241 research outputs found

    Problematika Penyelesaian Konflik Tanah Ulayat Masyarakat Adat di Kabupaten Kampar

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    Conflict of indigenous communal land Gunung Sahilan Village with one of the private firms, namely PT. RAPP concession due to industrial timber estates (HTI) PT. RAPP is above the communal land belonging to indigenous village Gunung Sahilan, therefore the public demand to restore the land, but the company could not meet the demands of society on the grounds that their land is State land and has been given permission by the Ministry of Forestry to manage the land The. This conflict continued and led to the clash between the two sides that led to as many as 15 injured people from the indigenous village of Gunung Sahilan, 14 people from the PT. RAPP and damage to the motorcycle belonging to indigenous village Gunung Sahilan 75 units. This clash ended peacefully with the agreement of both parties that the results of PT. RAPP bear all medical expenses of victims clashed and replace all damage to public vehicles damaged by the symbol would. PT. RAPP also be sanctioned for violating the indigenous customary law applicable by the villagers of Gunung Sahilan, given traditional sanctions in the form of 3 buffaloes, cows and money 3 helatan implementation of Rp. 30,000,000.This research was conducted in the village of Gunung Sahilan District of Gunung Sahilan Kampar district. This study aims to determine the problems of indigenous communal land conflicts in the village of Gunung Sahilan District of Gunung Sahilan Kampar District, and to determine how to resolve conflicts and obstacles to its completion. The theory used is the Theory of Customary Law, Theory and Theory Conflict Local Government. Methods This study is a qualitative research method, while engineering is a field study data collection (interviews), study the documentation and study of literature. While data analysis is done descriptively.This conflict resolution is still in the process of settlement, each party persisted with their respective opinions on the status of the disputed land, so that the two sides are still looking for a solution to get the best solution for both of them.Keywords: Resolution, Conflict, Communal Lan

    Reinterpretation and Reconstruction of the Folktale Jaka Tarub into Akhudiat’s Play Jaka Tarub: A New Historicist Reading

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    The article examines the transformation of ‘Jaka Tarub’, a folktale contained in Babad Tanah Jawi, into the play Jaka Tarub by Akhudiat. Jaka Tarub by Akhudiat is a two-act play that is parodic in style. The play won the 1974 Jakarta Arts Council Playwriting Competition. The aim of the article is to study how the tale is interpreted and reconstructed into Indonesian contemporary literature. The transformation of the tale is analyzed from a new historicist perspective. The analysis suggests that the history of a nation can be read through its literature since New Historicism sees that texts and history are always, inevitably, interrelated. Based on such a perspective, there is no longer such a thing as a single absolute ‘historical reality’. Instead, there are always different versions and perspectives of history. Akhudiat’s reinterpretation and reconstruction of the folktale represent Indonesia in the 1970s. Seen in this light, an Indonesian literary text that reflects history can be regarded as another version of history. Thus, New Historicism offers an appropriate approach to study such a literary text because it is through a New Historicist approach to reading that realities unwritten in mainstream texts of history become accessible to the reader or audience.     Keywords: folktale, reconstruction, reinterpretation, transformatio


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    This paper aims to explain Indonesia\u27s readiness and challenges in implementing the ASEAN Community Project. ASEAN Community has been running for more than one year, since 2015. ASEAN Community as part of the regionalization process is intended as a way to enhance cooperation and unity among ASEAN countries. However, the process requires the readiness of a country in various aspects, one of which is the security and political conditions of a country. Using a political security approach, this paper seeks to address Indonesia\u27s readiness and challenges in implementing this ASEAN Community. Based on the findings, this paper concludes two points; Firstly, Indonesia is facing many challenges both internally and externally, especially in an effort to give the protection and guaranty at the level of individuals associated with human rights issues. Some challenges can be seen from the increasing restricted civil liberties, intolerance action, and the use of threat of some groups in many areas. Secondly, as the first consequence, Indonesia\u27s political and security situation is internally unstable in which causes a divided society and a stagnant democracy. This condition implicitly describes the condition of Indonesia\u27s readiness and challenges in implementing the ASEAN Community project. Keywords: Political and Security, Democracy, Readiness, Challenge, ASEAN Communit

    Pengaruh Green Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen (Survei Pada Konsumen the Body Shop Di Indonesia Dan Di Malaysia)

