1,051 research outputs found

    Land Suitability Evaluation for Horticultural Commodities at the West Part of Upland Lawu

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    This research is about to examine the site-suitability of horticultural plantation at the west part of Lawu. The research was conducted through a survey upon the cultivated horticultural commodities by comparing their agronomic prerequisite with measured climatic conditions and land performances. The research shows that the most critical determinant for the performed horticultural cultivation is the slope of the landscape. Hence, horticultural cultivation activities must emphasize for not to ignore the importance of standing crop and slopeland's management


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja CV. Bintang Bungo Fajar apabila dilihat dari empat perspektif Balanced Scorecard. Data yang digunakan ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Uji validitas dan reabilitas menggunakan perspektif pelanggan dan perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Alat ukur yang digunkan dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen penelitian. Sampel pelanggan sebanyak 11 orang dan karyawan sebanyak 80 orang. Metode analisis menggunakan analisi laporan keuangan dan analisis kuesioner.  Perspektif keuangan, dimana rasio ROA mengalami fluktuatif setiap tahunnya. Sedangkan TATO mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Untuk Current Ratio juga mengalami fluktuatif setiap tahunnya. Perspektif pelanggan untuk retensi pelanggan mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya, akuisisi pelanggan mengalami fluktuatif terjadi penurunan pada tahun 2017, kepuasan pelanggan menunjukkan kategori baik/puas, pangsa pasar dalam penelitian ini tidak dapat diketahui. Perspektif proses bisnis internal melalui peroses inovasi, proses operasi, dan proses jasa pasca penjualan menghasilkan kategori baik/puas. Perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan menunjukkan peningkatan produktivitas karyawan dan retensi karyawan setiap tahunnya. Hal ini mempengaruhi peningkatan tingkat kepuasan karyawan selama tiga tahun yang menghasilkan kategori baik/puas

    Akuntabilitas Kekuasaan Kehakiman

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    Accountability in Indonesia has been known the extent of the public administration within the executive power, while for representative bodies and judicial power is only in the system administration. Public demands for accountability from all over the government institution are no exception of judicial power. It's triggered by “mafia peradilan” issue and other distrust so it needs judicial accountability. Problems arise when faced with the principles of accountability and independence and impartiality of the judiciary. But in fact these two principles is not the core problem of accountability judiciary, there's many factors influence

    Better Teaching and Learning (Btl) Untuk Meningkatkan Pengajaran Profesional Dan Pembelajaran Bermakna Mahasiswa

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    This study is conducted to describe the quality of improvement process in course designed by Better Teaching and Learning (BTL) in the course of learning process to speak on student's university participants in Learning Speaking, decrypt improving the quality of student's learning outcomes after learning speak courses to Better Teaching and Learning (BTL), and express the student's respone as feedback of learning outcomes assessment that designed to reveal the performance of the Better Teaching and learning (BTL) which can provide significant feedback to positive student's response. The subjects of this study are the students of Indonesian Language and Literature Education. Learning is implemented using Better Teaching and Learning (BTL). Method of collecting the data is by using observation, assessment rubrics, interviews, journals, and photos. The process and the students' learning outcomes were analyzed with qualitative and quantitative techniques. The results show that the process, learning outcomes, and student's responses can be enhanced through implementation of Better Teaching and Learning (BTL) which are arranged in fourteen steps

    Penguatan Jaringan USAha melalui Wadah Organisasi Perempuan (Studi Kasus pada USAha Milik Warga Aisyiyah di Kota Malang)

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    The research aimed to: 1) Identify kind of bussiness, sales and market reached by bussinesses managed by women; 2) Analyze the indicators related with omset and market coveraged; and 3) Making group of bussiness based on relation in term of backward and forward linkage. The research was conducted in Kota Malang, exactly at the area of Aisyiyah Organization. The research result were as follow. 1) Bussiness managed by women herself were generally a trading business with the prime products of food and clothes, their market coveraged were in local market of Kota Malang. The product sales were less than Rp 2,000,000.00 per month. 2) The bussiness indicator related with sales and market coveraged were bussiness orientation and professional management; capital and human resources who have professionalism; and then the ability to respon market opportunity for marketable products. 3) Groups of bussiness can be categorized based on bussiness owned by women herself or cooperation with her husband, kind of bussiness, kind of product and level of micro and small bussiness. The backward and forward linkage of their bussiness have not been found yet, however networking empowerment can be begun at the bussiness of clothes

    Security Engineering Using Data Online Transactions on Cryptography

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    E-commerce is a means to conduct financial transactions online. Facility has grown rapidly since the beginning of its use in 1970. When is e-commerce is only about the commercial documents like purchase orders or invoices electronically. Now e-commerce has included credit card transactions, enterprise resource planning, and others. One method of securing the network is the use of technology, Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This technology allows the client to build a secure and encrypted connection with the server. In addition there is also a Digital Certificate technology allows a client to know whether the site\u27s pages are accessible genuine or fake. Both technologies are then put together to facilitate e-commerce to be safe and prevent users from feeling anxious. There are several things that must be prepared to secure e-commerce. From the server side is the availability SSL technology, Digital Certificate, encrypting data, and so forth. To be able to use this technology, there are certain steps that must be taken lankah. While the readiness of the client side of client / server capabilities to rival browsers such as browser capabilities in running SSL. Many of the lurking threat of e-commerce users. One is phishing. These crimes take advantage of the use of fake websites to deceive users of e-commerce so that when the user accesses such sites important information can be stolen from him by the offender. This crime other than relying on technology also relies on a user\u27s attention ketidakhati in accessing e- commerce site. Actually, the safety factor of e-commerce does not only depend on the sophistication of the technology used, but more emphasis on prudence and accuracy of e-commerce users in keeping the information themselves, and notice what he had access to the internet. Technology that determines it is safe or not was not only the technology that is used, but also the readiness of human resources in use
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