5 research outputs found

    Analisis Experiential Marketing, Perceived Quality dan Advertising terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Produk Kopi Good Day Cappuccino

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze experiential marketing, perceived quality and advertising on purchasing decisions on Good Day Cappuccino coffee products. The data used in this study is primary data where the data was obtained from the University of KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah. The sampling technique used the Stratified Random Sampling method, then the data was processed using multiple regression analysis. Samples were taken of 129 people from a total population of 190 respondents. The data collection used in this study is a questionnaire, where each class is given several samples that have been calculated using the Stratified Random Sampling method. After testing the hypothesis, it can be seen that in the partial test it can be seen that the experiential marketing, perceived quality and advertising variables have a significant level less than 0.05, meaning that these three variables have a relationship with the purchasing decision variable. While simultaneously there is a significant 0.000 less than 0.05, then Ho is rejected, Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a relationship between experiential marketing variables, perceived quality and advertising on purchasing decision variables

    Pregnancy Care Application Mobile Android Based

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    Pregnancy is a major concern of the world in current health issues. The maternal mortality rate (MMR) is still quite large in almost all countries in the world due to pregnancycomplications.Pregnancycomplicationscanbepreventedbyimprovingthe healthstatusofpregnant women.However,the lack ofknowledgeof pregnantwomen about pregnancy care and inadequate pregnancy care practices causes mothers to be less aware of what is experienced so that there are delays in decision making to seek help, delays in getting transportation to bring to health facilities, and delay in gettinghelpfromofficershealth.Thehighestnumberofcellularphoneuserstoaccess the internet comes from internet users from Java and Bali (92 percent). The purpose of using the internet is 68.7 percent to search for information and browsing. The purpose of the research is to create a pregnancy guide application for the expectant mother to get the information and knowledge about pregnancy care. The method is used in the research is SDLC (System Development Life Circle) method is the method that describes the system development life cycle in the design and development of information system. The results of the research showed that application has been completed design and has been tested by taking a sample of 55 pregnant women, which is named Pregnancy Care Application Mobile Android Based. Based on the Function Point relationship, this application gets a score of 9,638 (scale 1-10) which shows the usability of use to the user. Thus, this application is very feasible to use becauseallthefeaturesthatarepreparedarethingsthatarereallyneededbypregnant women in the care of daily pregnancy.     Keywords: Pregnancy Care, Application Mobile Android

    Analisis Algoritma KNN Berbasis Feature Selection untuk Memprediksi Nasabah Pengguna Deposito melalui Pemasaran Langsung

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    Sebuah bank menggunakan teknik pemasaran langsung dalam menargetkan segmen nasabah dengan cara menghubungi nasabah tersebut untuk memenuhi tujuan tertentu. Setelah menghubungi nasabah, bank mendapatkan informasi apakah nasabah tersebut sudah berlangganan produk yang ditawarkan oleh bank atau belum. Salah satu produk yang ditawarkan oleh bank antara lain yaitu deposito. Dari banyaknya informasi nasabah yang dikumpulkan, bank mampu menawarkan produk dan layanan kepada nasabah. Kemampuan tersebut dapat menggunakan teknologi data mining, seperti tujuan dibuatnya penelitian ini yaitu memprediksi nasabah yang berlangganan deposito dengan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dan feature selection yang diproses menggunakan tools Anaconda dan bahasa pemrograman python. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, akurasi dari penggunaan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) sebesar 74,37% dengan nilai K=9, sedangkan akurasi algoritma klasifikasi K-Nearest Neighbor dengan menggunakan feature selection sebesar 89,72% dengan nilai K=3, sehingga didapat selisih peningkatan akurasi sebesar 15,35%

    Modulating Photothermal Properties of Carbon Dots through Nitrogen Incorporation Enables Efficient Solar Water Evaporation

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    As a new family in carbon nanomaterials, carbon dots (CDs) are potential candidates for solar water evaporator, owing to their cost-effectiveness, non-toxicity, high solubility, and tunable optical properties. Despite such potentials, however, CDs mainly absorb solar spectrum in the ultraviolet region while their absorption in the visible region is limited, the characteristics that hinder their functionality in generating steam from solar energy. Herein, the optical and photothermal properties of CDs, derived from urea and citric acid, can be modulated by controlling their surface stoichiometry through varying the molar ratio of the precursors. Our approach is simple, fast, and highly scalable by utilizing a microwave irradiation technique. We found that increasing the nitrogen content results in broadening of the absorption spectra into the visible region due to more functional groups introduced on the CD surface that reduce the band gap, as confirmed both by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical calculation. Employing the CDs as photothermal materials in the volumetric solar evaporator, we demonstrate a remarkable evaporation efficiency of up to 70% along with a volumetric evaporation rate of 1.11 kg m–2 h–1 under 1 sun illumination, superior to direct bulk water heating. Furthermore, the CDs show excellent durability and stability, as demonstrated by their stable evaporation rate for 10 days, with no significant decrease in the optical and photothermal properties. This finding provides a pathway to design and functionalize CDs with controllable optical and photothermal properties for an efficient solar evaporation system