5 research outputs found
Anak Jalanan Dalam Konstelasi Hukum Indonesia
Identification of various laws in Indonesia that provide legal protection to street children in carrying out their rights and obligations as part of Indonesian citizens. This legal inventory resulted in the finding that legally they have become the attention of the state legally so that they deserve proper legal protection for children as usual. Such research is useful in strengthening the role and authority of institutions or related parties when dealing with street children in order to maintain and even improve their welfare
Posyandu Sebagai Sentra Pendidikan Masyarakat Bagi Anak Usia Dini
The aim of the study was to identify the motivations for involvement of members of the Parumasaan rural community in Serang District in visiting Posyandu. Such studies are useful in broadening the horizons of early childhood development in rural areas in addition to disseminating the benefits for community-based early childhood education through Posyandu. Qualitative research methods are the main instrument with observation, interviews and documentation. The interviews were mainly addressed to the visitors from women. The results of the activities show that there are many Posyandu activities and programs that have an impact on the knowledge of visitors in caring for early childhood, whether received directly from the organizers or discussions with fellow mothers. Such knowledge can change people's mindset about nutrition and child development from an early ag
Manajemen Mutu Layanan Ta’lim Quran lil Aulad (TQA) di Yayasan Team Tadarus “AMM” Yogyakarta
Qualitative research on the quality of Quran education services has a specificity according to the character of the material that prioritizes recitation and reading recitation, especially for TQA education organized by the Tadarus Team Foundation for the Young Generation Mosque and Musholla (YTT "AMM") Kotagede Yogyakarta. It takes the form of further education after the children study at TPA or TPQ. This requires a specific quality of service in learning for child santri compared to those who are beginners. Academic services are no longer limited to mastering the Iqro book as an important reference for learners at the beginner level at TPA "AMM". However, the learning services cannot be compared to those of advanced Quran learners for more independent adults. The data were analyzed descriptively after being collected through observation, documentation, in-depth interviews with informants who were equipped with triangulation. The quality assurance of Quran learning services at TQA has been carried out consistently in improving the quality of teachers. in services The closeness of ustaz/ah with TQA education students is an advantage that must be cultivated and developed
Implementasi Pendidikan Quran Tingkat Lanjut Bagi Santri Usia Dewasa
The researchers intends to find out how Al-Quran Education in the Yogyakarta AMM Tartil Team includes supporting and inhibiting factors as well as how the team overcomes the obstacles to Al-Quran Education in the AMM Tartil Team Yogyakarta. The learning patterns of adults and advanced readers of the Quran in this education are different from those of students of Quran who are younger than them at the beginning level or those studying in Islamic boarding schools. This qualitative case study research uses several instruments, observation, mandala interviews, and documentation. Observations were made by directly following the Syahadah One education process for the students of the AMM Yogyakarta tartil team. In-depth interviews were addressed to informants, namely the management of the Foundation, Ustaz, and students participating in the education who were the object of the research. For documentation, it is emphasized on the data of the Tartilil Qur'an curriculum text. All collected data were then analyzed in a cumulative manner with inductive-deductive thinking patterns. Advanced education to read the Koran does have complex problems in terms of time and age of the participants, although it must be commended for their intention and sincerity to be fluent in reading it
Problematika Integrasi Masyarakat Muslim-Thai Dalam Negara Thailand
The conflict between the Muslim-Thai community and the Royal Thai Government for quite a long time since the acquisition of Southern Thailand Muslim areas (Yala, Narathiwat, Pattani, Songkhla and Satun) from Britain into the Thai kingdom under the umbrella of the Anglo-Siamese Treaty 1909. This historical research intends to answer one question: why did the Muslim-Thai conflict with the Royal Thai Government drag on? As a result, the Thai Government's initial program was to build nationalism with a Buddhist state ideology through the use of the Thai language with the Thai Rathaniyom jargon, which means Thailand for the Thai people. Malay language is prohibited, Islamic educational institutions must follow national education standards. This is where the Muslim-Thai resistance begins. The resistance varied to voice the aspirations of Muslim-Thai residents in the South who wanted them to be given the authority to manage themselves