130 research outputs found

    Peran Ruang Publik dan Privat dalam Memproduksi dan Mengkonsumsi Ruang Sosial Studi Kasus Pulau Burgazada, Istanbul,turki

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    Ruang publik dan ruang privat sangat memegang peran penting dalam mendefinisikan ruang sosial. Makna-makna yang dihasilkan oleh kedua ruang ini, baik yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing ruang melalui elemen-elemen ruangnya ataupun makna yang dihasilkan melalui hubungan antara keduanya (ruang public dan privat), mampu mempengaruhi persepsi dari pengguna terhadap “produksi” ruang sosial.Selain dari mempengaruhi pembentukan ruang sosial, ruang publik dan ruang privat juga menentukan bagaimana pengguna mengkonsumsi ruang sosial tersebut.Peran dari ruang publik dan ruang privat berbeda disetiap wilayah sehingga nantinya juga akan mempengaruhi proses produksi dan konsumsi ruang. Peran ini tergantung pada faktor-faktor sosial budaya, politik, keadaan alam dan ekonomi. Disetiap wilayah memiliki faktor yang dominan yang nantinya akan mempengaruhi bagaimana pengguna memproduksi dan mengkonsumsi ruang


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    Tax is one of the largest sources of state revenue. Tax compliance can increase government revenue and improve the stability of a country’s economy. As one of the driving tools of the country’s economy, MSMEs are also closely related to taxes. To increase tax awareness among MSME owners, the government has provided a small portion of the income tax rate to MSME owners, equivalent to 0.5% of the company’s gross turnover (sales) based on the HPP Law if it exceeds Rp.500,000,000.00. This qualitative study aims to analyze the understanding of MSME tax actors in the South Bangka region by understanding the current tax rates and office of MSME actors. The survey shows that MSME actors’ understanding of the reduction in income tax rates and tax administration is still low. Lower income tax rates and poor tax administration performance lead to low tax compliance among MSME actors

    Strange-attractor-driven matter

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    Strange attractors can arise from nonlinear dynamical systems, however, such attractors may also be used to drive complex dynamics. We outline a flexible deterministic formalism for such chaos-driven dynamics. By using a strange attractor to model each particle's internal state space, we present a new class of matter coined ``strange-attractor-driven matter''. As an illustrative example, we show how the strange-attractor-driven matter can be used for modeling dynamics and collective behavior reminiscent of active matter. This leads to a flexible model that can be used to generate a variety of active particle motions, for example run-and-tumble and run-reverse-flick motions, as well as more exotic motions such as curlicued trajectories with continuously-changing direction induced by a Lorenz attractor. When combined with particle interactions, these strange-attractor-driven particles gives rise to several characteristic active-matter phenomena such as clustering, jamming and flocking. In addition, the presented model enables active control over the motion of emergent clusters, with complex flocking features such as fusion, splitting and collisions of flocks emerging spontaneously. Beyond the illustrative example of active matter, the formalism of strange-attractor-driven dynamics presented in this paper may be applicable more broadly, to model complex dynamical and emergent behaviors in a variety of contexts.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Transformasi Fasad pada Bangunan Kolonial Gereja Gpib Immanuel Kota Depok Lama

