31 research outputs found
Semantic Detection of Targeted Attacks Using DOC2VEC Embedding
The targeted attack is one of the social engineering attacks. The detection of this type of attack is considered a challenge as it depends on semantic extraction of the intent of the attacker. However, previous research has primarily relies on the Natural Language Processing or Word Embedding techniques that lack the context of the attacker\u27s text message. Based on Sentence Embedding and machine learning approaches, this paper introduces a model for semantic detection of targeted attacks. This model has the advantage of encoding relevant information, which helps to improve the performance of the multi-class classification process. Messages will be categorized based on the type of security rule that the attacker has violated. The suggested model was tested using a dialogue dataset taken from phone calls, which was manually categorized into four categories. The text is pre-processed using natural language processing techniques, and the semantic features are extracted as Sentence Embedding vectors that are augmented with security policy sentences. Machine Learning algorithms are applied to classify text messages. The experimental results show that sentence embeddings with doc2vec achieved high prediction accuracy 96.8%. So, it outperformed the method applied to the same dialog dataset
Solution based low temperature CsPbI3 nanoparticle perovskite solar cells
This work reports on low temperature inorganic CsPbI3 perovskite nanostructures synthesized as the active black phase, without the additional use of organic ligands and based only on CsI and PbI2 precursors. This new method is based on the inverse temperature crystallization ITC phenomenon where dissolved lead salts tend to form nucleation grains at high temperatures. This methodology allows the conversion temperature of the CsPbI3 black phase to be reduced without the use of additives or anti solvent treatment. We use small angle X ray scattering SAXS , high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy HAADF STEM , and photoluminescence PL measurements to characterize the precursor solutions at different heating times to understand the nature of the observed CsPbI3 nanoparticles NPs . Heating the solution for 192 hours shows the high quality black active phase of CsPbI3 NPs after evaporation of the solvent in the solid state. This allows us to form a film of CsPbI3 in its photoactive phase at a low temperature T 55 1C within a few minutes using no additives or antisolvent treatment. We use the dispersion of CsPbI3 nanostructures to fabricate black phase CsPbI3 perovskite based solar cells on a mesoporous TiO2 structure showing a power conversion efficiency of 7.
RPE and Stem Cell Therapy
acceptedVersionPeer reviewe
Sukuk Reduces Risk of Corruption and Theft of Funds
This paper aims to determine the importance of the structure of Sukuk through the creation of Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) provides better transparency thereby reducing corruption and wastage as productive assets must be put to work in order to generate rental incomes for investors, rather than disappearing into offshore banking centres or participating in deliberately overpriced projects. The paper relies on The 2014 report makes interesting reading with Denmark, New Zealand and Finland ranked as the least corrupt countries and unfortunately a host of OIC countries coming out towards the wrong side of index, with the notable exception of the UAE and Qatar which rank 25 and 26 respectively, better than the likes of France, Portugal and Poland. The results show that Corruption and abuse of state funds affect many countries and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries are no exception. Corruption has a devastating impact for many reasons, one of which is whilst funds are siphoned off abroad, the debt remains on the countries balance sheet and accrues interest charges, compounding larger year after year. The results In addition to the traditional benefits of sukuk, such as diversifying an investor base and accessing investors who do not invest in interest-based bonds, a less discussed value add of sukuk is its structure, particularly the Ijara structure which to a greater deal over conventional bonds prevents the wastage of funds through corruption and theft. This paper is a pioneer study undertaking about Sukuk Reduces Risk of Corruption and Theft of Fund
Wakaf Produktif di Malaysia
