57 research outputs found

    Determinan Kejadian Malaria pada Ibu Hamil di Papua Barat

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    Malaria adalah penyakit yang masih menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia, dengan prevalensi antara 300-500 juta kasus klinis dan kematian mencapai 1-1,5 juta penduduk pertahun, penyakit ini ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Anopheles yang terinfeksi oleh plasmodium. Wanita hamil selain mudah terinfeksi malaria juga mudah terinfeksi berulang hingga komplikasi berat yang dapat berisiko pada kematian ibu dan janin. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian malaria pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Prafi Manokwari Papua Barat dengan jumlah populasi 420 ibu hamil. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional analitik dengan rancangan case control study. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Prafi Manokwari, yaitu sebanyak 136 dengan jumlah kasus 68 dan kontrol 68. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji OR, dengan CI 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel perilaku pencegahan malaria (1,195<OR<6,436) dan kebiasaan berada di luar rumah pada malam hari (1,509<OR<6,279) merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kejadian malaria pada ibu hamil. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa umur, pendidikan, jumlah persalinan merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kejadian malaria tetapi tidak bermakna secara statistik. Kunjungan ANC bukan merupakan faktor risiko, sedangkan perilaku pencegahan dan kebiasaan keluar rumah pada malam hari merupakan faktor risiko dan bermakna secara statistik

    Pengaruh Islamic Corporate Governance Dan Internal Control Terhadap Indikasi Terjadinya Fraud Pada Bank Umum Syariah Di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of independent variables on fraud of Indonesian Islamic banks in the period of 2011-2015. Independent variables that used in this study are Islamic corporate governance with the execution of duties and responsible of Shariah Supervisory Board and the execution of duties and responsible of management as an indicator and internal control. By using purposive sampling method, from 12 Islamic banks in Indonesian, 9 Islamic banks are choosen as the samples in this study. The type of data used in this study aresecondary data which is good corporate governance statement. Collecting data technique used in this study is documentary. Data are analyzed by statistical analysis using a multiple regression analysis and are processed by IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 23th version program. The results of this study show that 6,1% dependent variable or fraud can be explained by the three of independent variables. Simultaneously the three of independent variables have no effect on fraud. Partially the execution of duties and responsible of Shariah Supervisory Board and the execution of duties and responsible of management and internal controlhave no effect on fraud

    Pengaruh Tingkat Bagi Hasil Deposito Mudharabah, Financing to Deposit Ratio, Dan Suku Bunga Deposito Terhadap Pertumbuhan Deposito Mudharabah Pada Bank Umum Syariah Di Indonesia

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    The objective of the research was to find out the influence of Mudharabah Deposit Revenue Sharing, Financing to Deposit Ratio, and Deposit Interest Rateon Mudharabah Deposit growth simultaneously and partially on TheIslamic Banks in Indonesia. The research used causal asosiative design. The population was 11Islamic Banks in Indonesia, and whole observed. The period of observation was since 2012 until 2014, so there were 33 analysis units all together. The data were processed by using multiple linear regression tests with an SPSS software program. The result of the research showed that mudharabah deposit revenue sharing, Financing to Deposit Ratio, and deposit interest rate both simultaneously and partially influenced Mudharabah Deposit Growth

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Kualitas Pelatihan, dan Pengalaman Kerja Aparatur Desa terhadap Pemahaman Laporan Keuangan Desa (Studi pada Kecamatan Banda Raya Kota Banda Aceh)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Education Level, Quality Training, and Work Experience on the Understanding Village Financial Report.The data used in this study is the primary data by spreading the questionnaire to the village apparatus in Banda Raya District of Banda Aceh.The population in this study is the village apparatus that exists in Banda Raya District of Banda Aceh. The collecting of data and information needed in this research was done by field research. The data used is primary data collected directly from the subject of research by a questionnaire form. The testing of the influences of independent variables toward dependent variables was done by using multiple regressions model. The results of this research showed that both partially and simultaniously, The Level of Education, The Quality of Training, and Work Experience had an effect on The Understanding of The Village Financial Statements in the Banda Raya District of Banda Ace

    Pengaruh Gender, Ethical Sensitivity, Locus Of Control, dan Pemahaman Kode Etik Profesi Akuntan terhadap Perilaku Etis Mahasiswa Akuntansi Universitas Syiah Kuala

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    The purpose of this research is to examine some factors that may effect ethical behavior of accounting students of Syiah Kuala University. There are four variables hypothesized affect ethical behavior which are gender, ethical sensitivity, locus of control and comprehensif of accountant profession ethical code.The respondents are the accounting students of Syiah Kuala University who have attended courses in Auditing. The samples are collected using simple random sampling method and resulted 74 students become the final samples. This research uses multiple regression linear analysis.The result of this research show that simultaneous of gender, ethical sensitivity, locus of control and comprehensif of accountant profession ethical code have effect on ethical behavior of accounting students of Syiah Kuala University. Partially the research shows that all variables are significantly effected on ethical behavior of accounting students of Syiah Kuala University

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Pemetaan Sebaran Potensi Alam Dan Pemanfaatan Lahan Hutan Lindung Sibayak II Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Barisan

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    Geographic Information System application has been used for planning, execution and operation which have the regional base of geography. One of the application is for mapping potential lansdscape distribution. Sibayak II forest area is one of Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Barisan conservation area which strategic located and surrounded by lot of tourism potency, natural resources potency and hydrological function. This study aimed to mapping the distribution of natural resources potency and type of land using. This study was conducted in April until June 2013 using interview guide and ground exploration method with Geographic Information System application and Global Positioning System. The Result of this study showed that Sibayak II forest area has many natural resources potency such as flora, fauna, bamboo and water resources which distributed almost all of the edge of the forest area.The most dominant of flora is bamboo, Altingia excelsa, Schima wallichi and pine because Sibyak II is on the edge of mountain area. The type of land using at Sibayak II forest area based on local community data and ground check were bamboo cultivations, farming land and forest exploitation area

    Pendugaan Cadangan Karbon Above Ground Biomass (AGB) Pada Tegakan Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Di Kabupaten Langkat / (the Estimate of Carbon Stocks Above Ground Biomass (AGB) on Palm (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Stands in Langkat District)

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    Palm Oil Plant a CO2 absorber as well as other crops such as forest plants. Langkat District is one of the areas that have a high oil commodity. Research on AGB estimates carbon stocks in standing palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) in Langkat conducted in July through September 2012. This study uses Allometric that calculate carbon stocks in standing palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Associated with the value of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).Largest carbon stocks contained in the 14-year-old stands of oil reserves by 68.84 tonnes carbon / ha and the smallest carbon stocks contained in the 3-year old palm stands by the number of carbon reserves 19.20 tonnes / ha. Vegetation index can be calculated by the model equation Y = 38.39 + 26.24 x NDVI on Landsat imagery. NDVI has a positive relationship with the value of the field in which the R ² of the resulting equation is equal to 49% of the stands of palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
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