486 research outputs found

    Objectification theory predicts college women’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery

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    This study investigated cosmetic surgery attitudes within the framework of objectification theory. One hundred predominantlyWhite, British undergraduate women completed self-report measures of impression management, global selfesteem, interpersonal sexual objectification, self-surveillance, body shame, and three components of cosmetic surgery attitudes. As expected, each of the objectification theory variables predicted greater consideration of having cosmetic surgery in the future. Also, as expected, sexual objectification and body shame uniquely predicted socialmotives for cosmetic surgery, whereas self-surveillance uniquely predicted intrapersonal motives for cosmetic surgery. These findings suggest that women’s acceptance of cosmetic surgery as a way to manipulate physical appearance can be partially explained by the degree to which they view themselves through the lenses of sexual and self-objectification

    A narrative study of adults who were bullied by a sibling in childhood

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    Background: It is argued that sibling relationships are often overlooked in favour of parent child relationships. Sibling interactions have the potential to be emotionally intimate and complex, and experiences can influence later psychological development. Research exploring the significance of sibling relationships is developing, with the majority of studies focussing on the protective nature of this relationship. There has been limited curiosity into the expression of adults’ stories of being bullied by a sibling in childhood. By exploring people’s stories, this study aims to consider what it means to be bullied by a sibling – that is, it will explore the broad question of “how do adults describe and make sense of their childhood sibling bullying experiences?” Method: A qualitative research paradigm was chosen for this study. The method of narrative inquiry was employed, using the Narrative Orientated Inquiry approach. Interviews were completed with seven adults who perceived themselves to have been bullied by a sibling in childhood. Results: Adults’ experiences were understood within the context of content and form. The content of people’s stories were considered alongside the way in which they told their story, facilitating an understanding of what and how they integrated their experiences into the construction of their narrative identities. Adults described their perceptions of sibling bullying and the barriers to defining experience, as well as the impact on their later, sibling relationships. The results also indicated that emotional expression associated with the event varied for every narrator, as they moved towards integration of experience. Discussion: The findings are discussed within existing theoretical models of sibling bullying and subject and identity positioning theory. The clinical implications are framed within psychoanalytic theory and in relation to the perceived acceptability of sibling bullying

    Pharmacogenetics and ethnically targeted therapies

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    Improvement guarantees for semi-supervised classifiers can currently only be given under restrictive conditions on the data. We propose a general way to perform semi-supervised parameter estimation for likelihood-based classifiers for which, on the full training set, the estimates are never worse than the supervised solution in terms of the log-likelihood. We argue, moreover, that we may expect these solutions to really improve upon the supervised classifier in particular cases. In a worked-out example for LDA, we take it one step further and essentially prove that its semi-supervised version is strictly better than its supervised counterpart. The two new concepts that form the core of our estimation principle are contrast and pessimism. The former refers to the fact that our objective function takes the supervised estimates into account, enabling the semi-supervised solution to explicitly control the potential improvements over this estimate. The latter refers to the fact that our estimates are conservative and therefore resilient to whatever form the true labeling of the unlabeled data takes on. Experiments demonstrate the improvements in terms of both the log-likelihood and the classification error rate on independent test sets.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    Centromeric Repositioning of Coreceptor Loci Predicts Their Stable Silencing and the CD4/CD8 Lineage Choice

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    The differentiation of CD4+ CD8+ double positive (DP) thymocytes requires the irreversible choice between two alternative lineages, distinguished by the mutually exclusive expression of either CD4 or CD8. Differentiating DP cells transiently down-regulate both CD4 and CD8, and this has complicated the debate whether the mechanism of CD4/CD8 lineage choice is instructive, stochastic/selective, or more complex in nature. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we show that the stable silencing of coreceptor loci, and ultimately lineage choice, is predicted by the spatial repositioning of coreceptor alleles to centromeric heterochromatin domains. These data provide evidence that lineage-specific developmental programs are established early during the transition from the DP to the single positive stage

    Developing a vibration-sensing yarn for monitoring hand-transmitted vibrations

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    Overexposure to hand-transmitted vibrations (HTVs) is a serious concern within industries that use vibrating power tools as HTVs can lead to severe and chronic injuries to the hand-arm system, which are preventable by limiting vibration exposure. This study presents a novel vibration-sensing electronic yarn (E-yarn) that can be used to monitor HTVs at the point-of-entry of the vibrations into the hand. The construction of the vibration-sensing E-yarn is described, with the vibration-sensing E-yarns being fully characterised at each stage of the manufacturing process to understand how the manufacturing stages affect the behaviour of the embedded sensor. The results show that there is no significant difference in the sensor response at each of the three stages in the E-yarn production over a range of frequencies and amplitudes relevant to HTVs
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