770 research outputs found

    Human aggression (Part 3)

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    This theory sees aggression as social learning. According to social learning theories in earlier studies, people acquire aggressive responses the same way they acquire other complex forms of social behavior which either by direct experience or by observing others. Social learning theory explains the acquisition of aggressive behaviors, via observational learning processes, and provides a useful set of concepts for understanding and describing the beliefs and expectations that guide social behavio

    The potential of microblogging as a conduit to promote critical thinking in higher education students.

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    This study focuses on the potential contribution of new information communication technologies in higher education, in particular the use of microblogging, in transforming teaching practices to enhance critical thinking skills. Recognising the dearth of critical thinking skills in higher education and its importance in the cultivation of an engaged citizenry which is necessary for the creation of a vibrant and thriving democracy, the study seeks to investigate teaching practices in the higher education sector, utilizing the Community of Inquiry model to examine the possible iterative dialogues between lecturer and students in a first year class , in the form of microblogging posts , for evidence of potential critical engagement. In its finding , the study, whilst not being able to demonstrate significant evidence of higher order thinking, ascribed to the use of the of the microblogging activity , does however support the notion that the microblogging platform offers the potential for critical engagement but emphasizes that this potential , is to a very large degree, dependent on the adoption of appropriate and sound pedagogical strategies

    استخدام كلمة ولدوابئ و غلام في سورة مريم: دراسة تحليلية دلالية

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    مستخلص البحث أن اللغة المستخدمة في القرآن العظيم هي اللغة العربية في سورة مريم التى توجد المترادف أو شبه الترادف. سورة مريم مكية وآياتها ثمان وتسعون آية وفيها كلمات مشبهات بالترادف يعنى كلمة ولد خمس كلمات و كلمة إبن كلمة واحدة و كلمة غلام أربع كلمات. نوع البحث الذى معنى الباحث هو البحث الكيفى الوصفى ( Kualitatif Deskriptif)٠ إن مصادر البيانات في هذا البحث التحليلي هي تتكون من المصدر الأساسي ( primer ) والمصدر الإضافى ( sekunder )٠ فالمصدر الأساسى هو القران الكريم. وأما المصدر الإضافي فهو كتب التفاسير للقران الكريم و كتب اللغة ذو علاقة بموضوع البحث. هذا البحث هودراسة مكتبية ( Library Reseach ) بمعنى أن جميع مصادر المعلومات منقولة من الكتب التى تتعلق بهذا البحث فلذلك يستخدم الباحث في عملية جمع البيانات بالطريقة والثائقية ( Dokumentasi ) هي اتحاذ البيانات من الكتب والمصادر المتعددة الأخرى ثم جمعت وخلصت وحللت وفسرتها في عبارة واضحة محدده. استخدم الباحث هذا البحث العلمى بالمنهج الوصفي. معنى كلمة " ولد و ابن وغلام " في سورة مريم كلها على ضوء النظرية السياقية و احتلاف بين معنى كلمة " ولد و ابن وغلام " في سورة مريم على ضوء النظرية السياقية على الأساس أو العلة K. Ammer عن النظرية السياقية الموقفية. وبعد حلل عن معنى كلمة ولد و ابن و غلام " في سورة مريم توجد البحث نوع السياقات التى تؤدى ألى اختلاف المعان: يعنى توجد معنى السياق رزق أو نعم الله الذي يحدد و التصريح و الإيمان و قدرة الله على شيء، وجعل استفهامها تعجب من كمال قدرة الله تعال، النداء أو لقب شريف على ابن مريم هو عيسى عليه السلام. الغرق بين كلمة ولد و ابن و غلام " في سورة مريم على ضوء النظرية السياقية الموقفية تذكر في الأية ( 7، 8، 20،19 ، 34) حال زكاريا يعنى قدرة الله على وجود غلام "يحيى " (إذا كان زكريا الكبير السن و امرأته غارا ) و حالة مريم يعنى قدرة الله على وجود غلام " عيسى"( إذا مريم التى لم يجامعها زوج بنكاح وجعل استفهامها تعجب من كمال قدرة الله تعال). وحال في العرابي إن كلمة إبن يستخدم للنداء أو لقب شريف على ابن مريم هو عيسى عليه السلام و بني آدم. والسياق الموقفي، الأية ( 77،35، 88، 91، 92 ) اختلفت المعانى بسبب الإسناد كلمة ولد على الله يعتمد على السياق الذي يحدد و التصريح و الإيمان و قدرة الله على شيء. لأن حال من القوم النبي عيسى عليه السلام الذين هم الكافرون. ABSTRACT Indeed helpful in understanding the Arabic language Al Quran, Mary was there in the letter that resembles a synonym or synonyms. Maryam is a sura by sura makiyah Ninety-eight verses, and of these verses there is a synonym for the word resembles walad five paragraphs and one paragraph srta ibn ghulam four verses. This type of qualitative research is descriptive. Dat sources used in this study there are two kinds of primary data and secondary data. The primary data and secondary data Quran tafseer ie, language books, books dalalah and other supporters. In this study uses literature by collecting data in the form of documentation or books that supports researchers in analyzing the object studies. In this thesis research uses theory K. Ammer to examine what the context of the situation contained in the said walad and ibn and ghulam, and also what the difference is that there is meaning in the word. After the researchers analyzed all the objects and study the word ibn walad and ghulam that exist in the surah of Maryam, the researcher knows the meaning of the context of the situation that existed at kat-words are: the meaning of the context of grace or favors of Allah SWT, explanation, faith, power of Allah SWT, the wonder and perfection of the power of Allah Almighty, as well as a noble calling, all of which depend on circumstances that verse was revealed. Differences arising from the word meaning and ibn walad and ghulam occurred because of differences in circumstances and conditions as in ayat 7,8,19,20,34 verse mentions ghulam and conditions of the prophet Zakariya AS and his wife is old but wanted to have offspring or children and Allah shows His power with the birth of Prophet Yahya AS. Siti Maryam situation of unmarried and has not been touched by a man but had a son name is Isa Ibn Maryam and calls for the situation of the Prophet Isa AS uses the word ibn Arab culture to the call. To ayat 35, 77, 88, 91, 92 lots were conditioned to the Prophet Isa AS and his people confidence, grace for unbelievers who deny the favors of Allah SWT, which is the situation of the Prophet Isa AS a pagan

