477 research outputs found

    Examining the relationship between daily changes in support and smoking around a self-set quit date

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    This study was funded by the Swiss National Foundation (100014_124516). We would like to thank all students who helped with data collection.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Palliative care for children and adolescents in Switzerland: a needs analysis across three diagnostic groups

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    The objective of this qualitative study was to explore the perceptions and needs of families who care for a child with a life-limiting disease. Considering the heterogeneity of life-limiting diseases in childhood, three diagnostic groups were defined: (a) cancer, (b) neurological disorders, and (c) non-cancer/non-neurological conditions. Fifteen parents whose child had been treated in one of four children's hospitals and received palliative care or had died within the previous 2years were interviewed. The main interview topics were: communication with professionals, need for support in care (at home or hospital), and bereavement support. Irrespective of the center of care, parents of children with diagnoses other than cancer reported a lack of support concerning practical issues of care and psychosocial aspects. Parents of children with cancer expressed difficulties related to coordination of care especially when care was provided at home. Bereaved parents emphasized their wish for bereavement support. Our findings demonstrate shortcomings in pediatric palliative care in Switzerland and outline basic needs of affected families including psychosocial support, coordination of care and bereavement support. Based on these findings we formulate some suggestions on how to initiate pediatric palliative care in a most efficient way and tailored to the needs of families in Switzerlan

    Passivrauchen in der Schweizer Bevölkerung 2006

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    Passivrauchen in der Schweizer Bevölkerung 2009

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    Die Berichte zu diesem Thema geben Auskunft ĂŒber die Passivrauchexposition der Schweizer Wohnbevölkerung und deren subjektiv empfundene BelĂ€stigung an verschiedenen Orten (Arbeitsort, GaststĂ€tten, Veranstaltungsorte usw.). Des Weiteren wurden Fragen zur Akzeptanz von Massnahmen zum Schutz der Nichtrauchenden in öffentlichen RĂ€umen erhoben. Ebenfalls wurde das Wissen bezĂŒglich der SchĂ€dlichkeit des Passivrauchens erfrag

    Economic efficiency of mobile latent heat storages

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    In a pilot project an optimized mobile latent heat storage based on a system available on the market has been tested at Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology. Initially trials were conducted with the aim of optimizing the process of charging and discharging. A specifically constructed test rig at the incineration trials centre at the institute allowed charging and discharging procedures of the mobile latent heat storage with adjustable parameters. In addition an evaluation model was constructed to further optimize the heat exchanger systems. In conclusion the prototype of the mobile latent heat storage was tested in practical operation. The economic and technical feasibility of heat transportation was shown if not utilized waste heat is available

    Exposure to and annoyance with second-hand smoke in Switzerland: results of the Tobacco Monitoring Survey

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    Summary.: Objectives: To present selected results on exposure to secondhand smoke and experienced annoyance with second-hand smoke in the Swiss population, particularly in restaurants and in the workplace. Methods: The data were collected as part of the Swiss Survey of Tobacco Use ("Tobacco Monitoring”) commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. It is a representative, continuous survey of tobacco consumption among 14- to 65-year-olds in Switzerland. Since January 2001, four times a year a new sample of 2 500 persons has been taken (i. e. 10 000 participants annually). The survey was conducted using standardized telephone interviews in German, French and Italian. Results: Approximately half of the working population in Switzerland is exposed to second-hand smoke in the workplace. In restaurants, cafes and bars, nearly 9 out of 10 people are exposed to environmental tobacco smoke. Non-smokers in particular report annoyance with second-hand smoke. Conclusions: The Swiss population has a high level of exposure to second-hand smoke. There is a need for public health educational programs and legislation aiming at banning smoking in public areas and in the workplac

    The 3-phase-model of dyadic adaptation to dementia: why it might sometimes be better to be worse

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    In the next years and decades, the number of old spousal dyads having to deal with the onset and progression of dementia in one partner will increase significantly. Existing research indicates that caregiving for an ill spouse is related to decreased caregiver well-being and high levels of caregiver stress. In this theoretical paper, we argue that three aspects deserve additional theoretical and empirical attention: (a) Some spousal caregivers seem to exhibit stable pattern of individual well-being, (b) dyads may be able to adapt their ways of supporting each other to maintain a maximum of dyadic autonomy, and (c) the progression of the dementia increasingly compromising the individual autonomy is likely to require different behaviors and skills of the dyad to achieve high levels of dyadic well-being. We suggest a 3-phase-model of dyadic adaptation to dementia-related losses of patients' individual autonomy and discuss adaptive processes in three phases of dementia that may allow stable levels of well-being in caregivers over time. Thereby, our model can integrate existing findings and theories and allows deriving areas of future researc

    Dementia caregiving in spousal relationships: a dyadic perspective

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    Objectives: The number of couples facing a dementia diagnosis for one partner of the spousal dyad increases. Spousal caregiving can be a highly stressful experience associated with negative caregiver outcomes such as depression and poorer immune function. However, surprisingly little is known about how the illness and the required care effects patient’s well-being and relational changes experienced by afflicted couples. The aim of this study was to provide a literature review on how the dyadic perspective is taken into account and on how dementia effects both parts of the dyad. Methods: In order to outline findings about individual and dyadic well-being of affected couples, we conducted a literature search to review the three types of studies. First, studies focusing on one partner’s perspective, usually the perspective of the caregiver; second, studies including the caregiver’s and partially the care receiver’s view; third, studies directly referring to both partners’ perspectives. Results: The majority of studies neglect the individual with dementia by exclusively assessing caregiver variables or only indirectly including patients’ characteristics. Very few studies embrace dyadic and relational variables to execute how both partners experience the illness, spousal caregiving, and changes in the relationship. Despite the arguable validity of self reports of individuals with dementia, some studies demonstrated the usefulness of including both partners’ perspectives. Discussion: Results indicate the urgent need of integrating the perspective of the individual with dementia to improve the understanding of the effects of dementia caregiving

    The needs of professionals in the palliative care of children and adolescents

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    The main objectives of this qualitative study were to describe the perceptions and needs of pediatric health care professionals (HCPs) taking care of children with palliative care needs and to develop a concept for the first Center of Competence for Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) in Switzerland. Within two parts of the study, 76 HCPs were interviewed. The main interview topics were: (1) definition of and attitude toward PPC; (2) current provision of PPC; (3) the support needs of HCPs in the provision of PPC; and (4) the role of specialized PPC teams. HCPs expressed openness to PPC and reported distinctive needs for support in the care of these patients. The main tasks of specialized PPC teams in Switzerland would encompass the coaching of attending teams, coordination of care, symptom control, and direct support of affected families during and beyond the illness of their child. Conclusion: This study indicates the need for specialized PPC in Switzerland both inside and outside of centers providing top quality medical care (Spitzenmedizin). Specialized PPC teams could have a significant impact on the care of children and families with PPC needs. Whether hospices are an option in Switzerland remains unanswered; however, a place to meet other families with similar destinies was emphasize
