262 research outputs found

    Association between socio-economic status and health of older adults in rural Bangladesh and India: a comparative cross-sectional study

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    Inequalities in health are noticeable among older people in many developing countries, driven by poor social protection systems and low socio-economic status (SES). The present study attempts to examine the effects of SES on health of older adults, and related gender differences, in rural Bangladesh and India using standardized data collection instruments. The study uses the INDEPTH-WHO SAGE Matlab, Bangladesh and Pune District, India datasets. Quintiles of wealth and educational attainment are used as the indicators of socio-economic status, while self-rated health, quality of life, health state, and disability level are used as health indicators. In multiple regression models, both SES indicators are significantly associated with each health status indicator in older adults in Bangladesh, whereas, in India, they are found to be not consistently associated with the four health indicators. Highest level of education is a better predictor of the four health indicators than wealth among older adults in both countries. The findings have profound implications with regard to designing health intervention programmes for older adult populations in both countries

    Hexamethonium produces both twitch and tetanic depression without fade in common African toad (Bufo regularis)

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    The study was designed to investigate the nature of the cholinoceptors at the sciatic nervegastrocnemius muscle junction of the common African toad (Bufo regularis). Using myographic technique, the twitch properties of the sciatic-gastrocnemius muscle preparation of the common African toad was studied. Both the twitch height and peak tetanic height were measured as a percentage of control. Hexamethonium at a concentratration of 0.1mM significantly (

    A Study of Different Substrate Material on Air Gap Radial Line Slot Array (RLSA) Antenna at 28 GHz

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    This paper compared the performance of the conventional Radial line slot array (RLSA) antenna structure. Two different substrates of RLSA antennas were used: The FR4 with the relative permittivity (εr) value of 4.5 and the Duroid/RT5880 with the relative permittivity (εr) value of 2.2. Both substrates had their own thickness, where the Rogers RT Duroid 5880 was thinner with the value of 0.254 mm compared to FR4 which was 1.600 mm. There were two antenna cavities, which were the FR4 hybrid with air gap and the Duroid/RT5880 hybrid with air gap. Based on different substrate, this RLSA antenna was simulated using the CST Microwave Studio simulation software and measured using the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) equipment that can measure the frequency range (10.0 MHz to 50.0 GHz). Moreover, this RLSA antenna was presented, experimented and measured for millimeter wave frequency, which is within the frequency range (24.0 GHz to 32.0 GHz). In the middle of the rectangular, slots on radiating plate, located with fed coated of 50 Ω SSMA connector as a coaxial to waveguide transition frequency reconfigurable millimeter-wave antenna for 5G networks is presented. The results of the simulation and measurement of this RLSA antenna with different substrates show the S11 and wider value of impedance bandwidth performance in millimeter wave frequency

    26 GHz Open Ended Air Gap Cavity RLSA Antenna for Next Generation Broadband Wireless Access

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    The demand of large bandwidth has pushed the wireless backbone into the mm-wave frequency range. A compact wireless terminal has been suggested at 26 GHz over the decade. A small and high gain antenna has been introduced because of the scenic point of view and for the environment. Next generation Fixed Wireless Access has been proposed at 26 GHz frequency band as a backbone carrier. A Radial Line Slot Array Antenna at 26 GHz frequency band has been developed. The air gap cavity approach has made the fabrication simpler and light. The gain exceeds 23 dBi has been realized at a frequency of 26 GHz with overall dimensions of 200 mm x 200 mm x 3.6 mm. The reflection coefficient better than -10 dB has been successfully achieved at operating frequencies between 25.5 GHz to 26.5 GH

    A Study Of Different Substrate Material On Air Gap Radial Line Slot Array (RLSA) Antenna At 28 GHz

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    This paper compared the performance of the conventional Radial line slot array (RLSA) antenna structure. Two different substrates of RLSA antennas were used: The FR4 with the relative permittivity (εr) value of 4.5 and the Duroid/RT5880 with the relative permittivity (εr) value of 2.2. Both substrates had their own thickness, where the Rogers RT Duroid 5880 was thinner with the value of 0.254 mm compared to FR4 which was 1.600 mm. There were two antenna cavities, which were the FR4 hybrid with air gap and the Duroid/RT5880 hybrid with air gap. Based on different substrate, this RLSA antenna was simulated using the CST Microwave Studio simulation software and measured using the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) equipment that can measure the frequency range (10.0 MHz to 50.0 GHz). Moreover, this RLSA antenna was presented, experimented and measured for millimeter wave frequency, which is within the frequency range (24.0 GHz to 32.0 GHz). In the middle of the rectangular, slots on radiating plate, located with fed coated of 50 Ω SSMA connector as a coaxial to waveguide transition frequency reconfigurable millimeter-wave antenna for 5G networks is presented. The results of the simulation and measurement of this RLSA antenna with different substrates show the S11 and wider value of impedance bandwidth performance in millimeter wave frequency

