13 research outputs found

    Forecasting the Effects of Fertility Control on Overabundant Ungulates: White-Tailed Deer in the National Capital Region - Fig 2

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    <p>A. The vertical line indicates a manager’s objective for the population. The area that is shaded red indicates the probability that an objective will be met given no action. B. The Posterior distribution conditional on a management action, for example, culling or delivering contraceptives. The blue shaded area under the curve is the probability that a manager will reach the objective given this action. C. The net effect of management is the ratio of the blue shaded area to the red shaded area.</p

    The study area included eight parks in the National Capital Region Network in the area surrounding Washington D.C.

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    <p>Each park used standardized distance sampling methods which produced a time series from 2000 to 2011 of regional estimates of white-tailed deer abundance.</p

    Effects of fertility control treatments on white-tailed deer population densities forecasted for 2015 and 2018 after culling to a management objective or 10 deer/km<sup>2</sup> in 2014 followed by fertility control treatment.

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    <p>The rows corresponding to the percent of adult females treated from top to bottom: 20%, 40%, 60%, and 90%. The black dotted vertical line represents population density after culling in 2014 to give a baseline for population growth. The dashed vertical lines represent the bounds of the hypothetical management objective. The purple distribution represents the population effect of contraceptives with one year effectiveness which has the potential to maintain the population. The green distribution represents the population effect of contraceptives with three year effectiveness which has a similar effect to the 1 year contraceptives. The blue distribution represents sterilization. Sterilization reduced the population at a faster rate than contraceptives. The red distribution represents culling. Continuing to cull after an initial cull of 90% of the population further decreases the population beyond the management objective.</p

    Effects of fertility control treatments on white-tailed deer population densities forecasted for 2014 and 2018 with plot rows corresponding to percent treated from top to bottom: 20%, 40%, 60%, and 90%.

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    <p>The black distribution represents the change in population with no action to show that the population may decrease without any management action. The dashed vertical lines represent the bounds of the hypothetical management objective. The purple distribution represents the population effect of contraceptives with one year effectiveness. The green distribution represents the population effect of contraceptives with three year effectiveness. The blue distribution represents sterilization. Sterilization reduced the population at a faster rate than contraceptives. Culling (the red distribution) had the most dramatic effect on population density.</p

    The median number of adult females that would need to be treated across all parks after a 90% population reduction for each management scenario over four years.

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    <p>The median number of adult females that would need to be treated across all parks after a 90% population reduction for each management scenario over four years.</p

    Population growth rate (<i>λ</i>) of the white-tailed deer in the National Capital Region without any management action has a median of 0.992 (95% equal tailed Bayesian credible interval, BCI = 0.824,1.16).

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    <p>The median suggests that the population is currently declining. However, the posterior distribution overlaps 1, suggesting we cannot rule out the possibility that it is increasing.</p

    Forecast by park for the years 2001 to 2018.

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    <p>The solid line is the median of the estimate. The dashed lines are the 95% Bayesian credible intervals (BCI) of the estimate. The dots with vertical lines are the medians of the data with standard deviation error bars. The abbreviations for each park are in the titles of each plot. ANTI: Antietam National Battlefield, CHOH: Chesapeake and Ohio Canal NHP, GWMP: George Washington Memorial Parkway, MANA: Manassas National Battlefield Park, MONO: Monocacy National Battlefield, GREE: Greenbelt Park as part of the National Capital Parks East, PRWI: Prince William Forest Park, ROCR: Rock Creek Park.</p