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    Latar belakang:Malaria merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit yang mematikan dimana berdasarkan taksiran WHOsekitar 300-400 juta orang di dunia terinfeksi malaria setiap tahun dan menyebabkan kematian pada 2,7 juta orang..Malariamerupakan penyakiti nfeksi parasit yang disebabkan oleh Plasmodium yang menyerang eritrosit. Jumlah Plasmodium didalam darah bisa dilakukan dengan cara menghitung derajat parasitemia. Derajat parasitemia adalah presentase individudalam populasi yang apusan darahnya memperlihatkan parasit. Pada pemeriksaan mikroskopis malaria, semakin tinggiderajat parasitemia maka kerusakan sel hepar besar. Indikator kerusakan sel hepar salah satunya yaitu peningkatan kadarSGOT. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara derajat parasitemia dengan peningkatan SGOTpada pasien malaria di Puskesmas Hanura Kabupaten Pesawaran tahun 2015. Metode:Jenis penelitian menggunakanmetode analitik observasional dengan pendekatan studi cross sectional. Subjek penelitian ini sebanyak 50 orang yangdiperoleh dari Puskesmas Hanura Kabupaten Pesawaran. Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung derajat parasitemiaadalah apusan darah tepi dan untuk menghitung kadar SGOT menggunakan Metode Spektro Fotometrik. Uji statistikdilakukan menggunakan uji Chi- square dengan nilai kemaknaan jika (p-value < α=0,05).Hasil:Hasil penelitian didapatkan pada kelompok indeks parasitemia ringan dengan rerata jumlah parasitemia 2,43± 1,01 dengan rerata kadar SGOT 24,29 ± 11,82 U/L,pada kelompok indeks parasitemia sedang dengan rerata jumlahparasitemia 7,20 ± 1,44 dengan rerata kadar SGOT 39,90 ± 14,28 U/L, pada kelompok indeks parasitemia berat denganrerata jumlah parasitemia 13,75 ± 1,77 dengan rerata kadar SGOT 176,00 ± 186,68 U/L.Dari hasil ujis tatistik Chi-Squarediperoleh p-value = 0,001 (p-value < α=0,05).Simpulan:terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antaraderajat parasitemia dengan peningkatan kadar SGOT diPuskesmas Hanura

    The effect of nitric oxide supplement intake on the value of hematological examination of health workers exposed to Covid-19

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    Objective: Examination of the diagnostic covid-19 gold standard with real time reverse polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is still limited, so that the initial hematological examination (leukocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, platelets, hemoglobin, and neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) plays an important role in monitoring the course of covid-19 disease Macrophages release nitric oxide (NO) to kill parasites NO inhibits migration and adhesion of leucocytes to the endothelium. Metode: The research design used preexperimental with one group pre-post test, the total sample was 80 health workers who were exposed to Covid-19, the independent variable was the provision of NO and the dependent variable was the result of a hematological examination (leukocytes, lymposites, platelets, neutrophils, hemoglobin and NLR). The intervention was given NO 500 mg mixed with warm water 250 cc, given 3 times a day for 5 days, data analysis used the T-test with a significance value of a<0.05. Results: There is a difference in the results of the pre and post-test hematology giving NO to the results of the examination of leucocytes a=0.001, lymphocytes a=0.000, platelets a=0.000, neutrophils a=0.000, hemoglobin a=0.031, and NLR a=0.000. Conclusion: Giving NO to health workers exposed to Covid-19 can improve the hematology and immune systems to fight the corona virus

    Evaluasi Metode Terapis Bio-Psiko-Sosialspiritual (BPSS) Dalam Pemulihan Klien Pengguna Narkoba Di Madani Mental Health Care