    Prevalence and risk factors of childhood anemia in Nepal: A multilevel analysis

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    Introduction Anemia is a common problem in children particularly in developing countries and taking steps to tackle it is one of the major public health challenges for Nepal. The objective of this study is to investigate the prevalence of individual, household and community level determinants of childhood anemia in Nepal. Methods Data was taken from a nationally representative sample of 1,942 Nepalese children aged from 6–59 months. The Chi-square test was used to determine the bivariate relationship between the selected variables and childhood anemia and a multilevel logistic regression model with a random intercept at household and community level was used to identify important determinants of this kind of anemia. Results The results showed that 52.6% (95% CI: 49.8%-55.4%) of the children were anemic while 26.6% (95% CI: 24.0%-29.3%) of them were moderate to severe. The prevalence of overall anemia was higher among children aged less than 11 months as well as in underweight children, children of underweight, anemic and uneducated mothers and those in the terrain ecological regions. Multivariable analysis showed that children aged less than 11 months, who were underweight and had anemic mothers were more likely to have moderate or severe anemia. Children in the hilly ecological region were less likely to have it compared to mountain and terrain ecological regions. Children in middle-class families and children of mothers who completed secondary education were more likely to have anemia. Conclusion Nepal is facing a serious public health problem due to the high prevalence of childhood anemia. This adverse situation occurs due to socio-demographic and geographical factors such as age, malnutrition status, mother’s anemia status, socio-economic status and regional variations. Prevention of childhood anemia should be given top priority in Nepal and should be considered as a major public health intervention

    Health and wellbeing of indigenous older adults living in the tea gardens of Bangladesh

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    Background There are currently 1.5 million indigenous people in Bangladesh, constituting 1.8% of the total population and representing one of the country’s most deprived communities. This study explores the health status and quality of life along with their determinants among indigenous older people in Bangladesh in order to fill the knowledge and evidence gap on this topic. Methods A mixed-methods approach was deployed in October 2019 in the Sylhet division of Bangladesh which involved a cross-sectional survey among 400 indigenous older adults (200 males, 200 females) from 8 tea gardens using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Ten in-depth interviews were also conducted with providers of the tea garden health facilities. Descriptive analysis, multiple logistic and multi-nominal linear regression were performed to explore associated factors around health and quality of life. Results Of the total respondents, the majority (79.5%) had chronic diseases, with visual difficulty being predominant (74%) among the conditions. Almost all (94%) of the respondents experienced delays in receiving treatment and poverty was identified by most (85%) as the primary cause of those delays. Extreme age, being male, living alone and low family income were significantly associated with suffering from chronic conditions. Furthermore, having a chronic condition and extreme age were found to be significantly associated with a low quality of life. Health service providers identified lack of logistical support in the health facilities, the economic crisis and lack of awareness as the major causes of poor health status and poor health seeking behaviour of the indigenous older adults. Conclusion Indigenous older men in extreme old age are more vulnerable to adverse health conditions and poor quality of life. Health literacy and health seeking behaviour is poor among indigenous older adults generally and there is a huge gap in the health services and social supports available to them

    A novel transparent UWB antenna for photovoltaic solar panel integration and RF energy harvesting

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    A novel transparent ultra-wideband antenna for photovoltaic solar-panel integration and RF energy harvesting is proposed in this paper. Since the approval by the Federal Communications Committee (FCC) in 2002, much research has been undertaken on UWB technology, especially for wireless communications. However, in the last decade, UWB has also been proposed as a power harvester. In this paper, a transparent cone-top-tapered slot antenna covering the frequency range from 2.2 to 12.1 GHz is designed and fabricated to provide UWB communications whilst integrated onto solar panels as well as harvest electromagnetic waves from free space and convert them into electrical energy. The antenna when sandwiched between an a-Si solar panel and glass is able to demonstrate a quasi omni-directional pattern that is characteristic of a UWB. The antenna when connected to a 2.55-GHz rectifier is able to produce 18-mV dc in free space and 4.4-mV dc on glass for an input power of 10 dBm at a distance of 5 cm. Although the antenna presented in this paper is a UWB antenna, only an operating range of 2.49 to 2.58 GHz for power scavenging is possible due to the limitation of the narrowband rectifier used for the study. © 1963-2012 IEEE. 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Row spacing of annual peanut (Arachis Hypogaea l.) and the conservation of peanut haulm as hay or silage: Effects on nutritive value and growth performance of sheep

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    This study investigated the effects of planting annual peanut at inter-row spacings of 30, 45, 60 or 75 cm on haulm yield and nutritional quality (Experiment I), in vitro digestibility (Experiment II) and growth performance of sheep fed peanut hay or silage diets (Experiment III). At harvest, pea-nut haulms were either sun-dried as hay or ensiled and used to formulate two diets that were fed to sheep. Twenty West African Dwarf ram-lambs (29.7±0.99 kg) were randomly assigned to these two dietary treatments in a completely randomized design. Grain (P=0.033) and haulm (P=0.045) yields were highest at 30 cm as compared to the other spacings; whereas yeasts populations, and butyric acid and ammonia N concentrations were higher in the silage than hay (Experiment I). In vitro NDF digestibility linearly decreased (P=0.001) with increasing row space (Experiment II). In experiment III, the DM intake of the silage-based diet was depressed (P=0.069) by 235.8 g/d com-pared to the hay-based diet; whereas feed efficiency (P=0.053) and average daily gain (P=0.012) were lower for the silage- than hay-based diet. In conclusion, in vitro NDF digestibility of peanut haulm was higher at narrow row spacing whereas growth performance was superior for sheep fed the hay-based rather than the silage-based diet
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