9 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation And Entrepreneurial Leadership Towards SME Performance : Mediating Factor Of Innovation Performance

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    Despite the extensive research in the domain of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Entrepreneurial Leadership (EL), very little work has been done on small and medium enterprises (SME). There is numerous financial assistance and supports have been provided to SME, however the SME Performance is still considered as low. By taking into account the relevance of these research topics, this study aims to identify the relationship between EO and EL towards SME Performance with Innovation Performance as a mediator. In order to achieve these objectives, quantitative approach is chosen and questionnaires are collected from 285 SME in Penang. The sampling technique used is Disproportionate Stratified Systematic Sampling

    Policy Transfer In Critical Perspective: The Case Of Malaysia My Second Home Programme

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    Malaysia My Second Home Programme (MM2H) was established in 2002 as a government initiative programme to promote Malaysia as a retirement hub for financially qualified foreigners. Although the programme is in high demand to boost Malaysia‟s economy and tourism industry, the actual MM2H programme achievement is hampered by many policy problems. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the root of the problem by analysing the programme using the policy transfer approach. To address this need, the focus of the study aimed to explore the exact process of policy transfer in the MM2H programme and propose recommendations for policy improvement

    Determinants of Effective Financial Risk Management in Small Business: A Theoretical Framework

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    This paper aims to develop a theoretical model of potential determinants of effective financial risk management in small business. In achieving this objective, the methodology used includes library search and analyzing previous literature review on the subject of financial risk management and small business especially in Malaysia case study. The significant variables are namely the leadership, training programs, use of technology, entrepreneurship orientation (EO) and accounting information. This paper also hopes to strengthen the body of knowledge on how financial risk management helps small business towards success, besides to act as a reference for empirical research

    Policy Transfer In Critical Perspective: The Case Of Malaysia My Second Home Programme

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    Malaysia My Second Home Programme (MM2H) was established in 2002 as a government initiative programme to promote Malaysia as a retirement hub for financially qualified foreigners. Although the programme is in high demand to boost Malaysia’s economy and tourism industry, the actual MM2H programme achievement is hampered by many policy problems. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the root of the problem by analysing the programme using the policy transfer approach. To address this need, the focus of the study aimed to explore the exact process of policy transfer in the MM2H programme and propose recommendations for policy improvement. Elite interviews using semi-structured questions were conducted among 13 policy actors consisting of public officers and academicians. All interview data were triangulated with the policy documents and finally mapped into the Policy Transfer Framework. One of the main findings revealed that the process of policy transfer in the MM2H programme was first initiated in 1998 as a response to the unprecedented Asian financial crisis in 1997. Additionally, the MM2H programme was confirmed as an output of the internal policy transfer practice. In particular, it was a transferred policy from another era in 1987 through the Silver Hair Programme by drawing negative lessons and addressing past policy potentials

    Cabaran Kerajaan Menguruskan Pesara dan Pelabur Antarabangsa: Cadangan Penambahbaikan Dasar dalam Program Malaysia Rumah Keduaku

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    Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, Malaysia telah menyaksikan percikan kontroversi antarabangsa yang melibatkan warga asing ketika wabak COVID-19 melanda. Dikritik kerana diskriminasi dan prejudis terhadap warga asing, kerajaan Malaysia juga berjuang dengan ketidaktentuan politik dalaman semasa krisis ini. Tidak adil kepada warga asing yang berdokumen, kebanyakan mereka menyertai Program Malaysia Rumah Keduaku (MM2H) sebagai pelabur dan pesara yang menyumbang kepada ekonomi Malaysia. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis isu dasar berkaitan Program MM2H dengan menggabungkan perspektif akademik dan pelaku dasar yang terlibat dalam program ini. Analisis kualitatif menunjukkan tiga isu dasar yang mempengaruhi reputasi Program MM2H. Oleh itu, tiga cadangan praktikal dikemukakan berkaitan dengan struktur program, penentuan pemilik utama MM2H, dan memperkasakan Pusat MM2H. Selain itu, kajian ini menambah nilai kepada kajian yang sedia ada dengan memberi fokus kepada pendekatan pemindahan dasar untuk menilai kemajuan dasar dan mengenal pasti kelemahan dasar yang harus diperbaiki. Sejak 20 tahun Program MM2H diperkenalkan, dasar ini tidak pernah dikaji semula. Maka, kajian analisis dasar ini merupakan antara kajian perintis yang dijalankan untuk menambahbaikkan Program MM2H secara komprehensif

    Menambat Semula Hati dan Minda Pengundi: Pemasaran Politik dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Malaysia

