468 research outputs found

    Enhancement of network security by use machine learning

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    This research is about the design and simulation on enhancement network security using machine learning. The design use MATLAB coding to show the simulation. The coding is designed in a way that there is an attack of malicious to destroy the data. Because there is a machine-learning scheme in the security, the system have done automatically protect the data and hence the data is recovered at the end of the system. The important study in this research is the machine learning with deep learning system to enhance the security. This put the system into artificial intelligent system. By trains the system, the security can be enhanced. The next incoming data have done checked and the system was identify whether it content errors or fake data. By the end of the research, graphs and animation system have done shown to demonstrate the basic operation of the enhance network with machine learning system. From the analysis in the simulation results, one can see that the ANNDL is the best algorithm of machine learning process. This method uses many layers to compute or process the data. The time taken to reach the accuracy is also short with less number of iteration. The ANNDL uses iterations method to detect the data, do matching and identify the data. If the data is 100% matched, then the accuracy increase to 1%. As more and more iteration take places, the accuracy have done increased. Thus, it is suggests to have high number of iterations

    Factors Impacting the Buying Behavior of Housewives towards Hypermarkets in Karachi

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    The objective of this research is an effort to understand what are the factors that impact the choice of hypermarkets made by housewives and what do they think about the factors like Convenience level, Store atmosphere, Price and Variety of products, which influence the buying behavior. This research is qualitative in nature and in-depth interview technique is used for the collection of data through respondents and then thematic analyses have been constructed. The results of the study concluded that Convenience level is the most important factor that affects the choice of hypermarkets for the housewives. It is considered as a positive factor for their shopping experience. Some factors within convenience level include parking space available, a well-stated store in terms of prices and category placement so that it saves time and the most important convenience factor due to which housewives are not willing to shift permanently to other store is the location/nearness of the hypermarket to their homes. It is further concluded that the Store atmosphere must be friendly that doesn’t make the customer confuse every time they visit the store. Proper placement of the goods on the aisle, space between them, lightening and the music it is being played all affects the shopping experience of the customer. Prices do affect the way the customer shops but it is not considered a factor that makes the customer shifts their store permanently if it’s not convenient for them. Variety is the least impacting factor that would make the customer shifts their outlet. The housewives generally like hypermarkets as it serves as a one-stop shop for them for all their required items Keywords: Hyperstar, Buying behavior, Housewives, Convenience Level, Store Atmosphere, Variety of Product

    Impact of Digital Media on Brand Loyalty and Brand Positioning

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    The objective of this research was to find out the importance of digital media and business to increase their revenues and market their products in a better way. Another objective of this research to differentiate between conventional and new media and to view the level of awareness about their concept among people. This research is exploratory and research design is qualitative in nature. We conducted interviews from different experts of digital media who are fully aware with latest trends of marketing. The findings of this research reveal that a wise marketing strategy can increase the market share of different brands in Pakistan (especially new entrants) in comparison of conventional media. It is concluded that the digital media has a key role in creating brand royalty since advertising has changed from traditional to digital so there is a much scope available in this area, consumer interest is increasing in this type of marketing platform in Pakistan, especially big companies like (Coca-Cola, Unilever, P&G, Gucci) have successfully created their brand image and brand association by engaging various activities through digital media. In today’s world digital media is important because it is cost effective, develop more awareness and also the queries put forward by the consumers are answered by the companies quickly. Through digital media companies constantly improve themselves and try to create a good image about the product. Keywords: Digital Media, Brand Loyalty, Brand positioning, exploratory, marketing strateg

    Ravaged Lands: An Investigation of Factors Affecting Pakistan’s Tourism Industry

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    Since the war on terror initiated in 2001 after the attack on the Twin Towers, situated in New York, United States. The US led invasion of Afghanistan has spilled its consequences across its Eastern border. Since then Pakistan has been a victim of terrorism and religious extremism due to its strategic alliance with the United States of America. One industry that was completely obliterated by this situation was Pakistan’s Tourism industry. The objective of this research was to prove whether societal factors affect the tourism industry or cultural factors affect the tourist industry or the law and order situation has hampered the tourists’ activities in Northern areas of Pakistan. Developing a questionnaire and validating its reliability, statistical techniques proved that cultural factors had a more significant impact on Pakistan’s tourist mindset. Keywords: Tourism; Cultural factors; Societal factors; Victims of terrorism; War on terro

