6 research outputs found

    Investing in girls’ education makes good economic sense

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    Raimah Amevor examines the uncomfortable truth of the low value placed on the education of females in Nigeria

    Kemampuan Petani Mengadopsi Teknologi Baru dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya (Studi Kasus: Desa Bintang, Kecamatan Sidikalang, Kabupaten Dairi)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan petani di dalam mengadopsi teknologi baru dan faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhinya. Untuk mencapai tujuan yang diajukan beberapa hipotesis sebagai berikut: 1. Mengetahui hubungan tingkat pendidikan petani dengan penerapaan teknologi baru. 2. Mengetahui hubungan umur petani dengan penerapan teknologi baru. 3. Mengetahui hubungan frekuensi mengikuti penyuluhan dengan penerapan teknologi baru. 4. Frekuensi mendengarkan siaran pedesaan melalui media RRI dengan motivasi menerapkan teknologi baru. 5. Terdapat hubungan luas pemilikan lahan dengan motivasi penerapan teknologi baru. 6. Terdapat hubungan status pemilikan lahan dengan motivasi penerapan teknologi baru. 7. Semakin tinggi penerapan teknologi baru maka semakin tinggi tingkat pendapatan petani. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini ditetapkan sebanyak 30 Kepala Keluarga ( KK) dari 610 kepala keluarga (KK). Analisa data untuk menguji hipotesis yang telah diajukan digunakan uji Chi Kwadrat dengan tingkat persentase 0,05 atau 95%

    Pertarungan sengit hujah Mujahid, Abdul Azeez - isu tabung haji jadi kupasan hangat dalam program barani semuka sinar harian

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    In this paper we find an exact analytical expression for the number of spanning trees in Apollonian networks. This parameter can be related to significant topological and dynamic properties of the networks, including percolation, epidemic spreading, synchronization, and random walks. As Apollonian networks constitute an interesting family of maximal planar graphs which are simultaneously small-world, scale-free, Euclidean and space filling, modular and highly clustered, the study of their spanning trees is of particular relevance. Our results allow also the calculation of the spanning tree entropy of Apollonian networks, which we compare with those of other graphs with the same average degree. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    El uso de gafas para el trastorno refractivo: un estudio desde la perspectiva de una salud ocular

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    Currently, 2.2 billion people worldwide are experiencing vision impairment. At least 1 billion of them can be prevented by wearing proper glasses. Ironically, is it being difficult to distinguish between those who wear glasses due to refractive disorders and those who wear glasses to look fashionably trendy. This study aims to identify the behavior of eyewear users from the perspective of eye health based on sources from journals published in 2010-2020. The research methodology used is a systematic literature review by analyzing available literature relevant to the issue under study. Preliminary results show that the prevalence of refractive disorders is high and awareness of eye health needs is still low. There is a different attitude toward wearing glass between urban and rural consumers. Eye care services as a health system are needed to provide services and the importance of the proper use of glass as an aid for better vision and reduce the burden to vision due to refraction errors.En la actualidad, 2.200 millones de personas en todo el mundo sufren problemas de visión. Al menos 1000 millones de ellos se pueden prevenir con el uso de anteojos adecuados. Irónicamente, es difícil distinguir entre quienes usan anteojos debido a trastornos refractivos y quienes usan anteojos para lucir a la moda. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar el comportamiento de los usuarios de gafas desde la perspectiva de la salud ocular a partir de fuentes de revistas publicadas en 2010-2020. La metodología de investigación utilizada es una revisión sistemática de la literatura mediante el análisis de la literatura disponible relevante para el tema en estudio. Los resultados preliminares muestran que la prevalencia de los trastornos refractivos es alta y que la conciencia de las necesidades de salud ocular aún es baja. Hay una actitud diferente hacia el uso de vidrio entre los consumidores urbanos y rurales. Los servicios de atención oftalmológica como sistema de salud son necesarios para brindar servicios y la importancia del uso adecuado de los vidrios como ayuda para una mejor visión y reducir la carga a la visión debido a los errores de refracción

    Behavior of Glasses Users in Refractive Disorders with Theory of Reasoned Action Approaches

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    Issues and Problems : Glasses are a safe method for correcting refractive errors of the eye. A person with refractive error makes the decision to buy and use glasses because of various factors. One of them is caused by interests that are influenced by norms or other people's views about wearing glasses. Objective : This study was conducted to analyze the behavior of eyeglass users with refractive errors using the theory of Reasoned Behavior. Method: Qualitative method that utilizes primary and secondary sources in the form of official reference sources, and other printed and unprinted sources, as well as online sources that have been used. Finding: The results show that although glasses are a necessity for people with refractive errors, their behavior is influenced by the intentions of the users of the glasses. And the intention to get a visual aid is also influenced by the subjective attitudes and norms of the glasses user. Attitudes are formed from the beliefs or beliefs held about glasses and the evaluation of their use in helping the user's appearance. Meanwhile, norms are formed from norms that are believed to be related to the use of tools as a tool for refractive errors and motivation from the closest people and medical personnel. Recomendation: people with refractive errors are advised to increase their knowledge and understanding of the use in treating refractive disorders which are the controllers of negative norms owned by users so that the goal of overcoming visual disturbances and reducing eye damage can be carried out properly. Health workers are expected to contribute in providing information for the myths that exist in the community regarding the use of glasse