17 research outputs found
Abstrak: The family is the leading force in planting primary education for children. The family’s position is very strategic in terms of habituation of positive characters for children, especially mothers. To achieve all that, it is necessary to have ideal family education relations and management. The question is; How are family relations and management according to the Qur’an? Relationships and family education management based on a critical analysis of the exegesis of the Qur'an resulted in the conclusion that the family is the primary environment forming positive or negative values. The second responsibility of the husband is more significant in the relationship between husband and wife or parents and children. The husband is responsible for family education to give birth to a sakinah, mawaddah, wa rahmah family building system. Third, Family Education Management is the cooperation of family members in their respective duties and functions regarding education in the family. The conclusion was obtained using the thematic method (maudhu’i) al-Qur’an with descriptive-qualitative analysis from two primary and secondary sources
Membijaki Produk Pesantren dalam Tinjauan Fenomenologi
Abstract Pesantren is one of the alternative institutions in continuing the process of Iqra '(reading). Iqra '(reading) can be done anywhere and on all objects. However, it is necessary to arrange a system that can bind all its sub-subs to obtain significant iqra' (reading) results. Pesantren is a form of representation of Islamic education. Exploring pesantren products means assessing the output of graduates according to the competence of graduates. Santri while in Islamic boarding schools receive complex education, not only in the field of religion but also in the areas of financial, time, and social management. Currently, the work of the students is spread all over the world. The task of the students is to continue the struggle of the teachers in conveying the truth
Zero Student Lite: Model Inovasi dan Kreativitas Kepala Sekolah Di SMA Negeri 3 Jember
Abstract One of the efforts to improve Character Education is discipline. The discipline of entering the classroom, the discipline of carrying out the school discipline, and the discipline of improving learning achievement. One of the educational institutions in Jember district with low student discipline level is SMAN 3 Jember. The lack of discipline in school in SMAN 3 Jember school has been running for many years. The community knows the school with its low-level high discipline, lack of discipline in dealing with troubled students, and often empty hours. The focus of this article is on the innovation and creativity efforts of the principal of SMAN 3 Jember in suppressing the low rate of discipline of students. The method used is qualitative with the type of research library. The findings of this article are that SMAN 3 Jember school successfully innovates and creativity in improving the quality of educational institutions in student discipline. The success of SMAN 3 Jember reduces the low level of discipline of students entering the school through the Zero Student Lite Program. Zero Student Lite program is a program resulting from the innovation and creativity of the Principal to minimize the level of lack of discipline of students who have been rooted for years. Mechanism of implementation of Zero Student Lite Program: first, coordinating and cooperating with stake holders. Second, give punishment or coaching to students late to school by conducting observation (outdoor learning). Third, students are assigned to record and describe the findings of observations. Fourth, collect the results of observation records the next day as evidence of attendance filling.  
Status Hukum Pernikahan Colong Mempelai Wanita di Desa Sraten Kecamatan Cluring Perspektif KHI dan Adat
Abstract: The definition of marriage and its purpose in the Compilation of Islamic Law is stated in article 2 that is, the marriage according to Islamic Law is marriage, that is a very strong contract of duty to obey God's commands and to implement it is worship and Article 3 that is, Marriage aims to realize the life of a household that sakinah, mawaddah, and rahmah. Marriage is an inner born bond between a man and a woman as a husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family based on the Supreme Godhead. The above definition is contained in Act No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage. Marriage has a very close relationship with religion, so marriages not only have physical / physical elements, but also have inner / spiritual elements that have an important role in life. Sraten village, Cluring subdistrict, Banyuwangi district is one of the villages in Banyuwangi with different cultures in marriage. In the village of