186 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum dengan Sesudah Akuisisi terhadap Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bei

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    The purpose of this study was to know (1) the difference Operating Profit Margin before with after acquisition (2) the difference Earning Per Share before with after acquisition, and (3) the Debt to Equity Ratio before with after acquisition.This Study classified as a quantitative research. The population is a company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), do acquisitions in 2013. The samples were companies listed on the Stock Exchange during the study and the companies that make acquisitions in 2013 with years of observations from 2011 to 2015, the date the acquisition is clear, available reports Detailed financial five quarterly before and after each company. Methods of data collection using the method of documentation, while data analysis techniques using testing T (T-test).The results showed that the Operating Profit Margin, Earnings Per Share before and after the acquisition was not a significant. The different results obtained in Debt to Equity Ratio before to after the acquisition there are significant differences

    Minat Konsumen terhadap Beras Organik di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA dan Jawa Tengah

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    Various cases of food poisoning has caused people to more selective in choosing food by taking into account the health and food safety. Consumer awareness and preferences towards healthy food has resulted an increasing on consumption of organic food. This study aims to explain the consumer perceptions of organic rice, and its effect on consumer buying interest. The study was conducted by analized and interviewed 120 respondents. The binomial logit regression analysis was applied to explain the influence of consumer\u27s perception on agricultural products. This research shows the consumers of organic rice come from various groups of people, most of them are from fixed-income consumer, high level of education, and small size family. Consumers of organic rice has a high concern on their family, has a perception on high level of purity, and has high concern on the health of agricultural environment. However, consumers perception on organic farming practices was in moderate category. Organic agricultural products are still perceived as a high price product. Consumer interest on consuming organic rice would increase due to an increasing on consumer concerns on the family, perception of purity, concern on agriculture environmental health, and perception of the practice of organic farming

    Kajian Pemanfaatan Data Penginderaan Jauh Untuk Identifikasi Objek Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang)

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    Remote sensing is the science and art to get information about an object, area, or phenomenon through the analysis of data obtained with a device without direct contact with the object, area, or phenomenon under study. Utilization of remote sensing technology by administrator of land and property tax is expected to support performance in management of taxation duty. One of the products of high-resolution satellite imagery is GeoEye imagery. The purpose of this study is to identify the object of land and property tax by using remote sensing data and evaluate the land and building tax maps based on the identification of remote sensing data and field surveys. The method used in this study is the identification of the object changes in property taxes from the land and property tax map overlay image geometric correction by means of visual interpretation. Results interpretation changes then test the accuracy of interpretation. The results showed that the identified 15 176 pieces uncharted building on PBB map with a building area of 1560415.057 uncharted m2

    Pengetahuan Mahasiswi Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia terhadap Premenstrual Syndrome

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    – Tahap perkembangan remaja ditandai dengan Perubahan fisik umum yang disertai perkembangan kognitif maupun sosial. Menstruasi merupakan proses alamiah organ reproduksi wanita dengan pengendalian hormon. Salah satu gangguan menstruasi adalah Premenstrual Syndrome atau sindrom sebelum haid atau dikenal juga sebagai ketegangan sebelum haid. Siklus menstruasi yang tidak teratur, penurunan level progesteron dan peningkatan level estrogen, stres, usia menarche yang terlalu cepat, dan status gizi merupakan beberapa faktor penyebab PMS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan mahasiswi Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia terhadap PMS. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu studi Cross Sectional. Populasi sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswi Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia. Variabel independen yang dipilih yaitu pengetahuan, usia menarche, siklus haid, olahraga, nutrisi, produktivitas, dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Berdasarkan uji bivariat dan multivariat regresi logistik tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dengan premenstrual syndrome pada mahasiswi UAI yaitu pengetahuan dengan p value 0,169; OR 0,473; 95% CI 0,163-1,374. Responden yang memiliki pengetahuan 0,473 kali lebih baik dalam penatalaksanaan premenstrual syndrome daripada responden yang memiliki pengetahuan kurang

    Aktualisasi Mitos “Sangkuriang” dan “Lutung Kasarung” dalam Novel “Déng” Karya Godi Suwarna

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    Mitos dan novel merupakan dua bentuk karya sastra yang berbeda. Mitos berangkat dari tradisi lisan, seni spiritual, dan kepercayaan masyarakat primordial. Sementara Novel berangkat dari tradisi tulis, berakar pada kebudayaan modern yang bercirikan rasio. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pertemuan antara mitos dan novel Sunda, aktualisasi mitos Sangkuriang dan Lutung Kasarung yang diartikulasikan melalui novel DĂ©ng karya Godi Suwarna

    Pemetaan Faktor Risiko Lingkungan Leptospirosis dan Penentuan Zona Tingkat Kerawanan Leptospirosis di Kabupaten Demak Menggunakan Remote Sensing Image

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    Leptosiprosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira bacteria and transmitted to human by contact through contaminated animal urine and environment contaminated of Leptospirosis. Demak District is an endemic area of Leptospirosis bacteria. The prevalence of Leptospirosis case has increased in the past 2 years. The aim of this research is to map environmental risk factor of Leptospirosis and to determine Leptospirosis vulnerable zone. This research is analyzed in a descriptive using cross sectional design. 42 Leptospirosis cases are mapped with GPS. Leptospirosis case was overlaid with remote sensing (Quickbird image) by using ArcView program. Then interpreted by Spasial Feature and Spasial Analyses.Leptospirosis cases in 2014-2015 was spread out and a bit gouped in Demak Sub District area. More cases are found in male (61,9%), productive age 21-50 years (59,3%), farmer (40,4%). Spasial analyses shows that the leptospirosis cases take place at low plain <47 masl (100%), rainfall ≥220 mm/month (64,7%), clay soil (100%), buffer river <50 m (71,4%), presence of rat (100%), wastewater disposal (100%), waste disposal facilities (97,7%), flood's profile (28,6%), rob's profile (7,1%), vegetation (59,5%). Leptospirosis high risk zone is 37.801,8 ha (41,32%), risk zone is 43.570,23 ha (48,55%), and low risk zone is 9.090,96 ha (10,13%). Densely populated housing, environment condition, and presence of rat with contact of puddle are risk factors of Leptospirosis cases in Demak District
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