Wakaf dalam doktrin agama Islam merupakan salah satu bentuk ibadah yang syarat nilai, karena selainmengandung dimensi vertikal, juga berdimensi horizontal, yang dalam istilah bahasa yuridis formaldikatakan dengan kata-kata kepentingan ibadah dan keperluan umum. Sebagaimana telah diatur dalam Undang-undang No.1 Akta Pentadbiran Undang-undang Islam (Wilayah-wilayah Persekutuan) 1993 (Akta 505) Bahagian 1 Sek. 2- Tafsiranmenurut peraturan pemerintah bab amanah khairat seksyen 61 wakaf dan nazar. P.U (A) 352/85. Akta A585. Secara substantif terdapat beberapa pasal (seksyen) dalam Enakmen yang menunjukkan bagaimana seharusnya pola kerja lembaga otoritas (Majlis) dalam menangani proses-proses prosedural wakaf. Di antaranya pasal 61dan 62 Akta Pentadbiran Undang-undang Islam (Wilayah-wilayah Persekutuan) yang berbunyi:Walaupun apa-apa Peruntukan yang bertentangan yang terkandung dalam mana-mana surat cara atau peristiharaan yng mengwujudkan, mengawal atau menyentuh perkara itu, Majlis hendaklah menjadi pemegang amanah yang tunggal bagi semua wakaf, samaada ‘am atau wakaf khas, semua nazar ‘am dan semua amanah dari pada segala perihal khairat bagi menyokong dan memajukan agama Islam atau bagi faedah orang-orang Islam mengikut hukum syarak setakat mana-mana harta yang tersentuh olehnya dan terletak di dalam wilayah-wilayah persekutuan dan jika pemberi harta itu atas orang lain yang mengwujudkan amanah wakaf atau nazr ‘am itu telah berdomisili di wilayah-wilayah Persekutuan setakat semua harta yang tersentuh olehnya di mana-mana jua harta itu terletak.‚ Prosedur dan langkah-langkah mewakafkan harta benda selama ini berjalan melalui tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut: (i) Peristirahan Niyat yaitu pemberitahuan tertulis dari pihak wakif kepada Majlis. Di dalamnya harus ditulis dengan jelas maksud dan tujuan wakaf; dan juga lampiran berupa (semacam akte tanah) yang menjustifikasi bahwa tanah atau harta dimaksud milik wakif; (ii) Pemeriksaan Harta yaitu pemeriksaan harta benda yang dimaksud oleh wakif sebagai wakaf yang dilakukan oleh Majlis dengan tujuan agar ia dapat dipastikan keberadaannya, sehingga pengesahan yang dibuat dapat dipastikankeadaannya; (iii) Majlis Penyerahan Harta yaitu pengesahan yang dilakukan oleh wakif di depan Majlis dengan disaksikan dua saksi di atas kertas ‚Borang Lafadz Wakaf yang secara detail di dalamnya terpaparkan jenis harta, tujuan, dan tempat tanda tangan bagi pihak-pihak terlibat pengesahan; (iv) Proses Tukar Hakmilik Harta yaitu menulis ulang dan melengkapi surat-surat administrasi yang dilakukan oleh Baitulmal setelah Majlis menyerahkan kepadanya. Baitulmal akan mengajukan secara resmi kepada Pejabat tanah (semacam Badan Agraria) untuk mengurus akte hak milik tanah; (v) Proses Pembangunan Harta Wakaf yaitu pelaksanaan pembangunan harta wakaf sesuai dengan rencana Baitulmal dengan mengikuti tujuan yang telah ditetapkan
Symbiodinium Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Production and Migration in the Octocorals Sympodium sp. and Sarcothelia sp.
Climate change may be increasingly causing corals to bleach, as bleaching may be triggered by elevated temperatures and light. Corals bleach due to their symbionts’ overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This mechanism breaks down the syntrophic relationship between corals and symbionts, as the symbionts either migrate or die (Parrin et al., 2012).
We primarily aimed to identify the relationship between stress, ROS production, and symbiont migration in the octocorals, Sympodium sp. and Sarcothelia sp. The experimental groups were stressed with 140 µmol photons sec-1m-2 for 4 hours (Table 1), while the control groups were kept in a culture tank with minimal light. The groups were put in finger bowls in an incubator with a probe that detects ROS for 1 hour. Through Image Pro 6.3, we were able to quantify background and colony luminance that represents ROS production. We also used the manual tag feature in the software to count the migrating and non-migrating symbionts. Our data is shown in graphs (Figs. 3-6) and paired comparisons (Tables 2-3).
In general, there was a positive correlation between stress and colony luminance and moving symbionts on both Sympodium sp. and Sarcothelia sp. (Figures 3-6). There was a greater correlation between relative luminance and stress in Sympodium as compared to stressed Sarcothelia (Tables 2-3). This implies that in the presence of ROS, symbionts are more likely to exit the cells of Sarcothelia. We had good control groups for both octocorals, as there wasn’t a significant difference between nonmoving symbionts in the control and stressed groups in either (Figure 7). To form more conclusive results, we could have done more trials, while limiting our errors, on both species.
Because coral bleaching is detrimental to corals and other marine organisms, many sought to find ways to prevent or alleviate it. Environmental conditions that may prevent or aid in the recovery of bleached corals include shade and deeper waters, as they lack in temperature and illumination (Grahem et al., 2015). Symbionts may avoid stress by migrating to the coenenchyme lumen, then back to the stolons of the coral tissues, once the stress ceases (Parrin et al., 2012). Parrin and his team, also found that because Sarcothelia and Sympodium had higher surface area coenenchyme than Phenganax parrini, they had more symbiont recovery. Acropora millepora increased their tolerance to stress by changing from type C symbionts to type D symbionts (Berkelmans and van Oppen, 2006). Further studies on the syntrophic associations between corals and symbionts, may help increase knowledge of the coping mechanisms that may mitigate coral bleaching.B.S. (Bachelor of Science