12 research outputs found

    Direct vasopressor effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on renal resistance vessels

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    Direct vasopressor effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on renal resistance vessels. The contractile properties of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) on isolated resistance vessels of renal and mesenteric vascular beds were studied in an in vitro model using a small vessel myograph. Under isometric conditions, rHuEPO caused a contraction of this vasculature in a concentration range between 10 U/ml and 200 U/ml. A maximal active wall tension of 1.52 ± 0.19 mN/mm was obtained under a rHuEPO dose of 200 U/ml. In Ca2+ free solution, the pressor response to high rHuEPO-concentrations was attenuated, and the response to low rHuEPO concentrations was abolished. In the presence of verapamil, phentolamine and saralasin, rHuEPO-induced contractions were not affected significantly. A dose-dependent vasodilatation of mounted vasculature to acetylcholine (ACh) indicated that endothelium remained intact in our preparations rHuEPO-induced vessel contraction was not abrogated after an enzymatical removal of endothelium by collagenase, confirming that the described contractile responses are endothelial independent. These findings suggest that a direct vasopressor effect of rHuEPO on proximal resistance vessels may contribute to development of hypertension seen in rHuEPO-treated hemodialysis patients

    Regression of left ventricular mass in hypertensive patients treated with perindopril/indapamide as a first-line combination: The REASON echocardiography study

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    Background: Increase in left ventricular mass (LVM) may be linked to morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients. Arterial stiffness, systolic blood pressure (BP), and pulse pressure (PP) seem to be the main determinants of LVM. The perindopril/indapamide combination normalizes systolic BP, PP, and arterial function to a greater extent than atenolol. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of perindopril (2 mg)/indapamide (0.625 mg) first-line combination with atenolol (50 mg) on LVM reduction in hypertensive patients. Methods: Two hundred fourteen patients with essential hypertension participating in the PREterax in Regression of Arterial Stiffness in a ContrOlled Double-BliNd (REASON), randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study, underwent M-mode two-dimensional-guided echocardiography. Results: Perindopril/indapamide and atenolol were both effective at brachial BP reduction during the 12-month period. The systolic BP reduction was significantly greater with perindopril/indapamide than with atenolol (−21.2 v −15.3 mm Hg), whereas the reduction in diastolic BP was similar between treatment groups (−12.1 v −11.3 mm Hg). Reduction in LVM was higher with perindopril/indapamide than with atenolol. The between-group difference was significant for LVM (−13.6 v −4.3 g, P = .027), LVM/body surface area (LVMI1, P = .032), and LVM/body height2.7 (LVMI2, P = .013). The 124 patients with LV hypertrophy at baseline showed greatest LVM regression (LVM: −22.5 v −8.9 g, P = .009; LVMI1, P = .031; LVMI2, P = .028). The reduction in LVM adjusted for brachial systolic BP and heart rate was still significantly greater with perindopril/indapamide than with atenolol. Conclusions: Treatment, based on a first-line perindopril/indapamide combination in hypertensive patients, was more effective than atenolol on regression of echocardiographic indices of LVM and LV hypertroph

    Impact of monopolar radiofrequency energy on subchondral bone viability

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of monopolar radiofrequency energy treatment on subchondral bone viability. The femoral grooves of six chinchilla bastard rabbits were exposed bilaterally to monopolar radiofrequency energy for 2, 4 and 8 s, creating a total of 36 defects. An intravital fluorescence bone-labeling technique characterized the process of subchondral bone mineralization within the 3 months following exposure to radiofrequency energy and was analyzed by widefield epifluorescence optical sectioning microscopy using an ApoTome. After 2 s of radiofrequency energy exposure, regular fluorescence staining of the subchondral bone was evident in all samples when compared to untreated areas. The depth of osteonecrosis after 4 and 8 s of radiofrequency energy treatment averaged 126 and 942 µm at 22 days (P < .05; P < .01). The 4 s treatment group showed no osteonecrosis after 44 days whereas the depth of osteonecrosis extended from 519 µm at 44 days (P < .01), to 281 µm at 66 days (P < .01) and to 133 µm at 88 days (P < .05) after 8 s of radiofrequency energy application. Though radiofrequency energy may induce transient osteonecrosis in the superficial zone of the subchondral bone, the results of this study suggest that post-arthroscopic osteonecrosis appears to be of only modest risk given the current clinical application in humans

