3 research outputs found
This study aims to see racism in the novel Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee as state of exception; a political philosophy of Agamben. Agamben's idea of ​​state of exception is used in this study as the theoretical framework. This research specifically reveals how racism becomes part of state of exception in American society around 1960s when the novel was written. The analysis focuses on issues of racism in American society as depicted in the novel. The issue of racism is taken with the aim of analyzing state of exception in USA, in dealing with racial discrimination. After analyzing the issues of racism and state of exception in the novel, this study reveals that racism in American society is politically structured. The finding of this study is the discrimination experienced by lower class citizens who are dominated by black people, as the impact of state of exception which affects their citizenship rights
Teori Filsafat Politik Agamben dalam Karya Sastra: Bare Life dan Homo Sacer
Agamben Theory of Political Philosophy in Literature Work: Bare Life and Homo Sacer ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menyajikan gagasan dan teori sosio-politik Agamben seputar kedaulatan negara dan hak asasi manusia, untuk memberikan pandangan dan perbandingan dalam hubungannya dengan teori-teori pada ilmu sosial dan sastra. Agamben adalah salah satu filsuf yang muncul di era modern, yang mana pemikirannya berkaitan dengan filsuf besar pendahulunya, seperti Michel Foucault dan Hannah Arendt yang juga dibahas di dalam penelitian ini. Oleh karena itu, hubungan antara konsep-konsep pemikiran mereka pun dipresentasikan dalam penelitian ini, beserta konsep politik Agamben yang diaplikasikan dalam artikel kritik sastra. Berdasarkan data-data yang didapatkan melalui studi pustaka ditemukan penggambaran dari istilah bare life dan homo sacer yang merupakan pandangan Agamben terhadap kualitas manusia sebagai individu. Agamben menunjukkan bahwa kedaulatan negara dapat mengubah status manusia menjadi tanpa hak asasi maupun hak politik di bawah kekuasaannya, yang mana penerapannya pun dapat ditemukan dalam beberapa karya sastra, yang dibahas dalam artikel kritik sastra.Kata kunci: Agamben, Kedaulatan Negara, Homo Sacer, Bare Life, Hak Asasi Manusia ABSTRACTThis study provides Agamben’s socio-political ideas and theory regarding sovereignty and human right, to give a deeper insight and comparison in the relation of social theory and literary studies. Giorgio Agamben is one of modern philosopher, which his thoughts are connected to other previous philosophers, such as Michel Foucault and Hannah Arendt who are also discussed in this study. Thus, the connections between their concepts are presented in this study, along with the Agamben political concepts which is applied in literary criticism articles. Based on the data obtained from library research is found the depictions of the terms bare life and homo sacer which Agamben’s view of human qualities as individuals. Agamben shows that sovereignty can change human status to be without human rights or political rights under its power, which the implementation can be found in several literature works that are discussed in critical literary articles.Keyword: Agamben, Sovereignty, Homo Sacer, Bare Life, Human Rights