    Minimizing The Garbage Collection Time In Flash Memory Using Efficient Data Allocation Scheme.

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    Recently, flash memory is becoming a popular data storage device in most of the electronic consumer devices

    Investigation on Lost Circulation Materials (LCM) Derived From Dorian Peel Waste For Drilling Fluid Formulation

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    This report concerns on investigation on lost circulation materials (LCM) derived from durian peel waste for drilling fluid formulation. The project mainly aims to study the effectiveness of using durian peel as LCM additives to prevent the lost circulation problem. The paper discusses the literature reviews of the lost circulation problems, the lost circulation materials and the characterization of the parameters of drilling fluid. It also confers the methodologies for LCM to resolve severe lost circulation problems and designing the mud samples, the mud densities, the rheological tests, and the filtration performance volume tests. Tests have been conducted in accordance with the API 13 B and the related equipments were rrrixer, mud balance and viscometer. Properties measured through this experiment such as density, plastic viscosity, yield point, 10 seconds and I 0 minutes gel strength and filtration rate. Particle size of !50 microns to 300 rrricrons and its amounts were the variables used in the experiments. Considering the fact that lost circulation is one of the most serious and expensive problems facing the drilling industry, lost circulation materials should be low-cost waste products, and in this case it is the durian peel fibers. Overall, the results show that as the amount of additives is increased, the density, plastic viscosity, and yield point increased as well. Meanwhile, the gel strength and the filtration rate show a reverse relationship with the added amount and went decreased as the amounts of additives were added progressively. The 150 rrricrons of particle size was fuund to be more favorable to be used in drilling fluid compared to 300 rrricrons. The suitable concentration obtained for durian peel is 71.43 kg/m3

    Regulation of Particle Uptake by PP2A/B56 and LKB1 in Dictyostelium Discoideum

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    Dictyostelium discoideum is a soil dwelling amoeba which has been widely used as a model organism to study cellular processes such as signal transduction, chemotaxis, endocytosis and exocytosis. The process of phagocytosis in Dicytostelium is largely comparable to that of neutrophils and macrophages in the mammalian system. Neutrophils and macrophages are cells of the innate immune system and they engulf infectious bacteria through phagocytosis. Dictyostelium cells uptake yeast and bacteria for their nutrition through phagocytosis, which is an actin dependent mechanism and is a target of multiple signaling inputs. Recent studies have uncovered different proteins involved in the signaling of particle and further studies are required to decipher the intricate mechanism leading to the F-actin rearrangement. Two of the proteins have previously known to be involved in the pathways regulating the F- actin rearrangement name PP2A phosphatase and LKB1 kinase The main objective of this project was to determine how these proteins are affecting the two actin driven particle uptake processes, phagocytosis and fluid uptake. We showed that ablation of PsrA gene which codes the regulatory subunit of PP2A resulted in a defective phagocytosis, whereas the fluid uptake was normal. We also showed for the first time that there was an increase in the phosphorylation of some of the PKB substrate proteins in wild type cell. Cells lacking PsrA gene displayed an aberrant phosphorylation of PKB substrate protein when compared to the wild type cells further confirming the involvement of PKB substrate in phagocytosis. Further, we looked at the effects of LKB1 kinase on phagocytosis by using a LKB1 knockdown construct introduced into wild type cells. The knock down of LKB1 resulted in a higher rate of phagocytosis while introduction of a LKB1 over expressing construct severally decreased the rate of phagocytosis indicating an inhibitory effect of LKB1. Furthermore there was an increase in the PKB substrate protein but a different pattern compared to the psrA- cells. We also carried out adhesion assays on LKB1 knockdown cells and the results showed a higher substrate adhesion as compared to the wild type cells, while psrA- cells had no adhesion defect

