15 research outputs found


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    Kalsium merupakan mineral yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam tubuh manusia. Apabilakekurangan kalsium dapat menyebabkan riketsia pada anak, osteomalasia (tulang lunak)dan osteoporosis (tulang keropos) pada orang dewasa. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut makadibutuhkan asupan kalsium yang cukup. Kurang sadarnya masyarakat akan pentingnyakalsium bagi tubuh mengakibatkan dua dari lima orang Indonesia terkena osteoporosis.Masyarakat Indonesia umumnya mengetahui sumber kalsium bagi tubuh manusia adalahsusu serta produk olahannya. Kandungan kalsium pada susu sapi sebesar 143 mg padahalterdapat sumber kalsium lain yang berpotensi yaitu memiliki kandungan kalsium lebihbesar daripada susu yaitu kerang. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji komposisikimia pada Kijing Taiwan dan merumuskan metode sosialisasi Kijing Taiwan sebagaisumber kalsium dalam upaya pencegahan osteoporosis. Manfaat penelitian adalah untukmemperkenalkan Kijing Taiwan sebagai menu makanan keluarga. Penentuan komposisikimia proksimat, yang meliputi analisis kadar air, analisis kadar abu, analisis kadar protein,analisis kadar lemak dan analisis kadar karbohidrat dan kadar mineral Ca, Cu, Fe dan Zn.Dalam penelitian ini kita dapat mengetahui kandungan kalsium pada Kijing Taiwan, yaitu366 mg kalsium serta mengetahui berapa gram Kijing Taiwan yang harus dikonsumsiuntuk memenuhi asupan kalsium per hari per orangnya, yaitu sebanyak 273 gr. Diharapkandari lingkup yang kecil ini dapat mengurangi kasus osteoporosis di Indonesia.Kata kunci : Kijing, Anodonta woodiana, sumber kalsium, osteoporosi

    Ecological carrying capacity of Cidahu Nature Tourism Object, Gunung Halimun Salak National Park

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    The nature tourism sector plays an important role in national economic growth. Cidahu Nature Tourism Object, Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (GHSNP) is one of the natural attractions that has provided many benefits for the government, especially in supporting local community's economy. Natural tourism activities in Cidahu, which have been tended for mass tourism, can both benefit the economy and have a negative impact on conservation areas. The purpose of this study was to determine the tourism carrying capacity in Cidahu Nature Tourism Object by examining the maximum number of tourists that can be accommodated so that the physical, environmental and management aspects are not damaged ecologically and tourism actors may still receive satisfaction from the activities. Through a descriptive research method, data processing techniques using the Cifuentes method was used to calculate the physical carrying capacity (PCC), real carrying capacity (RCC) and effective carrying capacity (ECC). Based on the results of the study, the physical carrying capacity value was 10,593, the real carrying capacity was 148 and the effective carrying capacity was 133. With the PCC value RCC ECC, the tourism carrying capacity in Cidahu Natural Tourism Object is still in good condition

    Development of community empowerment based on zonation in the Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, Indonesia

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    Local communities surrounding Gunung Halimun Salak National Park are highly dependent on the national park area. Economic development is crucial to improving the livelihood of the local communities around the park area. Additionally, to ensure that the preservation of the national park will be supported by the surrounding communities, activities within the local communities can also align with the management of the national park. In Indonesia, national parks are managed through a zonation system, in which potential areas that satisfy the biophysical conditions will be considered for development activities that support the local communities. We analyze the biophysical condition of the area, zonation of area, and socio-economic conditions of communities to identify the types of potential community development activities. We conducted a survey of biophysical conditions, as well as interviews and focus group discussions with relevant stakeholders. The results of the study reveal five types of community development activities with the most potential, namely 1) development of tourism; 2) conservation partnership schemes; 3) cooperation on ecosystem restoration; 4) development of forest plant cultivation to provide seeds for economic benefits; 5) utilization of ecosystem services, such as water and hydroelectric power plants


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    Kijing Taiwan (Anodonta woodiana) termasuk salah satu jenis kerang air tawar yang telah dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Salah satu bahan pencemar yang sering terdapat pada hewan filter feeder seperti kijing adalah logam berat. Logam-logam berat berbahaya yang sering mencemari lingkungan antara lain merkuri (Hg), cadmium (Cd), dan timbal (Pb). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kandungan logam berat Hg, Cd, dan Pb daging Kijing Taiwan selama periode dua bulan (Maret dan Mei) serta menerapkan perlakuan depurasi sebagai usaha untuk mengurangi kandungan logam berat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengiventarisasi wilayah pengambilan sampel, analisis karakteristik kijing, melakukan depurasi, dan analisis kandungan logam berat Hg, Cd, dan Pb daging kijing. Sampel Kijing Taiwan diambil dari perairan Darmaga di, Bogor. Kandungan proksimat daging kijing yang diukur adalah kadar air 81,5%, protein 8,9%, lemak 1,0%, abu 3,1%, dan karbohidrat 5,4%. Rendemen daging kijing sebesar 20,1% (sebelum depurasi), 19,6% (setelah 10 hari depurasi), dan 18,9% (setelah 20 hari depurasi). Kijing Taiwan di perairan Darmaga menunjukkan kandungan logam berat merkuri dan kadmium yang sangat kecil pada daging selama periode dua bulan (Maret dan Mei). Kandungan timbal bulan Maret lebih tinggi dibandingkan bulan Mei. Rata-rata kandungan timbal di perairan Darmaga selama dua periode adalah sebesar 1,4 ppm. Perlakuan depurasi selama 20 hari dapat menurunkan kandungan timbal pada kijing sebesar 0,05 ppm (setelah 10 hari depurasi) dan 0,08 ppm (setelah 20 hari depurasi).Kata kunci: Anodonta woodiana, Cd, depurasi, Hg, perairan Darmaga, Pb

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Kijing untuk Diversifikasi Produk Sarapan Siap Saji Diperkaya Kalsium di Kota dan Kabupaten Bogor

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    Waste processing of mussel’s shell into flour and extract the calcium content has been done as community service activities. Mussel’s shell flour that added into breakfast product was enrichment by calcium. The products are flakes and cereal drinks. Skill of making cereal flakes and beverages was expected can empower the majority of women who have limited time in the development of healthy families so that they can provide food that is practically nutrients and mineral content enough. It is an opportunity to improve the economic welfare of society, especially poor families to get family extra income. Target of community service were women who are members of the Integrated Improvement Program Role of Women Towards Healthy and Prosperous Families (P2WKSS) in Tegalega, Bogor City and women of PKK Kemang’s Village, Bogor District. The activity were implemented in three stages, the first is the socialization of understanding of the fulfilment source of calcium and utilization of waste mussel’s shell. The second is the manufacturing skills training cereal flakes and drinks made from mussel’s flour as well as a way of packaging and labelling flakes. The third is evaluation through competition of participants to make some variants cereal flakes and beverage packaging. The results of activities demonstrated an understanding the use of flour calcium enrichment by shells in breakfast and drink products of flakes cereal. The results of training activities were evaluated through competitions showed the PKK member was able to either create a flakes product and cereal drink with different variations. The package was quite good so that flakes of such products worthy for sale