36 research outputs found

    A Nonary of Priorities

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    Interkultureller und intrakonfessioneller Dialog

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    Neun Prioritäten

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    Intercultural and Intrareligious Dialogue According to Ramon Llull

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    Si fos un artista us contaria una història: ja història de l'intel ·lectual, per no dir d'un comerciant o d'un pagès, que havent llegit Pascal, aquell filòsof francès del segle disset, i veient-ne la «racionalitat» de l'aposta, va decidir de seguir-la..

    The Methodic of Hindu-Christian Studies

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    After more than half a century struggling to find my own identity just following the universal sapiential counsel of knowing oneself , whereby the self is not just the individual, the new editor of the Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies has put to me the most difficult question to answer in words: Where do I now stand? . Aware that there are no stupid questions but certainly silly answers, I take the risk of summarizing my perhaps too many writings on this topic in these few pages, as a tribute to the magnificent task of this Journal, which is a practical example that splendid isolation is no longer possible. The Body of God , to use a South Indian expression, spreads everywhere -- as also most Christians would agree. Ultimately, all my writings are autobiographic -- not about myself, but trying to give voice to the self

    Evangelio y pluralidad cultural

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    Religión, Filosofía y Cultura.

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    Sin resume

    Amor y no-dualidad

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    Dialogue interculturel et intra-religieux selon Raymond Lulle

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