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    ABSTRAKDidik Supriyanto, NIM: 1113052000065, Evaluasi Metode Terapis Bio-Psiko-Sosial-Spiritual (BPSS) dalam Upaya Pemulihan Klien Pengguna Narkoba diMadani Mental Haelth Care, dibawah Bimbingan Abdul Rahman, M.SiEvaluasi merupakan kegiatan untuk menilai suatu kegiatan atau program dalammelihat sejauhmana kegiatan tersebut berpengaruh pada sasaran yang dituju. Dalamhal ini evaluasi dilakukan pada Metode terapis bio-psiko-sosial-spiritual yangmerupakan metode terpadu yang digunakan oleh rehabilitasi Mental Health Caredalam upaya pemulihan penyalahgunaan atau penggunaan Narkoba. Hal-hal yang dievaluasi adalah proses pelaksanaan metode terapis bio-psiko-sosial-spiritual (BPSS),faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat dan hasil metode terapis bio-psiko-sosialspiritual(BPSS).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana evaluasi proses metodeterapis bio-psiko-sosial-spiritual (BPSS) dan bagaimana evaluasi hasil dari metodeterapis itu sendiri. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif, selanjutnya dalammenunjang data yang diperoleh peneliti melakukan observasi partisipan danwawancara terbuka. Sample dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 8 responden denganrincian satu sebagai perwakilan lembaga, 4 terapis, 2 klien aktif dan satu klienalumni.Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembinaan klienMadani Mental Health Care dengan metode tarapis bio-psiko-sosial-spiritual (BPSS)sudah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan Standar Oprasional Prosedur (SOP) yangada. Secara penerimaan pada penerima layanan, klien mengaku di manusiawikan ataudiperlakukan dengan baik. Adapun beberapa kendala saat pelaksanaanya ditemukaanbeberapa kendala yakni pertama, perencanaan kurang matang pada saat BeritaTindakan Pembinaan (BTP). Kedua, kurangnya intensitas pertemuan dan komunikasiantara konselor dengan psikolog terkait informasi perkembangan klien. Penemuanhasil penelitian dilihat dari perkembangan yang dialami oleh klien Madani yakniBiologis: klien menjadi segar, tenang, serta teratur pola makan dan pola tidurnya.Psikologis: santri mampu mengalihkan sugesti Narkoba dan klien mampu memahamitrigger (pemicu) penggunaan Narkoba. Sosial: bisa memilih lingkungan yang baik,mampu berinteraksi dengan baik, berperilaku sopan dan bertutur santun. Spiritual:solat lima waktu, berdzikir dan mampu menerapkan nilai-nilai agama dalamkehidupannya.Kata kunci: Evaluasi, Bio-Psiko-Sosial-Spiritual (BPSS), dan Narkoba.v, 72 hlm,; 29 cm

    Exploiting copper-silica-zirconia cooperative interactions for the stabilization of tetragonal zirconia catalysts and enhancement of the visible-light photodegradation of bisphenol A

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    Silica-doped tetragonal mesoporous zirconia nanoparticles, SiO2/ZrO2 (SZ), were successfully prepared by a simple microwave-assisted method, and the subsequent incorporation of copper (1–10 wt%) via an electrochemical method gave CuO/SiO2/ZrO2 (CSZ) catalysts. The SiO2 stabilized the ZrO2 completely in the tetragonal phase, but that the added copper occupied oxygen vacancies in the SZ lattice to perturb the catalysts and partially reintroduce the monoclinic phase. However, CuO enhanced the photoactivity of CSZ catalysts by lowering the band gap energy (from 4.35 eV to 2.70 eV) and acting as an electron trapper to suppress the recombination of electron–hole pairs. The activity of the catalysts in the photodegradation of bisphenol A was ranked in the following order: 5 CSZ (82%) > 1 CSZ (65%) > 10 CSZ (60%) > SZ (58%). The silica–copper–zirconia cooperative interactions affected the numbers of oxygen vacancies, defect sites, Zr–O–Si and Zr–O–Cu bonds, which consequently influenced the stabilization of ZrO2 as well as the photoactivity of each catalyst. A kinetic study demonstrated that the photodegradation followed the pseudo-first-order Langmuir–Hinshelwood model

    The characteristics of several varieties and the effect of cropping management design on the level of pest damage and seed yield of soybeans in rainfed lowland rice fields

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    Design of cropping method and type of variety are one of the most important factors in increasing soybean productivity and the level of pest attack and predator populations. This study aims to determine the most effective planting method and variety types in an effort to increase soybean productivity in rainfed lowland areas in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The design used in this study was the split plot design, and the varieties (PU) used were as follows: (1) Detap-1, (2) Devon-1, and (3) Derap-1. However, the subplot (AP) was a planting method and three replicates: (1) farmer’s transplanting method (transplanting row: 20 cm × 20 cm), (2) method of transplanting double rows, and (3) method of transplanting three rows. The results showed that the highest number of branchesper plant was observed in the Legowo three planting method with the Detap-1 variety. The lowest level of leaf damage due to Spodoptera litura attack was observed in the Legowo double rows planting method with the Devon-1 variety (11.07%), and the highest level of leaf damage was observed in the jajar horn planting method (farmer’s method) with the Derap-1 variety (16.47%). The level of pod damage due to Etiella zinckenella attack was the lowest on Legowo three planting method on the Derap-1 variety (9.47%) and the highest on the Legowo double rows planting method on the Detap-1 variety (14.26%). The level of pod damage due to attack by pod-sucking pest Riptortus linearis was the lowest on Legowo three planting method on the (Derap-1) variety (8.02%) and the highest on the pod-sucking pest Riptortus linearis on the Devon-1 variety (13.43%). The length of the trichomes on soybean leaves was the highest on the Devon-1 variety (30.93%) and the lowest on Derap-1 (24.81). The highest number of trichomes on soybean leaves was on the Derap-1variety (57.67) and the lowest on the Devon-1 variety (32.20). The highest length of trichomes was on soybean pods on Detap-1 (29.11) and the lowest on Devon-1 (26.52), while the highest number of trichomes in soybean pods was on Devon-1 (222.47) and the lowest on Derap-1 (148.40). The highest seed yield was observed in Legowo three panting method with Derap-1 and Devon-1 varieties (2.02–2.08 t ha−1)