5 research outputs found

    Polycythemia Vera: A Malignancy in Hematology: Review Article

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    ABSTRACT: Myeloid neoplasm is a condition in which myeloid cells can undergo excessive clonal proliferation. One classification of the disease is polycythemia vera.Polycythemia Vera (PV) is a condition where there is an increase in the number of red blood cells reaching 125% of the calculation based on body mass and sex. PV is caused by mutations in the JAK2 gene. PV disease diagnosisBased on the results of the history, physical examination and supporting examinations in the form of laboratory tests. PV disease can be managed with phlebotomy, administration of aspirin, and cytoreductive drugs. Patients with PV can survive more than 10 years if treated quickly and appropriately

    C-Reactive Protein Levels of Sepsis Patients: A Comparison of Three Immunoassay Methods

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    C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a marker to aid in diagnosing sepsis. Currently, there are not many studies about the comparison of CRP levels in sepsis patients with a variety of instruments and methods. This study aimed to analyze differences of CRP results using Particle Enhanced Turbidimetric Immunoassay (PETIA), Sandwich Immunodetection and Reflectometry Immunoassay, and to compare the characteristics of the instruments based on their specifications and practicality. The study used a total of 65 serum of sepsis patients who fulfilled the qSOFA criteria and were treated in the Emergency Department, Intensive Observation Room, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Internal Medicine Wards of the Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya from May to September 2018. All samples were measured the CRP levels measured using the three methods. There were significant differences of CRP levels between the PETIA and Reflectometry immunoassay methods (p=0.003), suggesting a supportive role of both methods. There was no significant difference of CRP levels between PETIA and Sandwich Immunodetection (p=0.172) as well as Reflectometry immunoassay and Sandwich Immunodetection (p=0.251). The selection of instruments and methods for CRP examination must be adjusted to laboratory needs and facilities


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    Pendahuluan. Kondisi sepsis memiliki angka mortalitas yang sangat tinggi terutama pada negara berkembang. Quick Sequential Organ Failure Asssessment (qSOFA) adalah modifikasi dari skor SOFA yang menggantikan kriteria Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) untuk diagnosis sepsis. C-reactive protein (CRP) adalah salah satu penanda untuk membantu diagnosis sepsis. Perbandingan hasil pengukuran CRP dengan alat otomatis (particle enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA)), semi otomatis (sandwich immunodetection), dan point of care test (POCT) (reflectometry-immunoassay) belum ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan hasil pemeriksaan dan menentukan nilai cut off CRP dengan ketiga metode tersebut pada pasien sepsis. Metode. Penelitian menggunakan sampel pasien sepsis yang dirawat instalasi rawat darurat, ruang observasi intensif, ruang perawatan intensif, ruang Intensive Care Unit (ICU) dan ruang perawatan penyakit dalam RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya pada bulan Mei-September 2018. Sebanyak 85 subjek penelitian diperiksa dan dikelompokan menjadi kelompok sepsis (n=56) dan kontrol sehat (n=29) berdasarkan kriteria qSOFA. Pemeriksaan CRP metode PETIA, sandwich immunodetection, dan reflectometryimmunoassay dilakukan pada semua subjek penelitian. Hasil. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar CRP pada kelompok sepsis yang mengunakan metode PETIA dan Reflectometry immunoassay (p = 0,003). Tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna antara kadar CRP dengan metode PETIA dan Sandwich Immunodetection (p= 0,172) serta Reflectometry immunoassay dan Sandwich Immunodetection (p = 0,251). Simpulan. Pemeriksaan kadar CRP Metode reflectometry immnunoassay dan metode PETIA tidak dapat menggantikan satu sama lain. Pemilihan spesifikasi alat dan metode pemeriksaan CRP disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan serta fasilitas laboratorium

    Pelatihan pencegahan intoksikasi kadmium pada pekerja bengkel las di Kota Mataram

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    Cadmium (Cd) is a nephrotoxic heavy metal which endangers human health, especially welding workers. Cadmium can enter the body through inhalation of formed air pollutants. Cadmium would then bind with metallotionins, binds Cd+Mt, which would be deposited in the kidneys and induces the formation of lipid-free radical peroxidation that damages the kidneys, characterized by an increase of creatinine and β2 microglobulins. This service aims to educate welding workers about the impact of cadmium intoxication on the body and the prevention against cadmium exposure. The methods used are demonstration and playback of a video about prevention against cadmium exposure. This activity was carried out on May 6th, 2021 at the CV. Rigansa Mataram welding workshop. The activity was attended by ten participants. The results are an increase of knowledge from a mean pretest score of 50 to a mean posttest score of 9