3 research outputs found

    Implementation of On Page SEO for Gogalas Website

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    The study investigates various fundamental elements of On-Page SEO, encompassing the optimization of titles, the quality of content, the structure of meta descriptions and URLs, the speed of web pages, the establishment of trustworthiness, and the implementation of internal linking. The study endeavors to showcase the collective impact of these strategies on enhancing one's online profile through careful analysis and application. The implementation phase encompasses the strategic incorporation of pertinent keywords in titles and content, the optimization of meta descriptions to improve click-through rates, and the structuring of URLs for the purposes of clarity and user-friendliness. The study also examines the significance of page loading speed and security measures, both of which have pivotal roles in enhancing user experience and search engine results. Moreover, the study highlights the significance of internal linking in promoting smooth navigation and improving the overall structural coherence of the website. The study offers practical insights for website owners, digital marketers, and SEO practitioners that aim to optimize their online platforms by demonstrating the sequential adoption of various approaches. This study ultimately illustrates the efficacy of implementing On-Page SEO tactics in enhancing search engine visibility, augmenting organic traffic, and providing a more gratifying user experience for the "Gogalas" website and similar online platforms

    Implementation of Digital Marketing with SEO on Gogalas Website for Business Directory Listing

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    Gogalas is a website-based application that serves as a directory listing for services and products of small and medium enterprises in the village. The implementation of digital marketing with search engine optimization (SEO) has been applied to improve the visibility and searchability of the website. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of implementing digital marketing with SEO in improving the website's search engine rankings and visibility. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative research with data collection techniques through observation and documentation. The research data was analyzed using a comparative descriptive analysis technique to compare the website's search engine rankings and visibility before and after implementing digital marketing with SEO. The study results showed a significant improvement in the website's search engine rankings and visibility after implementing digital marketing with SEO. The website's visibility increased by 76,59% visitor bounce ratio in line with organic search in the search engine results page (SERP). This proves that implementing digital marketing with SEO is an effective method for improving and visibility of the Gogalas website

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Rekam Medis Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking (Studi Kasus : Puskesmas Simeulue Tengah)

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    Kebutuha informasi yang cepat, akurat dan tepat waktu merupakan suatu hal yang mutlak pada era yang serba cepat ini. Keterlambatan dalam  menyajikan informasi yang di butukan akan menyebabkan informasi tersebut tidak relevan lagi bagi penggunanya. Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Rekam Medis UPTD Puskesmas Simeulue Tengah terbentuk dari visi misi dan tujuan Puskesmas Simeulue Tengah tersebut. Yaitu terwujudnya pelayanan yang baik kepada masyarakat .sistem informasi ini akan memudahkan perose-proses pelayanan tersebut  sehingga pengolahan data Rekam medis akan lebih cepat mudah dan akurat serta memberikan kemudahan staff puskesmas  dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Metode yang dugunakan yaitu Design Thinking  adalah metode dengan serangkaian proses kognitif, strategis, dan praktis yang berulang digunakan untuk mencoba memahami pengguna dan kebutuhan mereka dalam  memecahkan masalah dan menciptakan solusi inovatif yang sebelumnya tidak terpikirkan,  tanpa membuat asumsi atau mendefinisikan ulang masalah. Desain Aplikasi menggunakan sistem UML (Unified Modelling Languange ) yaitu , terdiri dari Use case Diagram, Class Diagram, Activity Diagram dan Squence Diagram. Sedangkan Untuk Bahaas Pemograman Menggunakan Hypertext  preprocessor (PHP) dan MYSQL sebagai Databasenya. Kata kunci : Sistem Informasi, Rekam Medis,Puskesmas,Pelayanan, Design Thinkin