6 research outputs found

    Pondering a Global BIPA: Politeness and Impoliteness in Verbal Interactions

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    This opinionated research article is about politeness and impoliteness in verbal interactions within Indonesian interpersonal context. Accounts on politeness, camaraderie, distant language, close language, code-switching, and code-mixing are elaborated to come to the concept of impoliteness, i.e. rude situations and awkward situations. The interpersonal context here partly elaborates the types of hearer in the aspects of power and solidarity in Brown and Gilman’s theory (1968), the hearers of which are divided into superiors and close people in this article. Elements of both the Indonesian distant and close languages are presented, and how rude situations and awkward situations happen due to incompetence or ignorance of the two variants is illustrated. Illustrations of the Indonesian two variants and code-mixing of the two are given to highlight the rude and awkward situations. All this worldview on the teaching of Indonesian to non-native-speakers, i.e. pondering a global BIPA, should be regarded as efforts to develop as well as to market the Indonesian language to the global societies.              Keywords Politeness, camaraderie, impoliteness, distant language, close language, rude situation, awkward situation, incompetence, code-switching, code-mixing, BIPA


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     Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan judul “Maksimalisasi Pelayanan Prima Melalui Pelatihan Bahasa Asing Praktis Bagi Serikat Pekerja Pariwisata Borobudur di Desa Kajoran Magelang” ini mengambil khalayak sasaran anggota serikat pekerja pariwisata Borobudur Magelang yang berusaha untuk mengembangkan dan menghidupkan kembali geliat pariwisata setelah masa pandemi covid 19. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode latihan atau drill yaitu suatu metode penyampaian materi pelatihan atau informasi melalui bentuk latihan-latihan. Adapun hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupa berupa peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan para peserta pelatihan dalam hal pelayanan prima terhadap para wisatawan asing yang menginap serta meningkatnya kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dan Jepang dasar yang sering dipergunakan dalam melayani wisatawan asing


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    Pariwisata yang sempat tertidur akhir-akhir ini mulai bangkit. Para pekerja pariwisata khususnya pemandu wisata mulai merasakan dampak dari kedatangan wisatawan yang berkunjung termasuk di destinasi wisata Nepal Van Java, Magelang. Kesiapan dari pelaku pariwisata menjadi fokus utama dalam menunjang pelaksanaan kegiatan kepariwisataan. Masyarakat desa Sukomulyo yang berlokasi cukup dekat dengan destinasi wisata Nepal Van Java sekaligus di kawasan destinasi pariwisata super prioritas Borobudur diharapkan dapat menjadi pelaku pariwisata yang mendapatkan manfaat. Pelatihan yang di berikan berupa pelatihan komunikasi dengan wisatawan, pelayanan prima, dan kepemanduan baik teori maupun praktek lapangan langsung di destinasi wisata Nepal Van Java. Tujuan dari pelatihan adalah untuk mengembangkan kualitas layanan kepemanduan dari insan pariwisata desa Sukomulyo. Metode pelaksanaan yang di gunakan adalah pelatihan teori dan praktik lapangan. Hasil dari pelatihan ini menunjukkan adanya pengembangan layanan kepemanduan pada wisatawan dengan dibuatnya paket wisata desa wisata dan standar layanan kepemanduan di destinasi wisata

    Community Empowerment Through Financial Management Training and Business Development of The Borobudur Homestay in Candirejo Village, Magelang District

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    Background: Community-based tourism is increasingly being considered a more sustainable alternative. Tourism Villages can be a step towards realizing sustainable tourism. This is because the tourism village has the opportunity to open up as much participation as possible for the local community. However, this does not mean anything if managers, including accommodation providers, need qualified organizational and financial management skills. Contribution: This activity aims to provide knowledge to homestay managers in Candirejo Village to properly manage business finances based on SAK EMKM (Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) Method: The method used by researchers is through training and empowerment of homestay managers Results: The result of this activity is an increased understanding of SAK EMKM in Candirejo Village. After the training, homestay managers have also started implementing SAK EMKM in their financial reports. As a result, the financial position can be monitored, financial leaks can be minimized, and homestay business management can be carried out more effectively and efficiently. Conclusion: The activities that were held went well. This is known from the excellent understanding of SAK EMKM after the training was give

    Implementation of risk management in indonesia’s hospitality industry using OHS (occupational, health and safety) system

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    In the industrial world, it is necessary to understand risk management to run a company well. Likewise, with the hospitality industry because there are many people in it. For some people, OHS is something other than essential and results in many workplace accidents. Research method used Relevant data is obtained with a qualitative descriptive method and assisted by documentation from many sources like internet, papers and case study. The goal of this research is to show the data of casualties and make the company realized the important of OHS management to prevent any casualties that may occurred In the future. By providing general training, companies can prevent work casualties. However, its implementation takes time because the workers are used to the old working method. OHS Training is an effort made by the company to be even better at maintaining the safety and security of the work environment. In the future, companies that provide OHS management will show zero casualties and good mental health of their workers because of the training and will effect to company good’s name

    Community economic recovery through the use of tourist rickshaws in the old city of semarang

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    Pedicab is a three-wheeled mode of transportation in ancient times where ancient people used pedicabs as a means of transportation to their destination. The tourist pedicabs in the Old City of Semarang have had a major impact on the economic recovery of the city of Semarang, and the tourist pedicabs are a form of local culture for the people of Semarang. It is indeed not easy for the Municipal Government of Semarang to implement a pedicab tour plan in the Old City of Semarang, because before organizing pedicab tours, the government must talk to small and medium business actors, especially pedicab tour owners. The method used in this assignment is a qualitative descriptive method using grounded theory of real conditions