Sraten there is a marriage where a prospective bride is kidnapped by the man. According to information on observation and interim interview information to informal grandchildren such practice has been passed down to generations, so it is not taboo anymore, because not just one or two times, the practice of marriage with a kidnapped female candidate has been done a lot. Therefore, according to researchers it is important to be more in-depth on the basis of appropriate research theory and methodology so as to produce credible and scientifically accountable data. It is concluded based on the distinction between the theoretical and field data analysis that the marriage collateral that occurs in the Sraten Village of his law is legitimate, since the wedding of the colong is not substantive in terms of the terms and the rukun pernikahan, but the wedding of the colong is just an expression or name of a custom in a the area in this case is the Sraten village community with the aim of maintaining the relationship between the two lovers so that the spouses are involved. Furthermore, the views of the Sraten village community towards the colong marriage during the marriage are approved by both families and guardians from the parties who are willing to guard, the legal status of the marriage is valid and there is no problem
Upaya Guru MI Tarbiyatus Shibyan dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Siswa pada Pembelajaran Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Abstrak Covid-19 berdampak pada segala sektor kehidupan, dari ekonomi, politik, kesehatan, sosial, hingga pendidikan. Pendidikan di Indonesia selama Pandemi Covid-19 mengalami adaptasi cukup beragam, mulai dari pembatasan sosial hingga penutupan sementara kegiatan belajar mengajar, sebab dikhawatirkan terjadi perkumpulan atau kontak secara langsung yang memicu klaster baru. Salah satu dari hal manarik adalah proses belajar mengajar di MI Tarbiyatus Shibyan yang berposisi di daerah cukup pelosok, dan MI tersebut menurut pertimbangan kondisi geografi memungkinkan mengalami banyak kendala, diantaranya adalah pemanfaatan tehknologi. Penelitian ini mencoba mengupas secara mendalam tentang apa saja upaya guru MI Tarbiyatus Shibyan dalam meningkatkan Kompetensi Siswa selama Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian lapangan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tehknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan reduksi, display, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis memperoleh kesimpulan; pertama Upaya Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Tarbiyatus Shibyan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa yaitu melakukan analisis terhadap kondisi siswa. Upaya analisis ini dimaksudkan mengetahui perkembangan dan pertumbuhan siswa. Dengan demikian, langkah berikutnya dapat diputuskan, apakah materi dapat dilanjutkan atau perlu pengulangan materi dengan strategi dan media yang berbeda untuk pemerataan kemampuan siswa menguasai pelajaran. Kedua, Problematika yang dihadapi oleh tenaga kependidikan MI Tarbiyatus Shibyan sebagai berikut; pertama problem yang berkaitan dengan finansial, Kedua problem yang berkaitan dengan materi pembelajaran., Ketiga, problem yang berkaitan dengan sarana dan prasarana. Dan ke empat problem yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi penggunaan teknologi informasi. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada masa pandemi covid-19 di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dilakukan secara jarak jauh yang dikenal dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) dengan kombinasi pembelajaran secara daring (online) dan pembelajaran luring (luar jaringan)
Analisis Maqashid Syari’ah Jasser Auda Terhadap Izin Perkawinan dan Perceraian Bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Abstract: Marriage under the provisions contained in the classical books of men who wish to have more than one wife, there is no requirement as regulated in the provisions of Government Regulation No. 45 of 1990 amendment to Government Regulation No. 10 of 1982 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits Civil Servants, five sufficient conditions for the prospective wife, prospective husband, guardian, two witnesses, and sighat. While civil servants in the PP Article 4 Paragraph 1 men who want to have polygamy should seek permission from their superiors and Religious Courts. According to the researcher need to do re-analysis with appropriate methodology and precisely because the Government Regulation concerning state law order, in order to find whether Government Regulation Number 45 Year 1990 concerning Permit of Marriage and Divorce of Civil Servant have expediency or vice versa. For that the researcher chose Maqashid al-Shari'ah Jasser Auda as a knife of analysis in this study.