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    Ketahanan dan kekuatan Barisan Nasional (BN) dilihat semakin tidak kukuh sejak pilihan raya umum (PRU) pada tahun 2008. Penerimaan rakyat terhadap perkembangan politik melalui media sosial mewujudkan peluang kepada parti-parti politik yang lain dalam memancing undi rakyat. Situasi ini dapat dilihat sebagai alat pemasaran politik yang menitikberatkan penggunaan media baharu dalam pilihan raya umum di Malaysia. Sejak tahun 1969, BN tidak pernah kalah dalam pilihan raya umum di kawasan parlimen. Namun, tsunami politik telah berlaku dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 (PRU12) apabila BN memenangi 140 kerusi di Dewan Rakyat daripada 222 kerusi, manakala parti pembangkang seperti Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memenangi 82 kerusi. Ini merupakan kali pertama dalam sejarah Malaysia yang menunjukkan BN memenangi pilihan raya umum dengan jumlah undi yang sangat sedikit. Malah, corak pengundian semakin ketara semasa PRU13 apabila pengundi menunjukkan sokongan yang lebih kuat kepada parti pembangkang (selain BN). Dengan itu, artikel ini mengupas peranan pemasaran politik dan kepentingannya kepada BN semasa PRU. Secara khususnya, terdapat beberapa konsep pemasaran politik yang mampu mempengaruhi minat dan kecenderungan pengundi dalam menyokong sesuatu parti politik. Antaranya ialah hubungan langsung dengan pengundi, hubungan tidak langsung dengan pengundi, kedudukan parti dominan, pemimpin parti, penggiliran sempadan, ketaksamarataan sempadan, penandaan semula sempadan dan sistem majoriti mudah (FPTP). Pemahaman tentang kepentingan konsep ini sebagai alat pemasaran politik mampu membuka mata dan minda pemimpin parti politik sedia ada dalam mengenal pasti kaedah yang paling sesuai untuk kekal relevan dalam pilihan raya umum yang akan datang

    Memahami Peranan Komunikasi dan Parti Berorientasikan Pasaran dalam Politik Malaysia

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    Politik di Malaysia sedang menyaksikan perebutan undian rakyat yang semakin matang dalam usaha mengubah landskap pemerintahan negara yang sebelum ini dilihat sebagai pasif. Sejak tsunami politik dalam pilihan raya umum pada tahun 2008, parti-parti politik di negara ini semakin sedar akan kepentingan pemasaran politik. Secara teori, terdapat tiga kaedah utama pemasaran politik iaitu parti yang berorientasikan produk, pasaran dan jualan. Mengguna pakai konsep yang dipinjam daripada bidang pengurusan, pemasaran politik dilihat semakin signifikan dalam memastikan parti politik sedia ada kekal relevan dan berkuasa. Seiring dengan keadaan politik semasa, artikel ini membincangkan proses pemodelan politik yang berorientasikan pasaran dan sejauh mana peranan komunikasi mampu menarik minat pengundi di Malaysia. Dengan memfokuskan kepada kaedah ini (pasaran), aspek komunikasi dalam proses pendekatan pasaran dibincangkan secara teliti. Kajian ini akan membandingkan pelbagai mod komunikasi dari segi kelebihan dan kelemahan, terutamanya dalam memperoleh kepercayaan pengundi. Akhir sekali, terdapat juga perbincangan yang berkaitan dengan usaha pemasaran politik secara bersemuka (canvassing) sebagai kaedah penting dalam memastikan komunikasi dua hala antara pengundi dan parti politik. Ahli politik yang memilih untuk berinteraksi secara bersemuka lebih mudah mempengaruhi pengundi dengan intonasi, ekspresi wajah dan bahasa badan yang meyakinkan dalam mewujudkan hubungan yang lebih dekat dengan pengundi. Hal ini membolehkan pengundi berasa lebih dekat dan mesra dengan calon tersebut. Justeru, proses komunikasi berjalan lebih lancar dan perkara ini terbukti berjaya mempengaruhi pengundi untuk membuat keputusan yang memihak kepada parti yang mengguna pakai pendekatan pemasaran politik ini (orientasi pasaran)

    Effects of entrepreneurial orientation on start-up success: A gender perspective

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    This paper examines the extent to which gender influences on the practice of Entrepreneurial Orien-tation (EO) on Start-up Success. This study was conducted among Spin-off and Symbiosis Com-pany (SSC) from all sectors in Peninsular Malaysia. Despite the remarkable research on EO and Start-up firms, there is a missing link on how gender provides different perspectives of EO practic-es among SSC, especially in Malaysia. A total of 120 SSC was chosen and the results show that EO was statistically related to Start-up Success and unveiled the magnitude of change that gender possesses in improving the relationship between EO practice and Start-up Success. The major implication of this study presents the unique contribution of gender in motivating SSC owners to engage in EO. Also, the difference of gender perceptions in business provides a variety of untapped opportunities in terms of entrepreneurial-related practices as different gender perceived different needs and capabilities. Future research is suggested to explore this phenomenon more extensively and develop a comprehensive model for the gender analysis. In brief, the discussion in this paper would help to strengthen the body of knowledge on Entrepreneurship and act as a future reference on SSC, EO, and Start-up Success

    Analyzing entrepreneurial orientation impact on start-up success with support service as moderator: A PLS-SEM approach

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    This paper examines the Start-up Success of Spin-off and Symbiosis Company (SSC) using Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Support Service. Notwithstanding the extensive study on start-up firms and Support Service, there is a missing link on how EO impacts Start-up Success, particularly in Malaysia case study. To address such limitation, this paper proposed that Start-up Success of SSC will be improved by EO and Support Service. A total of 120 SSC in Peninsular Malaysia were employed as respondents and data were analyzed using PLS-SEM analysis. The empirical results showed that EO is positively related to Start-up Success and intensify the potentials of Support Service as a moderator. As most of the related literature highlights the importance of Support Service, this study brings new perspectives on how EO is also significant in improving the Start-up Success. In addition, the critical discussion provided in this paper is expected to contribute to the body of knowledge on entrepreneurship studies and act as a future reference on the EO, support service, and SSC