    Control unit in optical tomography

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    Control unit is important part in any process tomography. This unit will ensure the smoothness of overall system. Knowledge in programming the microcontroller is really needed to ensure the success of any project. This section will give the reader some knowledge about RS232 communication using PIC18F4520 and C language as a software tools to program the code

    Role, involvement and potential of interleukin-27 as an immunotherapeutic target in murine malaria

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    Interleukin-27 (IL-27) has been known to exert pleiotropic role in many inflammatory-related diseases including parasitic infection. However, its involvement during malaria infection has yet to be elucidated. In this study, the role and involvement of IL-27 during malaria infection was investigated and the effects of modulating its release on the course of the infection, the release of major inflammatory cytokines and the histopathological consequences in major affected organs during malaria were evaluated. Plasmodium berghei (P. berghei) ANKA infection in male ICR mice was used as a model for malaria infection. The mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 2 x 107 parasite-infected red blood cells (PRBCs) whereas the controls received an equivalent dilution of normal RBCs. The concentration of IL-27 in the plasma of malarial mice measured by means of ELISA, showed persistent elevation of IL-27 right from the early until the late phase of infection and its release is independent of the degree of disease severity. The modulation of IL-27 release was carried out by treatment of malarial mice with recombinant mouse IL-27 (rmIL-27), WSX-1Fc chimera or anti-WSX-1 monoclonal antibody (WSX-1 mAb) intravenously. Inhibition of IL-27 with WSX-1 Fc chimera and WSX-1 antibodies delayed the appearance of physical signs of illness and parasitaemia development and also prolonged the survival of malaria-infected mice. Augmentation of IL-27 with rmIL-27 significantly elevated the release of antiinflammatory cytokine (IL-10) whereas inhibition and neutralisation of IL-27 with WSX-1 Fc chimera and WSX-1 mAb respectively, showed decreased level of IL-10. A significant elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IFN-γ and IL-6) was also observed, both during augmentation and inhibition of IL-27. From the pattern of cytokines release, it can be suggested that IL-27 exerts an anti-inflammatory activity in the Th1 type response by signalling the production of IL-10 during malaria. Histopathological examination performed on internal organs including the brain, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys of malarial mice showed significant sequestration of PRBCs in the microvasculature of all the major organs of malarial mice. Other significant histopathological changes were also observed in malarial mice such as hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the Kupffer cells in the liver, hyaline membrane formation in the lungs, enlargement of the white and red pulp element followed by the lost of structure of germinal centre in the spleen, and vacuolation of the kidney tubule cells. Treatment with rmIL-27 and WSX-1 Fc chimera failed to show any significant improvement on the histopathological conditions of the organs of malaria-infected mice. Overall, the results suggest that IL-27 is involved during malaria infection and it may play an important anti-inflammatory role during immune response against the disease. Modulation of its release produced a positive impact on inflammatory cytokine production during the infection, suggesting its potential as an immunotherapeutic target in malaria, in which the host may benefit from its inhibition

    Design and Development of a Microscopic Electrical Impedance Tomography System

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    Basically, Electrical impedance tomography is a new technique in monitoring and imaging cross sectional images and physical state of objects by measuring the internal impedance distribution. This paper presents the design of a microscopic electrical impedance tomography system, which is a non-destructive approach that has the capability to interpret and analyze the internal impedance distribution of a medium (the system) and reconstruct its image as a tomogram, where any object inside the system can be shown in a 2D (two-dimension) image. A current source circuit was constructed and studied by injecting 5 mA of current to an array of electrodes (3*3 array). Moreover, the conditional measurement circuit is going to receive voltage from measurement electrodes array of 8*16 in each plane.  The data was obtained from both planes as a matrix of 8*16 electrodes using multiplexers which was transferred serially to the PC to be analyzed and to reconstruct the image/tomogram. The image reconstruction process and algorithms were engaged in the calculation to reconstruct the image based on the voltage collected. Finally, interpolation is conducted to improve the quality and increase the resolution of the image