milk thistle showed the highest levels of fructose and glucose, quinic acid and total organic acids, PUFA, mainly linoleic acid, and the best PUFA/SFA ratio. The hydrophilic compounds identified in the studied plants, mostly sugars, are the responsible for the energetic contribution of their widely consumed infusions. Otherwise, the bioactivity of lipophilic compounds namely, unsaturated fatty acids and tocopherols, is lost in those preparations but can be recovered in dietary supplements based on the plants. As far as we know this is the first report on detailed composition of molecules with nutritional features.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to the research centre CIMO (PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011)

    Emerging therapies in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: Immune checkpoint inhibitors in the starting blocks

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    Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma are neuroendocrine neoplasms, originating in the adrenal medulla and in parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic nervous system ganglia, respec-tively. They usually present as localized tumours curable with surgery. However, these tumours may exhibit heterogeneous clinical course, ranging from no/minimal progression to aggressive (progres-sive/metastatic) behavior. For this setting of patients, current therapies are unsatisfactory. Immune checkpoint inhibitors have shown outstanding results for several types of solid cancers. We therefore aimed to summarize and discuss available data on efficacy and safety of current FDA-approved immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. After an extensive search, we found 15 useful data sources (four full-published articles, four supplements of scientific journals, seven ongoing registered clinical trials). The data we detected, even with the limit of the small number of patients treated, make a great expectation on the therapeutic use of immune checkpoint inhibitors. Besides, the newly detected predictors of response will (hopefully) be of great helps in selecting the subset of patients that might benefit the most from this class of drugs. Finally, new trials are in the starting blocks, and they are expected to shed in the next future new light on a therapy, which is considered a milestone in oncology