57 research outputs found

    Origin and characterization of Montenegrin grapevine varieties

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    Viticultural tradition in Montenegro dates back before the Roman period. Viticulture and winemaking of Montenegro is still mainly based on autochthonous grapevine varieties ('Vranac', 'Kratošija', 'Krstač' and 'Žižak'). Relevant historical data concerning the origin of Montenegrin grapevine varieties, as well as Montenegrin germplasm characterization reviews are reported in this paper. The available literature data indicate a long tradition and an important breeding history of grapevine evaluation in Montenegro, especially concerning 'Vranac' and 'Kratošija'. Through international projects, by ampelographic analysis and DNA profiles, the originality of 'Vranac', 'Žižak' and 'Krstač' varieties was confirmed, while it was found that 'Kratošija' has the same genetic profile as 'Primitivo', 'Zinfandel' and 'Crljenak Kaštelanski'. According to the literature and to the exploration in vine growing regions, it can be concluded that Montenegro has a very rich grapevine germplasm, yet not investigated enough. Further works on Montenegrin germplasm will contribute to the better evaluation of the grapevine genetic resources of Montenegro, and, therefore, to the enrichment of grapevine diversity in Europe

    Tehnički sistemi za kontrolu mikroklime u plastenicima

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    Plant production within a protected area presents the most intense way of agricultural production. Plant growing is intense year-round, with high yields and high quality products. The point of microclimate regulation in green house is to increase agriculture production within limited (protected) areas (spaces) with the least amount of production costs, by arranging a balanced ratio of many factors, first of all the climate, which influences the yields of the cultivated crops. Microclimate control in green houses presents an accountable, precise and complicated process, with respect to a number of factors that affect the climate within a protected space, which are interdependent, so the control could be successfully achieved only by applying the right technical systems and devices controlled by computers. The work shows new generations of control systems and devices with characteristics that are used to control microclimate of a green house.Biljna proizvodnja u zaštićenom prostoru predstavlja najintenzivniji oblik proizvodnje u poljoprivredi. Rast biljaka je intenzivan tokom cele godine, sa ostvarivanjem visokog prinosa i kvaliteta proizvoda . Svrha regulacije mikroklime u plastenicima je povećanje obima poljoprivredne proizvodnje na ograničenim (zaštićenim) površinama (prostorima) pri najmanjim proizvodnim troškovima, dovođenjem u skladan odnos mnogobrojnih faktora pre svega klime od kojih zavisi prinos gajenih kultura. Kontrola mikroklime u plastenicima predstavlja odgovoran, precizan i komplikovan proces, obzirom da ima više faktora koji utiču na klimu u zaštićenom prostoru, koji su uzajamno zavisni, pa se kontrola može uspešno postići jedino primenom odgovarajućih tehničkih sistema i uređaja kontrolisanih PC računarima. U radu su prikazane novije generacije kontrolnih sistema i uređaja sa karakteristikama koje se koriste u kontroli mikroklime plastenika

    Upper critical fields and thermally-activated transport of Nd(O_0.7F_0.3)FeAs single crystal

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    We present measurements of the resistivity and the upper critical field H_c2 of Nd(O_0.7F_0.3)FeAs single crystals in strong DC and pulsed magnetic fields up to 45 T and 60 T, respectively. We found that the field scale of H_c2 is comparable to ~100 T of high T_c cuprates. H_c2(T) parallel to the c-axis exhibits a pronounced upward curvature similar to what was extracted from earlier measurements on polycrystalline samples. Thus this behavior is indeed an intrinsic feature of oxypnictides, rather than manifestation of vortex lattice melting or granularity. The orientational dependence of H_c2 shows deviations from the one-band Ginzburg-Landau scaling. The mass anisotropy decreases as T decreases, from 9.2 at 44K to 5 at 34K. Spin dependent magnetoresistance and nonlinearities in the Hall coefficient suggest contribution to the conductivity from electron-electron interactions modified by disorder reminiscent that of diluted magnetic semiconductors. The Ohmic resistivity measured below T_c but above the irreversibility field exhibits a clear Arrhenius thermally activated behavior over 4-5 decades. The activation energy has very different field dependencies for H||ab and H\perp ab. We discuss to what extent different pairing scenarios can manifest themselves in the observed behavior of H_{c2}, using the two-band model of superconductivity. The results indicate the importance of paramagnetic effects on H_c2(T),which may significantly reduce H_c2(0) as compared toH_c2(0)~200-300 T based on extrapolations of H_c2(T) near T_c down to low temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure

    Rezultati istraživanja višegodišnje primene nove linije mašina i oruđa za uređenje zemljišta po površini i dubini

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    This paper presents the results of the application of the machines and tools for new technologies in plant production for two years of research. The comparative analysis of the influence of new technologies and new types of machines was done, and also the effect of conventional tillage systems on several agricultural crops (sunflower, commercial maize and wheat). During the experiment, we analyzed the effects of application of new line of machines to: physical properties of soil, morphological features of crops, use of energy and yield, and we also analyzed the economic aspects of the application. On the control plots, a conventional tillage system was simultaneously applied for comparative analysis of the previously mentioned factors. Trials were conducted on production plots of Maize Research Institute 'Zemun Polje' in Krnješevci from October 2008 until July 2010.U ovom radu su prikazani dvogodišnji rezultati primene mašina i oruđa za nove tehnologije u biljnoj proizvodnji. Izvršena je uporedna analiza uticaja primene nove tehnologije i nove linije mašina, kao i uticaj konvencionalnog sistema obrade na nekoliko ratarskih kultura (suncokret, merkantilni kukuruz i pšenica). U toku ispitivanja, analizirani su uticaji primene nove linije mašina na: fizičke osobine zemljišta, morfološke osobine gajenih biljaka, utrošak energije i prinos, a takođe su analizirani i ekonomski aspekti primene. Na kontrolnim parcelama je istovremeno bio primenjen konvencionalni sistem obrade, radi uporedne analize prethodno pomenutih faktora. Ogledi su izvedeni na proizvodnim parcelama Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' u Krnješevcima u periodu od oktobra 2008. godine do jula 2010. godine

    Primena mašina i agregata u obradi zemljišta podrivanjem i rastresanjem - efekti i posledice

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    This paper deals with specific and important effects of machinery and mechanisms in deep soil cultivation by subsoiling and trashing. Soil cultivation by trashing working bodies improves water conservation in soils, their fertility and yields and significantly affects total energy consumption. Energy consumpation, effects and consequences which occured in soils are significant parameters in adoption of machinery and tractors for trashing, especialy dry soils. Nowdays, reduced tillage, because of economic reasons, signifficantly influence plant production effects, first of all crop yield. Rational solutions of machinery and technologies in this field require serious research.U radu su opisani značajni i specifični faktori uticaja primene mašina i agregata u postupcima duboke obrade zemljišta podrivanjem i rastresanjem. Duboka obrada zemljišta razrivačkim (podrivačkim) radnim telima sa zadatkom poboljšanja procesa konzervacije vlage u zemljištu i plodnosti zemljišta i prinosa, značajno utiče na ukupnu potrošnju energije. Potrošnja energije ostvareni efekti i posledice koje nastaju u zemljištu su značajni parametri kod izbora mašina i traktora kojima se obavlja podrivanje i rastresanje posebno u nedostatku vlage u zemljištu. Poslednjih godina redukovana obrada zemljišta iz poznatih razloga (ekonomska kriza) značajno utiče na efekte biljne proizvodnje, prvenstveno prinose poljoprivrednih kultura. Racionalna rešenja mašina i tehnologija u ovoj oblasti zahtevaju ozbiljna istraživanja

    Azotobacter chroococcum F8/2: a multitasking bacterial strain in sugar beet biopriming

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    This study assesses the effects of Azotobacter biopriming on the early development of sugar beet. Azotobacter chroococcum F8/2 was screened for plant growth promoting characteristics and biopriming effects were estimated through germination parameters and the structural changes of the root tissues. A. chroococcum F8/2 was characterized as a contributor to nitrogen, iron, and potassium availability, as well as a producer of auxin and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxilic acid deaminase. Applied biopriming had reduced mean germination time by 34.44% and increased vigor I by 90.99% compared to control. Volatile blend comprised 47.67% ethanol, 32.01% 2-methyl-propanol, 17.32% 3-methyl-1-butanol, and a trace of 2,3-butanedione. Root micromorphological analysis of bioprimed sugar beet revealed a considerable increase in primary, secondary xylem area, and vessels size. Obtained results determine A. chroococcum F8/2 as a successful biopriming agent, and active participant in nutrient availability and hormonal status modulation affecting root vascular tissue. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Razvoj poljoprivredne tehnike za primenu novih tehnologija u procesima eksploatacije teških zemljišta, efekti i posledice

