25 research outputs found

    Latent Membrane Protein 1 as a molecular adjuvant for single-cycle lentiviral vaccines

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    Background Molecular adjuvants are a promising method to enhance virus-specific immune responses and protect against HIV-1 infection. Immune activation by ligands for receptors such as CD40 can induce dendritic cell activation and maturation. Here we explore the incorporation of two CD40 mimics, Epstein Barr Virus gene LMP1 or an LMP1-CD40 chimera, into a strain of SIV that was engineered to be limited to a single cycle of infection. Results Full length LMP1 or the chimeric protein LMP1-CD40 was cloned into the nef-locus of single-cycle SIV. Human and Macaque monocyte derived macrophages and DC were infected with these viruses. Infected cells were analyzed for activation surface markers by flow cytometry. Cells were also analyzed for secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p70 and TNF by cytometric bead array. Conclusions Overall, single-cycle SIV expressing LMP1 and LMP1-CD40 produced a broad and potent TH_H1-biased immune response in human as well as rhesus macaque macrophages and DC when compared with control virus. Single-cycle SIV-LMP1 also enhanced antigen presentation by lentiviral vector vaccines, suggesting that LMP1-mediated immune activation may enhance lentiviral vector vaccines against HIV-1

    Species-Specific Activity of SIV Nef and HIV-1 Vpu in Overcoming Restriction by Tetherin/BST2

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    Tetherin, also known as BST2, CD317 or HM1.24, was recently identified as an interferon-inducible host–cell factor that interferes with the detachment of virus particles from infected cells. HIV-1 overcomes this restriction by expressing an accessory protein, Vpu, which counteracts tetherin. Since lentiviruses of the SIVsmm/mac/HIV-2 lineage do not have a vpu gene, this activity has likely been assumed by other viral gene products. We found that deletion of the SIVmac239 nef gene significantly impaired virus release in cells expressing rhesus macaque tetherin. Virus release could be restored by expressing Nef in trans. However, Nef was unable to facilitate virus release in the presence of human tetherin. Conversely, Vpu enhanced virus release in the presence of human tetherin, but not in the presence of rhesus tetherin. In accordance with the species-specificity of Nef in mediating virus release, SIV Nef downregulated cell-surface expression of rhesus tetherin, but did not downregulate human tetherin. The specificity of SIV Nef for rhesus tetherin mapped to four amino acids in the cytoplasmic domain of the molecule that are missing from human tetherin, whereas the specificity of Vpu for human tetherin mapped to amino acid differences in the transmembrane domain. Nef alleles of SIVsmm, HIV-2 and HIV-1 were also able to rescue virus release in the presence of both rhesus macaque and sooty mangabey tetherin, but were generally ineffective against human tetherin. Thus, the ability of Nef to antagonize tetherin from these Old World primates appears to be conserved among the primate lentiviruses. These results identify Nef as the viral gene product of SIV that opposes restriction by tetherin in rhesus macaques and sooty mangabeys, and reveal species-specificity in the activities of both Nef and Vpu in overcoming tetherin in their respective hosts

    Hydrological modelling of fine sediments in the Odzi River, Zimbabwe

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    Siltation of reservoirs is a major concern in Zimbabwe. Therefore, development of prediction tools is of great importance. In the present study a recently developed empirical sediment model (HBV-SED) based on a daily rainfall-runoff model was applied to simulate riverine fine sediment transport in a 2 486 km 2 catchment in eastern Zimbabwe. The model performance was evaluated and changes in the model structure were suggested. The modelling was, however, associated with many uncertainties due to the adopted simplification of transport processes. An analysis of the model structure and a comparison with the rating curve function was done. The required length of data for calibration purposes was evaluated and model validation through split sample and proxy basin comparison was performed. Furthermore, since the empirical model was dependent on monitored runoff and fine sediment concentrations for calibration purposes, a field measurement campaign was conducted to assess the accuracy of observed data at the station studied. The field measurements showed large errors in monitored runoff and fine sediment concentrations for the 1998/99 wet season, which illustrated the uncertainty in predictions of fine sediment transport based on observed data. The HBV-SED model, which was applied over a period when data were believed to be fairly accurate, simulated the fine sediment transport volume well for the validation period if it was calibrated for a minimum of four years. A shorter calibration period led to a significant increase in prediction uncertainty. The model failed to simulate individual high fine sediment peaks accurately mainly due to poor performance of the rainfall-runoff model on a daily time-scale even if the seasonal flow dynamics were described properly. In the studied catchment the HBV-SED model application resulted in equally poor R 2 -values as the rating curve technique, while the estimated fine sediment volume was more accurate. WaterSA Vol.27(3) 2001: 303-31

    Evaluation of environmental impacts for future influent scenarios using a model-based approach

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    Changes in dilution of wastewater to a treatment plant due to infiltration or surface runoff can have a great impact on treatment process performance. This paper presents a model-based approach in which realistic influent scenarios are generated and used as inputs to a dynamic plant-wide process model of the wastewater treatment plant. The simulated operation is subsequently evaluated using life-cycle assessment (LCA) to quantify the environmental impacts of the future influent scenarios. The results show that increased infiltration led to higher environmental impact per kg nitrogen removed. The increase in surface runoff had a minor impact

    QSAR prediction of aquatic and mammalian toxicity of triazoles and benzo-triazoles

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    Triazoles and benzo triazoles (TAZ/BTAZ) are potentially hazardous chemicals that adversely affect humans and other non-target species, and are on the list of substances of very high concern (SVHC) in the European regulation of chemicals REACH. TAZ/BTAZ are synthetic molecules used in various industrial processes (to obtain pharmaceuticals and agricultural products), and have a wide application as anti-corrosives, cleansing agents for textiles, flame retardants, photographic emulsions, etc\u2026Furthermore they are abundantly used as components of liquid deicing agents for aircraft and airport runways. Because of their wide use they have been found distributed throughout the environment, mainly in water compartments. The amount of experimental data available for these molecules is insufficient for a comprehensive characterization of their environmental and toxicological profile and they have been included among the four classes of chemicals studied in the European FP7 Project CADASTER (CAse studies on the Development and Application of in Silico Techniques for Environmental hazard and Risk assessment). In this study we investigated and modeled by QSAR different endpoints of interest to define the potential aquatic toxicological profile of hundreds of TAZ/BTAZ, and the possible correlations among their aquatic and mammalian toxicity. The studied end-points were: LC50 in Onchorhynchus Mykiss, EC50 in Daphnia Magna, and EC50 in algae. Data for mammalian acute toxicity in rat (LD50 oral exposure) were also investigated and modeled. Different theoretical molecular descriptors were calculated by different proprietary and freely available online software (DRAGON, Hyperchem, and the CADASTER online platform for the calculation of molecular descriptors \u2013 www.cadaster.eu). The endpoints of interest were modeled by multiple linear regression (MLR) and the Genetic Algorithm was used to select the relevant molecular descriptors by the MLR-Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method. The best models were validated for their predictive performance using leave-one-out, bootstrap and the scrambling of the responses. External validation was also performed depending on the dimension of the studied experimental datasets. The reliability of the predictions was always checked by the leverage approach in order to verify the chemical applicability domain of the models

    Distinct transcriptomic and epigenomic modalities underpin human memory T cell subsets and their activation potential

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    An integrated analysis uncovers transcriptional and epigenetic differences of human circulating memory T cell subsets and identifies unique transcription factor networks associated with memory subset differentiation