13 research outputs found
Recognition as a valued human being: perspectives of mental health service users
Artikkelen tar for seg sårbarhet i relasjoner mellom psykiatriske tjenester og fagfolk som arbeider i kommunebaserte psykiske helsetjenester. Hensikten var å utforske hvordan brukerne av disse tjenestene beskrev og ga mening til sine møter med andre mennesker. Forskningen er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom forskere og personer med erfaringsbasert kunnskap. Dataene er hentet fra 19 intervjuer med 11 personer som er avhengige av psykiske helsetjenester minst tre ganger i uken. Resultatene bekrefter at gjensidighet er grunnleggende for relasjoner. Det er viktig å anerkjenne den enkelte brukeren, og dette innebærer et personlig engasjement hos den profesjonelle omsorgsyteren
Meanings of spirituality at the cancer drop-in
Spirituality is a contested concept with a wide taxonomy of meaning discussed in the literature. Within the domain of health care, there has been increasing interest in the importance of understanding and valuing patients' individual spirituality as a function of providing appropriate support, particularly as part of nursing practice. This article reports on an ethnographic participant observation study that explored the cancer day care provision of a community hospice trust located in Southern England. The aims of the study were to explore why users of day care came to the sessions and the perceived benefits of attending. Secondary analysis of the data undertaken after initial reporting on the findings has revealed the ways in which participants construct their core life meaning as personal spirituality. Drawing on literature that discusses the multi-faceted concept of spirituality, the data suggest that relationships and citizenship work are key spiritual components in the lives of these participants, with both these elements significantly contributing to the maintenance of a congruent 'self'. 'Doing' rather than 'being' is at the core of spiritual essence for those undertaking citizenship work, with this engagement with the world as one form of transcendence