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    Soil compaction is a result of degradation processes caused by human activity. Such unwanted alterations of soil structure result in decreased soil and crop productivity. Reduced tillage significantly influence on crop yield. This paper presents results of the research work conducted trough several years related to the rational use of agricultural machines aimed at the establishment of heavy soils.Pojava sabijanja zemljišta je jedna od posledica degradacionih procesa koji se odvijaju u zemljištu pod uticajem aktivnosti čoveka. Narušena struktura kao nosilac plodnosti, ima za posledicu smanjenu produktivnost zemljišta i biljaka. Redukovana obrada značajno utiče na prinose poljoprivrednih useva. U radu su prikazani rezultati višegodišnjih istraživanja racionalne primene poljoprivredne tehnike za uređenje teških zemljišta

    Uticaj jesenje obrade na sabijanje teških zemljišta

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    Soil compaction caused by traffic of heavy vehicles and machinery results in soil structure deterioration, both in the topsoil and in the subsoil. Changes in agricultural production technique have been dramatic over the past few decades. Tillage intensity has increased or decreased depending on local circumstances, but in all cases there has been a steady upward trend in tractor power and machinery axle load. Increased loads are causing damage to the structure of the soil. This damage has increased the risk of soil erosion and raised the energy demand for cultivation. In this paper using of agricultural mechanization are presents, in heavy soil autumn tillage. Parameters of compaction marsh soil are reviewed. Penetration resistance or soil cone index was measured to quantify the level of soil compaction.Sabijenost zemljišta prouzrokovana saobraćajem teških vozila i mašina rezultira kvarenje strukture zemljišta, u gornjem (površinskom) i donjem (dubokom) sloju zemljišta. Promene u poljoprivrednoj tehnici su bile velike zadnjih decenija. Intenzitet obrade se povećavao ili smanjivao u zavisnosti od lokalnih okolnosti, ali u svim slučajevima je trend stalnog povećanja snage traktorskog motora i osovinskog opterećenja mašina. Povećanje opterećenja prouzrokuje oštećenje strukture zemljišta, koje povećava rizik od erozije zemljišta i povećava potrošnju energije za obradu. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja korišćenja sredstava mehanizacije poljoprivrede u jesenjoj obradi teških zemljišta. Prikazani su parametri sabijanja ritske crnice. Otpor penetracije ili zemljišni indeks konusa (CI) je meren za kvantitativno određivanje nivoa sabijenosti zemljišta

    Tehničko-tehnološki postupci primene plovne mehanizacije za održavanje akvasistema Savskog jezera u Beogradu