This study aims to test empirically the variables that have been formulated in the formulation of the problem, namely reveal the history of birth PP. No. 45 Th. 1990 amendment of PP. No. 10 Th. 1983 on the marriage and divorce of civil servant, the application of the theory of Maqashid al-Shari'ah Jasser Auda to the PP. No. 45 Th. 1990, and analyzed the PP. No. 45 Th. 1990 amendment of PP. No. 10 Th. 1983 on marriage permit and divorce of civil servants with the theory of Maqashid al-Shari'ah Jasser Auda. Research Methods with Approach and Type of Research is a qualitative approach oriented to the statutory approach (Statute Aproach) with the type of research Library (library research). Methods of data collection using documentation, and data analysis using descriptive - inductive
Signifikansi Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila dalam Pendidikan Keluarga
Family is a term for the relationship between husband and wife or parents and children. In Islam, family is a translation from Ahlun Arabic. Although the word Ahlun itself has many meanings, including groups, groups, or followers. The function of the family in the education and development of the basic values of a teaching has proven effective. The research method used is qualitative with the type of literature research. Data sources use Documentation, and Data analysis uses descriptive. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were obtained, pancasila Idiology is the views and principles of every citizen in the nation and state. A good citizen should reflect the paradigm, attitude, and love behavior of the Republic of Indonesia. Pancasila idiology is not just a slogan, but it animates all the activities of everyone in the territorial area of the Indonesian State. The development of Pancasila idiology based on Family education means teaching and instilling the basic principles of Pancasila through the introduction and actualization of Pancasila values into the life of the nation and state. A family consisting of husband and wife or parents and children, of course, parents are responsible for the basic education of the family. The strategic position of the family in constructing thoughts and beliefs is the main medium in the cultivation of Pancasila idiology
Manajemen Wakaf Produktif dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Penguatan Pondasi Ekonomi Masyarakat
Abstract: the Waqf is one of the productive efforts of an increase in welfare of society as a collective. In a community group, for example, if it turns out that many members of the community who need help, then it can be used productively endowments to help them, for with endowments productive can be obtained access to the funding sources so that generated sufficient capital. The funds obtained through productive endowments can be used as a source of capital so that it can then be used for fertilization of capital on an ongoing basis. On this occasion, the author wished to discuss the development of the following regulasinya, wakaf efforts in improving the economic empowerment of the community through endowments produkti. The methods used in this article is a qualitative approach to the library, where the focus is aimed against any reference about the Waqf and its development. The approach used is qualitative, which is a research procedure that describes the behavior of certain people, events, or places in detail and depth. While this type of research is literature. Namely, research that relies on reading sources, texts, and various information in the form of reading. In a different reference library research is research that is done to solve a problem that is based on a critical study of library materials and related research results presented in new ways
Meneropong Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Di Indonesia dengan Kacamata Filsafat Pendidikan
Abstract The journey of Islamic educational institutions from time to time is getting better. Changes in the national education system continue to be made to produce an education system that is by the basic visionary of the state, namely the education system that can produce professional outputs physically and mentally, recognized by the general public both at home and abroad. Research method using qualitative with the type of literature research. The results of the study concluded that Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia are following the philosophy of education. The philosophy of education captures the vision and mission in which the direction of education is headed. Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia will never be separated from the disposition of Indonesian society and culture. 
Abstract Islam limits the pattern of interaction between men and women outside of marriage so that their respective honor can be maintained. In humans, there is a tendency of animal tendencies that have the potential to lead to prohibited cases (mungkarat or muharramat). Islam also regulates the provisions if a man and woman want a halal relationship as well as a reward value in the framework of marriage. An ideal marriage is generally defined as a marriage that is the result of one's own choice without any outside intervention, the two partners are never heard of fighting and arguing, and a married couple is supported by an established economy, such family conditions are considered ideal families. After several weeks or more, the news was heard that the husband and wife were divorced, even though at the beginning of the marriage they had received a prayer "hopefully they will become a sakinah family, mawadah, wa-rahmah and mate in the hereafter" could not prevent the intention to separate. The research method in this article uses a qualitative literature approach. The conclusion from the study and analysis of the text of the verses of the Qur'an regarding the concept of mate and the concepts of sakinah, mawadah, warahmah in the Koran is mentioned differently by Allah SWT. The concept of mate is said to use Arabic khalaqah, and the concepts of sakinah, mawadah, warahmah are spoken in Arabic ja'ala. The consequence of disclosing the concept of a mate using lafadz khlaqah means that something is the personal right of Allah SWT and humans do not have the effort to intervene, while the disclosure of the concepts of sakinah, mawadah, warahmah uses lafadz ja'ala, this means that human intervention is needed in building a family that is ideal.