14 research outputs found

    A hedonic valuation in Putrajaya Wetlands

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    This study is designed to estimate the economic value of green spaces in the land of Putrajaya by using the Hedonic Pricing Method (HPM). Economic valuation regarding green spaces in Putrajaya is targeted to give an efficient solution in investment and also to facilitate the residents of Putrajaya upon the value of the environment that they received and the significance of reserving the great environment for future consumptions. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 415 respondents in Putrajaya Wetlands who lived in the housing area 2-15 Km from this park. A Hedonic Pricing Model is developed by taking housing price as the dependent variable and structural of the house including distance to the green area as the independent variables. Housing price is used as a proxy to quantify the economic value of green space. Two models (linear model and semi-log model) mainly based on hedonic price model are formulated and regressed through ordinary least square (OLS) method. In term of model comparison, the result revealed that semi-log model (Model 2) performed better than the linear model (Model 1). As expected, a significant inverse relationship between the housing price and its distance from the residential area and the Putrajaya Wetland has been found whereby a slight decrease of 1 Km of the distance will positively increase the housing price by 5.9%. The result positively shows that the green space has contributed indirectly towards the housing price and it indicates that green space is a vital part of urban development in the city area. In conclusion, the green space provides benefits especially regarding its economic value. Thus, conserves and preserve in maintaining this area is ought to be implemented

    A Study of Retail Islamic Banking: The Relationship between Customer Knowledge and Service Quality

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    This paper encompasses on the relationship between customer knowledge function and service quality dimension and the effect on customer satisfaction in the context of Malaysian retail Islamic banking. As one of the challenges faced by retail Islamic banking is the customer satisfaction where the level of services rendered and knowledgeable front liners are the concerns, retail Islamic banking needs to improve on their quality of customer services and its measurement should consist of interaction quality and outcome quality. The issues of lack of customer knowledge, awareness and information on retail Islamic banking could be the resulted from the low interaction and outcome of the quality of knowledge supply. Meanwhile, distinctive attention is actually required from the Islamic banking staff due to the complexity of retail Islamic banking products. The customer knowledge function in retail Islamic banking itself should be therefore emphasized alongside with the service quality dimension in order to ensure that the supply of knowledge to the customer will in turn help to increase the customer satisfaction

    Mikropolitik dan implikasinya kepada pihak berkuasa tempatan: sorotan literatur

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    Politik bukan hanya berpaksikan kepada politik kepartian seperti pilihanraya dan ceramah kempen, boleh juga terjadi dalam pelbagai bentuk dan situasi. Daripada isu sensitif akidah melibatkan pertembungan ideologi Syiah, kritikan Syiah Zaidiyah berkenaan Teori Imamah Syiah Imamiah dan Syiah Ismailiyah, amalan protes punk yang lahir separuh abad yang lalu sehingga membentuk sub-budaya. Namun, politik juga lahir daripada dalam pengurusan organisasi, dikenali sebagai politik organisasi atau mikropolitik. Meskipun mikro (sangat kecil), namun tidak boleh lari daripada kuasa dan pengaruh dalam mencapai matlamat peribadi. Secara umumnya, ramai ahli akademik menganggap politik organisasi sebagai tingkah laku yang berniat untuk menjaga kepentingan diri dengan menjadikan individu atau kumpulan lain sebagai korban bagi mencapai matlamat dan cita-citanya. Urusan kenaikan pangkat, perolehan tender projek, penyebaran maklumat lebih mudah dicapai dengan adanya aktiviti politik yang tidak sihat. Sehubungan itu, perbincangan ini tidak bertujuan untuk memberi fokus kepada pendekatan yang sama dalam menjawab persoalan kajian yang terarah kepada pembangunan politik daripada sudut pemerintahan dan kepartian. Malah, tidak juga berpaksikan satu bentuk analisis yang bersifat mengukur tingkat politik yang berstruktur dan melibatkan hubungan antarabangsa. Tetapi, lebih khusus kepada kepimpinan dan pentadbiran awam sebagai satu subjek tujahan dalam kerangka perbincangan bagi memahami persoalan politik organisasi dan implikasinya kepada organisasi

    Impact of green building certificate on firm’s financial performance

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    Implementation of green building (GB) practice is one of the environmental practice taken by some developers in order to overcome the loss of green space in urban area. The developers who are implement GB practice are eligible to get GB certificate. As reported by Green Building Index (GBI) on 2016, only 8% out of 2,000 developers have GB certificate. Most of them are not interested and stated that adoption of GB certificate is not a preferred investment for their business. Their perception are contradict with the previous studies which have proved that the environmental practice is positively significant with firms’ financial performance. Hence, the objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of GB certificate on the firms’ financial performance. A total of 323 developers’ financial reports for the year 2015 were collected from Bursa Saham Malaysia and Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia. Using propensity score matching (PSM) technique, it was found that developers with GB certificate had higher return on asset (ROA) compared to developers without GB certificate. In conclusion, GB certificate have positive impact on firm’s financial performance. The finding of this study will motivate other developers to implement GB practice in their upcoming project development

    The impact of organizational career management towards employees’ career satisfaction