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    Whether a water system is artificially created, or a water system is a natural habitat created by man’s influence (rivers, lakes - both artificial and natural, channels and ponds), a constant maintenance of these systems is required, in order for them to fulfill their function. Maintenance of a water system implies a complex and regular appliance of certain technical and technologic actions which enable a constant and efficient functioning of the water system, according to its functionality. The work shows a complex overview of the problems during technical and technologic actions of the nautical mechanization during the process of vegetation removal from the Savsko Jezero Lake’s water system. The objective of the work is aimed at determining the causes and consequences of the excessive growth of the aquatic plants in the Savsko Jezero Lake, mechanical ways of vegetation removal, as well as technical and technologic actions of the applyment of an Alpha Boats FX-6 nautical mower at the Savsko Jezero Lake. Based on theoretic researches in the field of aquatic plant repression and a practical appliance of the specialized nautical mechanization Alpha Boats FX-6 at the Savsko Jezero Lake in Belgrade, it could be concluded that: - Mechanical ways of repression of the excessive aquatic plant growth has proved to be one of the ecologically best solutions for the problem, - Large quantities of the plant material (up to 35 m3 daily) which is extracted from the lake and driven to a dump site, generates a question for the further use of the mowed plant mass.Bez obzira da li su u pitanju veštački akvasistemi ili akvasistemi kao prirodna staništa pod antropogenim uticajem (reke, jezera-prirodna i veštačka, kanali i bare), potrebno je redovno održavanje ovih sistema kako bi zadržali svoju funkciju. Održavanje akvasistema podrazumeva kompleksnu i redovnu primenu određenih tehničko-tehnoloških postupaka koji omogućavaju neprekidno i efikasno funkcionisanje akvasistema, prema njegovim namenama. U radu je prikazan kompleksan pregled problematike tehničko-tehnoloških postupaka primene plovne mehanizacije u procesu uklanjanja vegetacije iz akvasistema Savskog jezera u Beogradu. Cilj rada je usmeren na utvrđivanje uzroka i posledica prekomernog rasta akvatičnih biljaka u Savskom jezeru, mehaničkih načina uklanjanja akvatične vegetacije, kao i tehničko-tehnoloških postupaka primene plovne kosačice Alpha Boats FX-6, na Savskom jezeru. Na osnovu teorijskih istraživanja u oblasti suzbijanja akvatičnih biljaka i praktičnoj primeni specijalizovane plovne mehanizacije Alpha Boats FX-6, na Savskom jezeru u Beogradu, može se zaključiti: - Mehanički način suzbijanja prekomernog rasta akvatičnih biljaka pokazao se kao ekološki jedno od najboljih rešenje ovog problema. - Velike količine biljnog materijala (dnevno i do 35 m3) koji se iznosi iz jezera i odvozi na deponiju, otvara i pitanje pronalaska rešenja dalje upotrebe pokošene biljne mase

    Tehnika i mašine za uređenje i održavanje plodnosti zemljišta

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    The consequences of poor handling of agricultural terrain and damages from threading on are huge and manifested through decrease of harvest income, and increase of consumption of energy and resources needed for treatment, etc. Floods and drought periods on non-treated soils are additionally endangering soil fertility and plant fecundity. Long term studies have shown that usage of heavy tractors and MTA machines does have influence on compression of surface and lower layers of plowed field thus violating bio system and growth of plant's root system. It has been shown with analyzes that in Serbia around 2,7% of soil is not being cultivated for the reason of bad water regime of soil; 6,7% of the cultivated and sowed soil does not yield a crop and on 42,5% of sowed soil, crops are 12-50% less than expected, when using conventional means for cultivation. This points up the significance and necessity of application of new technologies and new solutions of machines for cultivation and maintenance of soil fertility. The purpose of this work is to show the essence of this problem and results of several years lasting research, as well as development of solutions for new machines and techniques for soil cultivation, on surface and in depth, in order to maintain and improve soil fertility.Posledice lošeg gazdovanja poljoprivrednim zemljištem i štete koje nastaju gaženjem su ogromne i manifestuju se u vidu smanjenja prinosa, povećanja potrošnje energije za obradu, povećan utrošak resursa i otežana primena održive poljoprivrede. Poplave i sušni periodi na neuređenim zemljištima dodatno ugrožavaju plodnost zemljišta i rodnost biljaka. Dugoročna proučavanja ukazuju da primena teških traktora i MTA utiče na sabijenost oraničnog i podoraničnog sloja zemljišta, sto značajno narušava biosistem i razvoj korenovog sistema biljaka. Analize pokazuju da se u Srbiji oko 2,7% površine ne obradi zbog lošeg vodnog režima zemljišta, 6,7% zemljišta koje se obradi i poseje ne donese rod, a na oko 42,5% posejanih površina prinos je manji od očekivanog za 12 do 50%, pri primeni konvencionalnih načina obrade. Ovo ukazuje na značaj i potrebnu primene novih tehnologija i novih rešenja mašina za uređenje i održavanje plodnosti zemljišta. Ovaj rad ima za zadatak da prikaže suštinu problema i rezultate višegodišnjih istraživanja kao i razvoj rešenja novih mašina i tehnike za uređenje zemljišta po površini i dubini u cilju održavanja plodnosti zemljišta