    „RFID - Systematische Versuche für den zuverlässigen Einsatz in der Logistik“

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    Mit zunehmender Komplexität und Vielfalt der Logistikprozesse steigt der Stellenwert der eingesetzten Informationstechnologien. Die den Warenfluss begleitenden bzw. vorhereilenden Informationen sind erforderlich, um Waren identifizieren und Unternehmensressourcen optimal einsetzen zu können. Als Beispiel ist der klassische Wareneingang zu nennen. Durch die Avisierung von Menge und Art eingehender Waren können der Einsatz des Personals zur Entladung und Vereinnahmung sowie die erforderlichen Ressourcen (Ladehilfsmittel, Flurförderzeuge, usw.) im Vorfeld geplant und bereitgestellt werden. Der Informationsfluss ist demnach als Qualitätsmerkmal und als Wirtschaftlichkeitsfaktor zu verstehen. Die Schnittstelle zwischen dem physischen Warenfluss und dem Informationsfluss auf EDV-Basis bildet die Identifikationstechnologien. In der Industrie verbreitete Identifikationstechnologien bestehen in der Regel aus einem Datenträger und einem Erfassungsgerät. Der Datenträger ist am physischen Objekt fixiert. Das Erfassungsgerät liest die auf dem Datenträger befindlichen Objektinformationen und wandelt sie in einen Binär-Code um, der durch nachgelagerte EDV weiterverarbeitet wird. Die momentan in der Industrie und im Handel am häufigsten verwendete Identifikationstechnologie ist der Barcode. In den letzten Jahren tritt die RFID-Technologie in den Fokus der Industrie und des Handels im Bereich Materialfluss und Logistik. Unter „Radio Frequency IDentification“ wird die Kommunikation per Funkwellen zwischen Datenträger (Transponder) und Lesegerät verstanden. Mittels der RFID-Technologie ist der Anwender, im Gegensatz zum Barcode, in der Lage, Informationen auf dem Transponder ohne Sichtkontakt zu erfassen. Eine Ausrichtung der einzelnen Artikel ist nicht erforderlich. Zudem können auf bestimmten Transpondertypen weitaus größere Datenmengen als auf einem Barcode hinterlegt werden. Transponder mit hoher Speicherkapazität eignen sich in der Regel, um die auf ihnen hinterlegten Daten bei Bedarf aktualisieren zu k��nnen. Eine dezentrale Datenorganisation ist realisierbar. Ein weiterer Vorteil der RFID-Technologie ist die Möglichkeit, mehrere Datenträger im Bruchteil einer Sekunde zu erfassen. In diesem Fall spricht man von einer Pulkerfassung. Diese Eigenschaft ist besonders im Bereich Warenein- und -ausgang von Interesse. Durch RFID ist es möglich, Ladeeinheiten, z. B. Paletten mit Waren, durch einen Antennenbereich zu fördern, und die mit Transpondern versehenen Artikel zu identifizieren und in die EDV zu übertragen. Neben der Funktionalität einer solchen Technologie steht in der Industrie vor allem die Wirtschaftlichkeit im Vordergrund. Transponder sind heute teuerer als Barcodes. Zudem müssen Investitionen in die für den Betrieb von RFID erforderliche Hard- und Software einkalkuliert werden. Daher muss der Einsatz der RFID-Technologie Einsparungen durch die Reorganisation der Unternehmensprozesse nach sich ziehen. Ein Schwachpunkt der RFID-Technologie ist momentan je nach Anwendung die mangelnde Zuverlässigkeit und Wiederholgenauigkeit bei Pulklesungen. Die Industrie und der Handel brauchen Identifikationstechnologien, deren Erfassungsrate im Bereich nahe 100 % liegt. Die Gefahr besteht darin, dass durch ein unzuverlässiges RFID-System unvollständige bzw. fehlerhafte Datensätze erzeugt werden können. Die Korrektur der Daten kann teurer sein als die durch die Reorganisation der Prozesse mittels RFID erzielten Einsparungen. Die Erfassungsrate der Transponder bei Pulkerfassungen wird durch mehrere Faktoren beeinflusst, die im Folgenden detailliert dargestellt werden. Das Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistik (IFT) in Stuttgart untersucht m��gliche Einflussgrößen auf die Erkennungsraten bei Pulkerfassungen. Mit den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen sollen mögliche Schwachstellen bei der Erkennung mehrerer Transponder im Vorfeld einer Implementierung in die Logistikprozesse eines Unternehmens eliminiert werden. With increasing complexity and variety of the logistics processes the significance of the used information technologies increases. The information accompanying the material flow is necessary in order to be able to identify goods and to be able to use corporate resources optimally. The classical goods entrance is to be mentioned as an example. The notification of amount and kind of incoming goods can be used for previously planning and providing of the personnel and necessary resources. The flow of information is to be understood accordingly as a high-quality feature and as an economic efficiency factor. With increasing complexity and variety of the logistics processes the significance of the used information technologies increases. The information accompanying the material flow is necessary in order to be able to identify goods and to be able to use corporate resources optimally. The classical goods entrance is to be mentioned as an example. The notification of amount and kind of incoming goods can be used for previously planning and providing of the personnel and necessary resources. The flow of information is to be understood accordingly as a high-quality feature and as an economic efficiency factor.The identification technologies form the interface between the physical material flow and the flow of information on EDP-basis. Common identification technology in the industry consists of a storage medium and an acquisition device. The storage medium is fixed at the physical object. The acquisition device reads the object information contained on the storage medium and converts it into a binary-code which is relayed to subordinate EDP. The currently in the industry and on the market most frequently identification technology used is the barcode. In the last years the RFID-technology is focused by industry and retail. Radio Frequency IDentification stands for the communication by radio waves between storage medium and reading device. Unlike the bar code, RFID user can read information without visual contact. A direction of the single articles is not necessary. Furthermore on certain transponder types larger amounts of data can be recorded than on a bar code. Transponders with high storage capacity are able to update the data set on them if required. A decentralised data organisation is realisable. A further advantage of the RFID-technology is the possibility to acquisition several data mediums in the fraction of a second. In this case bulk capturing is mentioned. This property is especially interesting in the field of goods receipt and goods issue. For example, with RFID the user has the possibility to convey palettes with goods through an antenna field, to identify the articles and to render into the EDV in the fraction of a second. Next to the functionality of such technology particularly the economic efficiency stands to the fore in the industry. Transponders are today more expensive than bar codes. Furthermore the company have to calculate investments in the necessary RFID hardware and software. Therefore the use of the RFID-technology must involve savings through the reorganisation of the business processes. Currently a weak point of RFID is according to application the lacking reliability and repetitive accuracy of bulk capturing. The industry and the retail need identification technologies whose acquisition rate lies close to 100%. The danger consists, that unreliable RFID-systems can collect incomplete and/or faulty data. The correction of the data can be more expensive than the savings achieved by the reorganisation of the processes by using RFID. The acquisition of the transponders at bulk captures is influenced by several factors which are represented in the following text about experimental series detailed. The Institute for conveyor technique and Logistics in Stuttgart / Germany examines possible actuating variables for the acquisition rate in the case of bulk captures. With the won findings possible weak points with the acquisition of several transponders previously of an implementation into the logistics processes of an enterprise are supposed to be eliminated

