12 research outputs found

    Kestasioneran Kurs Dolar Amerika dan Harga Saham Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Tahun 2020

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    This study aims to determine the stationarity of the US dollar exchange rate and stock prices during the Covid 19 pandemic. One of the interesting stocks to study is the stock price of PT Telecommunications Indonesia Tbk. The augmented Dickey-Fuller test was used to determine the stationarity of the two variables. The research data is sourced from secondary data through the official website of Bank Indonesia to view the US Dollar Exchange Rate and through the website investing to see the stock price of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk during the Covid 19 pandemic period in Indonesia occurred from March to December 2020. The results showed that the check of the stationary stock price of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk and the US Dollar exchange rate at level I (0) was not stationary. While the two variables are stationary in the first differencing conditions I (1)

    Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Gambir Rakyat Menggunakan Analisa SWOT di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    The demand of gambier’s commodity increases continuously through the year. However, many problems that were faced by gambier’s farmers in its cultivation, processing, and marketing. This research aims to identify the main problem which affect the development of the gambier’s business in South Pesisir district and to find out the model and the strategy of gambier business development in south Pesisir district. This is qualitative research by using SWOT analysis to collect the data.  The SWOT analysis is used to analyze and to find out the strategy of gambier business development. The result of this research shows that the problems that are faced by gambier’s farmers in south pesisir district are very complex; including various aspects, for example marketing, capital, technology, organization and the main problem is the dependency of the gambier farmers to the middleman. The strategies recommendations of that problems are partnership and industry clusters approaches.Keywords: Strategy; Gambir; Business Development; SWOT AbstrakPermintaan terhadap komoditas gambir terus meningkat sepanjang tahun. Namun demikian, sampai saat ini masih banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi petani gambir dalam budidaya, pengolahan, dan pemasarannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi persoalan utama yang mempengaruhi pengembangan usaha gambir di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan serta menemukan strategi dan model pengembangan usaha gambir di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk menganalisis dan menemukan strategi pengembangan usaha gambir. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persoalan yang dialami petani gambir di Pesisir Selatan sangat kompleks meliputi berbagai aspek seperti pemasaran, permodalan, teknologi dan kelembagaan serta persoalan yang paling pokok adalah adanya ketergantungan petani gambir terhadap penampung/ toke. Rekomendasi strategi dari persoalan tersebut adalah pendekatan kluster industri dan kemitraan.Kata Kunci: Strategi; Gambir; Pengembangan Usaha; SWOT


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    There is a value of Riemann integral from a function that cannot becalculated. In this case, approximate method can be used to interpret the value.One of the approximate method of integral Riemann is tangent line method that isa compound method between the sum of Riemann and trapezoid method. Thetangent line method uses the tangent line approach. In this writing, the topicdiscussed is the tangent line method in deciding the approximacy of Riemannintegral of a function

    Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Sebagai Alat Pemasaran Produk Kampung Akrilik

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    PKM partners are product craftsmen in Acrylic Village, which is located on Jalan Gunung Pangilun, North Padang District. The problems that occur in Acrylic Village include (a) the absence of social media facilities to promote handicraft products of acrylic village members (b) The lack of knowledge of the craftsmen of Acrylic Village products on how to promote their products on social media, and (c) the lack of knowledge of craftsmen on how to promote their products. products using digital techniques through Android applications. The solutions to the problems obtained are (a) The implementation of this PKM is expected to be able to hold training in making promotional media for product promotion produced by members in Acrylic Village, (b) It is hoped that social media training for this promotional media can facilitate craftsmen members to be able to make promotional advertisements. handicraft vendors in increasing product sales, (c) Providing knowledge to craftsmen members about the tricks and ways of promoting products on social media using digital techniques in the Android application (d) The results of their creativity, in the form of product photos, can be useful and advertised on social media to increase product sales. The method of implementing the activities includes four stages, namely: program planning, program implementation, observation and evaluation. In program planning, there are several plans that will be carried out, namely (a) Field Study, (b) Training and provision of craftsman group members. (c) Program socialization. (d) Preparation of training programs. In the implementation of the program, (a) Formation of several working groups of craftsmen based on the type of product, (b) Improving the knowledge and skills of the craftsmen to make their own mini studio to make product photos to be marketed, (c) Demonstrating how to use digital techniques on mobile phones and directly practiced, (d) coaching and training in making promotions with social media to increase sales. At the observation stage, what will be done is to see the obstacles, shortcomings and weaknesses that arise in the training process on how and tricks to promote simple acrylic village handicraft products using digital techniques on the Android application

    Penerapan Multimetode Berbasis Matriks Pada Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Asisten Labor

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    AbstractThe survey was conducted in the Computer Laboratory of Information System of STMIK Indonesia of Padang. The Head of Laboratory determined some criteria in selecting of acceptance of labor assistant candidate. These criteria were the Candidate Application Form (FPC), the Competitive Achievement Index (GPA), the test score, the English test score, and the interview results. The head of the laboratory performed the process of calculating the criteria value by summing the value of each criterion in deciding who was accepted as a labor assistant. Who has the highest number of criteria, then he/she was selected as a laboratory assistant. This allows occurring the less ideal decision because of the basis of decision-making based on calculations not using special calculation method yet to decision making. Therefore, the researcher performed the process of calculating of the criteria value by using a matrix-based calculation method that was Simple Additive Weighting  (SAW) method and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of this study are expected to assist the Head of Labor in deciding the laboratory assistant based on the standard calculation as decision making. Keyword: SAW, AHP, Labor Assistant Candidat

    Good Sales Forecasting Information System Using Single Exponential Smoothing Method

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    This study aims to determine the estimated number of items sold at one of the mini market, namely the Tita shop, especially Sari Murni cooking oil, 2 liter packs for the next one month based on sales data for January 2016 to December 2017. The problems that occur at Tita`s shop are is difficult to estimate the amount of stock of goods and calculate the estimated cost required for sales in the next month period, so it is necessary to build a forecasting information system using the single exponential smoothing method which assumes that the data fluctuates around the mean value without any trend or seasonal elements. This study resulted in the amount of 2 liter packaged sari murni cooking oil in Januari 2018, which was 42 pcs. Meanwhile, the estimated cost required to buy 2 liter packaged cooking oil stock in that period is Rp. 609.000,00 with a capital price unit of goods Rp. 14.500,00


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    Usaha Ikan Laut KBS merupakan usaha jual beli ikan laut di Pantai Banda Aia di Kelurahan Pasie Nan Tigo. Dalam keseharian usaha ini belum menggunakan teknologi informasi dalam proses pengolahan data penjualan ikan laut, sehingga menimbulkan kendala dalam kegiatan pengolahan data dan pembuatan laporan penjualan per hari, per bulan dan per tahun. Oleh sebab itu tentunya akan mempengaruhi proses transaksi dan pembuatan laporan penjualan dalam penjualan ikan laut yang akan berdampak terhadap Usaha Ikan Laut KBS, sehingga dibutuhkannya sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membantu Usaha Ikan Laut KBS dalam proses pengolahan data, sehingga dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang dialami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat membantu pemilik/pengelola Usaha Ikan Laut KBS dalam melakukan pengolahan data penjualan ikan laut dan dapat menghasilkan laporan penjualan Usaha Ikan Laut KBS. Aplikasi ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL, metode pengembangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah metode SDLC dengan model waterfall dan untuk metode pengolahan datanya menggunakan metode FIFO (first in first out). Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya aplikasi yang dapat membantu proses pengolahan data penjualan ikan laut sehingga dapat membuat kinerja dari Usaha Ikan Laut KBS menjadi lebih efektif