6 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Timbunan Sampah untuk menjaga Citra Industri Pariwisata pada daya tarik Wisata di Bali

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    Bali is one of the islands with tourism potential that has grown rapidly. The fame of Bali Island tourism is well known to all corners of the world. Many of the people's daily activities become a tourist attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists. Every activity, especially those that give rise to this tourist attraction, produces waste both on a household and industrial scale. The waste produced is almost found in all sectors of activity, one of which is the tourism industry which is currently very much still moving. The increase in waste generation has prompted the government of Bali through the issuance of the Governor of Bali Regulation number 97 of 2018 concerning the limitation of single-use plastic waste, which shows the seriousness of the waste problem. Waste generation, especially in tourist attraction, has the potential to change the view of tourists on the image of Bali tourism. This research explores community movements both spontaneously and in an organized manner, such as the Trash Hero Indonesia community and other community activities that care about the high waste generation. It is hoped that alternative activities will be obtained to help reduce the generation of plastic waste that supports the implementation of Bali Governor Regulation number 97 of 2018. Activities from the community are expected to be able to maintain and provide a positive legacy for future generations


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    Om Swastiastu Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadapan Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas asung kerta wara nugraha-Nya, pelaksanaan Nata Citta Swabudaya (NCS) Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan dapat terlaksana dengan lancar, sukses dan bermakna. Pada kesempatan ini pula seluruh tim NCS mengucapkan terima kasih pada semua pihak, terutama kepada Kepala Desa Tenganan, Tamping Takon Duluan (Kepala Adat), para tokoh, serta segenap lapisan masyarakat Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan yang telah membantu kelacaran pelaksanaan kegiatan NCS Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar, tahun 2022. NCS merupakan pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diselenggarakan Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LP2MPP) ISI Denpasar bermitra dengan Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan, Desa Tenganan, Kecamatan Manggis, Kabupaten Karangasem. Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan terpilih sebagai mitra NCS karena potensi desa adat tersebut layak dikembangkan dalam bidang seni budaya. Adapun kegiatan NCS di Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan terdiri dari penciptaan tari dan iringan Murdha Nata Dahayuning Gringsing, Film Dokumenter Etnografi Tenganan Pegringsingan, pembuatan logo desa Tenganan, peletakan prasasti NCS ISI Denpasar dan buku monografi desa adat Tenganan Pegringsingan. Semoga dengan adanya buku monografi desa adat Tenganan Pegringsingan sebagai salah satu bentuk luaran dari kegiatan NCS ISI Denpasar dapat berkontribusi serta bermanfaat sebagai sumber inspirasi untuk pengembangan dunia keilmuan, penelitian serta pengabdian kepada masyarakat, khususnya di bidang seni budaya berikutnya. Om shanti, Shanti, Shanti O

    Pemulihan Ekonomi Pariwisata Bali di Era New Normal

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    Tourism is a very important sector in the income of the Indonesian economy in general and Bali in particular. Bali is a contributor to more than one third of the number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia each year. Nature, customs and culture are the main factors that attract tourists to visit Bali. This greatly affects the economy of the Balinese people, because most of them are engaged in the tourism industry. The Covid-19 pandemic in all parts of the world, and also hit Indonesia, has an impact on the economic sector of Bali's tourism. The decline in Bali's tourism economy and the steps being taken to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic are very interesting to study. This study aims to explore the economic recovery of Bali's tourism in a new normal era. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study indicate that it takes a long time to improve the tourism economy of Bali, so that recovery steps are needed. Starting July 9, the Provincial Government of Bali implemented the New Normal policy. This policy is implemented in collaboration with all components of Balinese society. Keywords : Tourism Economy, New Norma

    Pengaruh Penerapan Cleanliness, Health, Safety, & Environmental Sustainable Pariwisata New Normal di DTW Tanah Lot, Desa Beraban, Kabupaten Tabanan

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, maximum efforts are needed to maintain the health and safety of tourists. The Clean, Health, Safety & Environment Certification Program is the process of granting certificates to tourism businesses, other related businesses/facilities, the community environment, and tourism destinations issued by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to provide a sense of security and comfort, as well as a guarantee to tourists and the surrounding community. that the place has complied with health protocols. DTW Tanah Lot is one of 6 DTWs that have obtained the CHSE certificate. The implementation of CHSE at Tanah Lot DTW greatly affected the number of visits from the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021 before the implementation of PPKM. Travelers during the Covid-19 pandemic are more selective in determining which DTW to visit and prefer to visit a certified DTW. In addition to obtaining a CHSE certificate, Tanah Lot DTW has implemented a Health protocol that is in accordance with the guidelines for organizing tourist attractions in order to provide a sense of security and comfort for visiting tourists

    Efektivitas Praktikum Industri Perjalanan Di Masa Pandemi

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    Practicum as one of the learning media is a process that is eagerly awaited by every student. The practicum process makes the application of theory in school even to finding new theories based on recent research with certain variables. Travel industry practicum as a form of learning for tourism students, becomes a synchronization of theory with practice in the field. At present, the travel industry practicum that runs during the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge. How to carry out learning in the field but stay safe from the covid-19 virus. This research will try to explore the level of effectiveness in carrying out the travel industry practicum with all its problems during the covid-19 pandemic. It is hoped that after digging up information about the effectiveness of the practicum, it is possible to make a model that can be applied during a special period as it is currently happening

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Jurusan Pariwisata Budaya Terhadap Twitter Sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Inggris

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    This study aimed at finding out the perception of students in tourism program towards Twitter as vocabulary learning media. Twitter has become one of the learning media in this 4.0 era. It is undeniable that Twitter existence becomes one of the social media that students choose to use when they are learning english subject material. This situation can be used by the teacher to have a specific learning technique when teaching the students about vocabulary via social media especially Twitter. The teachnique used in this study was survey in which all students become the sample of this study considering that all the students have access to Twitter. Survey was conducted by using questionnaire with 15 statements to gain their perception towards Twitter,. Then the data was processed in order to gain the result in the form of percentage. Fro