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    Arsitektur akan selalu mengalami Perubahan. Hal ini merupakan sifat alami dari arsitektur. Perubahan ini seringkali terjadi sesuai dengan masa dan teknologi yang sedang berkembang. Salah satu arsitektur yang banyak mengalami Perubahan adalah arsitektur kolonial Indonesia. Arsitektur kolonial Indonesia muncul di masa penjajahan Belanda terhadap Indonesia. Arsitektur ini muncul akibat percampuran antara arsitektur Eropa dengan budaya dan cara membangun di Indonesia serta penyesuaian diri terhadap iklim setempat. Bangunan dengan arsitektur kolonial di beberapa tempat sudah dijadikan sebagai bangunan konservasi oleh pemerintah sebagai pengingat sejarah perkembangan Indonesia. Meskipun begitu, di beberapa wilayah terdapat bangunan-bangunan dengan arsitektur kolonial yang luput perhatian dari pemerintah sehingga tidak di konservasi. Hal ini menyebabkan bangunan-bangunan tersebut dihancurkan dan diganti dengan yang baru ataupun berubah bentuk fisiknya karena menyesuaikan diri dengan zaman dan perkembangan teknologi. Sebagai contoh adalah bangunan Gereja Gereja GPIB Immanuel di Kota Depok Lama yang telah banyak mengalami Perubahan. tetapi walaupun begitu karakteristik dari arsitektur kolonial masih bisa terlihat walaupun di dibeberapa bagian fasad sudah menunjukkan banyak Perubahan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini ingin melihat bagaimana Perubahan yang terjadi pada fasad gereja GPIB Immanuel di kota Depok Lama. Hal ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana bangunan dengan arsitektur kolonial yang tidak dikonservasi beradaptasi dengan perkembangan zaman serta untuk melihat factor-faktor apa saja yang dapat menyebabkan Perubahan tersebut. Penelitian akan dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan melihat Perubahan fasad dari periode penjajahan (sekitar tahun 1920) dan dimasa sekarang. Hasil penelitian adalah terdapat beberapa Perubahan pada elemen-elemen arsitektur fasad yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor seperti faktor Agama, kebutuhan, faktor Iklim, Estetika, dan Perubahan di sekitar lokasi studi

    Inertial focusing dynamics of spherical particles in curved microfluidic ducts with a trapezoidal cross-section

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    Inertial focusing in curved microfluidic ducts exploits the interaction of drag force from the Dean flow with the inertial lift force to separate particles or cells laterally across the cross-section width according to their size. Experimental work has identified that using a trapezoidal cross-section, as opposed to a rectangular one, can enhance the sized based separation of particles/cells over a wide range of flow rates. Using our model, derived by carefully examining the way the Dean drag and inertial lift forces interact at low flow rates, we calculate the leading order approximation of these forces for a range of trapezoidal ducts, both vertically symmetric and non-symmetric, with increasing amount of skew towards the outside wall. We then conduct a systematic study to examine the bifurcations in the particle equilbira that occur with respect to a shape parameter characterising the trapezoidal cross-section. We reveal how the dynamics associated with particle migration are modified by the degree of skew in the cross-section shape, and show the existence of cusp bifurcations (with the bend radius as a second parameter). Additionally, our investigation suggests an optimal amount of skew for the trapezoidal cross-section for the purposes of maximising particle separation over a wide range of bend radii.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure

    Gonadotrophin-mediated miRNA expression in testis at onset of puberty in rhesus monkey: Predictions on regulation of thyroid hormone activity and DLK1-DIO3 locus

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    Molecular mechanisms responsible for the initiation of primate spermatogenesis remain poorly characterized. Previously, 48 h stimulation of the testes of three juvenile rhesus monkeys with pulsatile LH and FSH resulted in down-regulation of a cohort of genes recognized to favor spermatogonia stem cell renewal. This change in genetic landscape occurred in concert with amplification of Sertoli cell proliferation and the commitment of undifferentiated spermatogonia to differentiate. In this report, the non-protein coding small RNA transcriptomes of the same testes were characterized using RNA sequencing: 537 mature micro-RNAs (miRNAs), 322 small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and 49 small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) were identified. Pathway analysis of the 20 most highly expressed miRNAs suggested that these transcripts contribute to limiting the proliferation of the primate Sertoli cell during juvenile development. Gonadotrophin treatment resulted in differential expression of 35 miRNAs, 12 snoRNAs and four snRNA transcripts. Ten differentially expressed miRNAs were derived from the imprinted delta-like homolog 1-iodothyronine deiodinase 3 (DLK1-DIO3) locus that is linked to stem cell fate decisions. Four gonadotrophin-regulated expressed miRNAs were predicted to trigger a local increase in thyroid hormone activity within the juvenile testis. The latter finding leads us to predict that, in primates, a gonadotrophin-induced selective increase in testicular thyroid hormone activity, together with the established increase in androgen levels, at the onset of puberty is necessary for the normal timing of Sertoli cell maturation, and therefore initiation of spermatogenesis. Further examination of this hypothesis requires that peripubertal changes in thyroid hormone activity of the testis of a representative higher primate be determined empirically.Fil: Aliberti, Paula. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan". Servicio de Endocrinología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sethi, Rahil. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Belgorosky, Alicia. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan". Servicio de Endocrinología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chandran, Uma R.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Plant, Tony M.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Walker, William H.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados Unido