    Amniotic fluid embolism

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    Amniotic fluid embolism is a rare and severe problem in obstetric patients. We experienced a 21-year primigravida who underwent emergency cesarean section due to sudden collapse and fetal distress after rupture of membranes in labour. Subsequently, she developed intraoperative coagulopathy, hemorrhage, hypotension, and respiratory collapse requiring ventilation. Both maternal and neonatal lives were saved with full recovery and discharged in stable condition. The clinical diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) was made, which is a very rare complication of pregnancy/puerperium with varying presentation, ranging from cardiac arrest, circulatory collapse and death through mild degrees of organ system dysfunction with or without coagulopathy. AFE has no definitive test for its diagnosis; the detection of fetal elements in the maternal vasculature is non-specific. The treatment is largely supportive and there is no specific therapy. However, mortality of this condition remains high, if not timely intervened

    Estimation of causal relationship between world gold prices and KSE 100 index: Evidence from Johansen cointegration technique

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    The aspiration of this research paper is to investigate the impact of international gold prices on the equity returns of Karachi Stock Index (KSE100 index) of Pakistan Stock Exchange. The daily observations from January 1, 2000 – June 30, 2016 have been divided into three sub-periods along with the full sample period on the basis of structural breaks. Descriptive analysis used to calculate the average returns, which showed significant returns of KSE100 for the full sample, the first and the third sample periods as compared to gold returns. Standard deviation depicted the higher volatility in all the sample periods. Correlation analysis has shown an inverse relationship amid equity returns and gold returns, whereas, Philips-Perron and Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests have been employed, and time series data became stationary after taking the first difference. Johansen cointegration results have shown that the series are cointegrated in the full-sample and the first sample periods. Thus, this has demonstrated the long run association amid equity returns and gold returns in the first sub-sample and the full-sample periods. However, the second and the third sub-sample periods do not exhibit long-term association amid equity returns of KSE100 and gold returns. The outcomes of Granger causality approach identified bidirectional causation amid equity returns and gold returns in the full sample period in lag 2, and unidirectional causality has been observed from gold prices to stock prices in the full sample and the first sub-sample periods in lag 1 and lag 2 respectively

    Relationship between Demographic and Internet Usage

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    The reason to conduct this research was to evaluate if there is any relationship between the Internet usage and demographic factors (age, income, education, gender, and income level) of the Internet users. Hypotheses regarding the association of Internet usage and different demographic factors were developed. Survey was carried out for the collection of data through questionnaire, which included some questions about the demographics of the respondents, and their usage of Internet. Non-probabilistic sampling was used. Sample size used in this research was 299. Outcomes of this research were anticipated to be helpful for the advertisers to understand the viewership of internet/web pages for the online advertisement. Hence, from the results of this research it was determined that no relationship exists between demographics (age, income, education, gender, and income level) and Internet usage. Keywords: Relationship, Demographics, Internet Usage, Non-probabilistic

    Amoebic appendicitis--a rare entity

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    Appendectomy is the most common surgical procedure performed in routine general surgical practice. However, not all the appendices removed, are submitted for histopathological examination in this part of the world. We reviewed 1400 appendices received by our department from within our hospital and from outside the hospital. Of these 13 cases were reported as amoebic appendicitis. These patients did not have any different clinical presentation from the patients who were reported as acute appendicitis without amoebae. Microscopically these appendices had minimal neutrophil polymorph infiltration accompanied by tissue necrosis and amoebic trophozoites within the appendiceal wall. After histological diagnosis, different tests (IHA and stool examination) were done to exclude a possibility of secondary involvement of the appendix, on 8 patients from our hospital which were negative, thus confirming that these patients had primary appendiceal involvement. Hence we recommend that all the appendices removed should be subjected for histological examination, since ths may help in subsequent management of these patient
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