    Effect of fluvastatin on endothelium-dependent brachial artery vasodilation in patients after renal transplantation

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    Effect of fluvastatin on endothelium-dependent brachial artery vasodilation in patients after renal transplantation.BackgroundHypercholesterolemia may affect both endothelial function and arterial distensibility (DC). Renal transplant recipients (NTX) exhibit advanced structural and functional alterations of arterial vessel walls. The aim of this double-blind, randomized trial was to evaluate the effects of fluvastatin (FLU) on brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) and DC in hypercholesterolemic NTX.MethodsEighteen NTX received FLU 40 mg/day and 18 NTX placebo (PLA). Before and after six months of treatment, the brachial artery diameter and DC at rest were measured by a Doppler frequency analysis in the M mode, and then changes in diameter during reactive hyperemia (to assess endothelial-dependent FMD) and after 400 μg sublingual nitroglycerin (to assess endothelium-independent vasodilation—NMD).ResultsFLU, but not PLA, treatment resulted in significant decreases in total (from 288 ± 10 to 239 ± 8 mg/dL, P < 0.05) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (from 182 ± 779 to 138 ± 8 mg/dL, P < 0.05). Blood pressure did not differ between FLU- and PLA-treated patients and was not affected by either treatment. Also, the brachial artery baseline diameter was not different between groups and was not affected by FLU or PLA. Brachial artery flow at rest and during reactive hyperemia as measured by pulsed Doppler did not differ between groups. Brachial artery FMD increased with FLU from 0.23 ± 0.08 to 0.54 ± 0.08 mm (P < 0.05), whereas PLA did not alter FMD (0.22 ± 0.07 vs. 0.14 ± 0.05 mm at baseline and after six months of PLA treatment, respectively, P = NS). In contrast, NMD did not change significantly with either treatment (0.76 ± 0.13 vs. 0.83 ± 0.15 mm at baseline and after 6 months of FLU treatment, respectively, P = NS, and 0.64 ± 0.09 vs. 0.66 ± 0.10 mm at baseline and after 6 months of PLA treatment, respectively, P = NS). Also, brachial artery DC was not altered by FLU (6.4 ± 1.0 vs. 5.8 ± 0.6 × 10-3/kPa, P = NS) or PLA treatment (5.8 ± 0.6 vs. 6.8 ± 0.8 × 10-3/kPa, P = NS).ConclusionsIn hypercholesterolemic NTX, the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor FLU significantly improves brachial artery FMD as a measure of endothelial function after six months of treatment. In contrast, FLU does not have a beneficial effect on brachial artery DC