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    This study was aimed to investigate the impact of organizational career management towards career satisfaction among employees in a private firm in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. A total of 101 respondents were involved in this study. Questionnaire was used to collect the data and the data was analysed using statistical software to describe the descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed a positive and significant impact of organizational career management towards the employees’ career satisfaction. Organizational career management practices such as career planning, counselling sessions, training and workshops, mentoring, job rotation and others have given an influence to the employees’ career satisfaction. The findings suggested that employees’ can improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) as well as sustain employees’ commitment through career management activities

    The relationship between protean career and career satisfaction among employees in a manufacturing factory

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between protean career and career satisfaction among the employeesof a manufacturing company in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. A total of 100 employees had participated in this study whereby data was collected using a set of questionnaires. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse the data by using the descriptive statistical analysis and Spearman correlation analysis. The results showed that the level of protean career and career satisfaction was high among the employees. In addition, there was a significant and positive correlation between protean career and the employees career satisfaction. This study suggests that Malaysian employers involve employees in the organizational career management process such as by providing a realistic career path and career development opportunities for the employees

    Employee socialization process and engagement in Malaysian hotel industry

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    Employee in the organization always the core of the activities implemented in the company. without engaged employee, organization would remain constants and there are slim chances for organization to survive in the future. Our world has viewed the importance of employee engagement in the organization that act as energy to empower all employees to boost productivity and overall performance. However, to obtain engaged employees, requires certain level of work understanding. although research on employee engagement has been growing since 90’s, however, little was known to study on the understanding before employee could engaged. This research contributes the gap by using Socialization Theory to explain the theoretical concept of employee engagement. Respondents are from selected hotel employee in northern region in Malaysia. Findings conclude that socialization proses phase 3 which is element of acquire shows significant relationship towards employee engagement of absorption and dedication (P-value1.645). This research is importance for researcher in the field of human resource to understand better on the construct of employee engagement and its antecedent

    Using Confidence Interval Based Estimation of Relevance (CIBER) to Determine Women's Emotion and Perception on Malaysia Road Environment During COVID-19

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    Road environment has been one of the factors contributing to road accidents. Research on the diversity of road users, condition and environment was discussed widely but in general. In Malaysia road environment is consider as one of the important factors in national agendas of Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII). As women play a greater role in the population growth of a country, therefore, it is considered that women hold a great responsibility for nation sustainability. This paper focuses on road environment that centered on women's perception with the role of emotion as a predictor. This research also entails that emotions craft escapism which gives soothing sensation and relaxation on driving. Data collected via online google form and specifically targeted for female drivers. 93 respondents were able to participate in the survey. Results indicate that R2 equals to 0.27 from 99% confidence interval. The results predicted that emotions explained a moderate part in determining women's perception on-road environment. Meanwhile, respondents with negative emotions can separate their cognitive process, and does not affect their perception. The findings speculate that positive emotions have association towards perception, meaning that cognitive is relatively influenced by emotions, which in turn may affect on one’s judgment. This paper contributes to women's sentiments on the Malaysian road environment research using Confidence Interval Based Estimation of Relevance (CIBER). Current research highlights that CIBER technique is efficient in predicting the behavior and use for behavior modification in the future, and it is significant for policy revision and recommendation. This research contributes to the body of knowledge on escapism as means to perceive the road environment. limitation of this research is that it is focal to women and data collected during the pandemic may disparate from other events or situations. Finally, this research suggests that future behavior interventions among road users at the national level were appropriate to establish

    Development and validation of a new questionnaire assessing women perception on Malaysian road environment (WPRE)

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    High mobility rate among women has made them more vulnerable in the road environment. Lifestyle changes have urged many women to increase their mobility due to accommodate current demand. Therefore, women are exposed to the risk of accidents as many of them are populated in the road environment. However, most studies and instrumentation on-road environments are universal and not specifically targeting women's perception and anticipation preventing road accidents. Hence, the current study is developing and validating instrumentation of women's perception in Malaysia Road Environment. The sample of this study is 93 women with various age numbers. Out of 7 constructs, 6 were found most reliable and valid with the Cronbach Alpha value > 0.75. The present research provides details of factor analysis results, composite reliability, average variance extract, and reliability analysis which all concluded that the internal consistency of WPRE was not violated. Results reveal items developed are suitable to be adapted in future research with some modification. Finally, this research contributes to developing and validating women’s perception in a road accident which is reliable and valid for measuring WPRE

    Determinants in creating a coaching culture for individual performance

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants in creating a coaching culture for increasing individual performance. It also explores the relationship between coaching culture determinants and individual performance. In addition, this research seeks the strongest coaching culture determinant influencing individual performance among employees in United Meteoric Group Sdn. Bhd. As many as 60 employees were involved in this research through a quantitative survey approach. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science Version 17.0. Descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to analyze the data. Five coaching culture determinants which consist of manager commitment, link between business strategy and developmental focus, recognize and rewards coaching culture behaviors, training for coaches, and learning and development opportunities was analyzed to test the relationship between these determinants and individual performance. Further analysis indicated that coaching within the team and organisation progress towards culture change objectives have a relationship with individual performance, however, through the multivariate model, only coach within the team was found to significantly influence individual performance at p<0.05. In addition, results indicated all determinants have positive relationship with individual performance. Pearson correlation was used and found out of five coaching culture determinants, all four determinants positively correlated with individual performance at significance level of p<0.01. Only learning and development opportunities was found to positively correlate with individual performance at significant level of p <0.05. Finally, through the regression model, only learning and development opportunities determinant strongly influence in increasing individual performance at significant level of 0.34