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    This research aims to examine the influence of green marketing straegy towards purchasing decision in either silmultaneously and partially as well as to identify any differences in the effect of green marketig towards purchasing decision of consumers in Indonesia and Malaysia. The type of this research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. Variables used in this research are Environmental Awarenes (X1), Green Product Features (X2), Green Product Price, Green Product Promotion (X4) and Purchase Decision. The research population are the people who live in Jakarta-Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia who are consumers of green products The Body Shop. Total sample in this study is as much as 113 respondents. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire distributed through google forms. The data analysis used are multiple linear regression analysis and comparative analysis. The analysis showed that there is a significant influence together and partially between variables Environmental Awareness (X1), Green Product Features (X2), Green Product Price (X3), Green Product Promotion (X4) towards Purchase Decision (Y). The results of the comparative analysis showed no significant differences between the effects of environemtal awareness, green product features, green products and green product promotion price on purchase decisions among consumers in Indonesia and in Malaysia

    The Mapping of English Language Learning Problem (Pbl)for Private Higher Education Institutions in Bandar Lampung

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    This article discusses a mapping of problems of learning English encountered by students freshmen higher educations in Bandar Lampung. A set questionnaire which asked the learners' difficulties of learning English was distributed to 180 students from higher education institutions: IBI Darmajaya, Universitas Bandar Lampung, STKIP PGRI, DCC,UniversitasSaburai and UniversitasParamadinaMandiri.UniversitasTulangBawang. From 180 students recruited for the study, 165students responded to the questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 40 item Likert-scale questions asking students difficulties in comprehending and utilizing elements of pronunciaton, grammar, vocabular, functions, discourse and strategic in learning English. The results show that students encountered difficulties in pronunciations, vocabulary, function and strategic elements of English learning. Students did not encounter difficulties in discourse elements. This might be due to the fact that students got intensive trainings on discourse during their high school learning experiences.One of the implications of the study is a design of English course for higher education institutions in Bandar Lampung based the mapping of the problems encountered

    Power Relation in Memoirs of Geisha and the Dancer

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    This article aims at comparing the ideas of power relation between themain female character and ―Mother‖ in Arthur Golden‘s Memoirs ofGeisha and Ahmad Tohari‘s The Dancer. These two novels share thesame main female character of traditional entertainers, as a Japanesegeisha and a Javanese traditional dancer, respectively. As an entertainerin the traditional sphere, they are bounded with the other women andbuild close interaction as well as power relation with them who are called―Mother‖ in the Geisha and ―ronggeng shaman‖ in The Dancer. Thepower relation between them are unique and dynamics. This is analyzedthrough Foucault‘s theory of power. The result of the analysis shows thatthe power relation is not stable, and the power practiced by each of themis influenced by the symbolic capital and economic capital they have.The negotiation and contestation come up between the actors in dailypractices as geisha and the mother, as the ―ronggeng‖ and the shaman. Asthe entertainers, the geisha and ―ronggeng‖ build and shape their bodyand performance to attract men. This geisha and ronggeng culturereproduce many other cultural product such as ―mizuage‖ in geisha, and―bukak klambu‖ in ―ronggeng‖ both of which refer to the same thing, selling the woman‘s virginity to the highest bidder. In geisha it is used tobenefit the Mother of Okiya and no rebellion of the geisha. On the otherhand, Srintil does rebellious action in this ―bukak klambu‖ occasion.There seems to be different message from these two novels, The Dancer is much more questioning the norms covering the ―ronggeng‖ traditionwhile the Memoirs of Geisha tends to be accepting the geisha tradition as what it is.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan relasi kuasa antara karakterutama perempuan Geisha dan ―Mother‖ dalam Memoirs of Geisha danSrintil, penari ronggeng dan Nyi Kartareja (dukun ronggeng) dalam TheDancer karya Ahmad Tohari. Kedua novel ini dibandingkan karenakeduanya sama-sama mempunyai karakter utama perempuan mudapenghibur, geisha dan ronggeng, dalam budaya hiburan tradisional.Sebagai penghibur, keduanya sama-sama terkait erat dengan tokohperempuan lain yang disebut ―Mother‖ dalam Memoirs of Geisha andNyai Kartareja dalam The Dancer. Relasi kuasa di antara keduanyasangat unik dan berjalan secara dinamis. Relasi kuasa inilah yangdianalisis dengan menggunakan teori kuasa Foucault. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa relasi kuasa di antara keduanya berjalan tidak tetap,kuasa yang dijalankan oleh masing-masing tokoh dipengaruhi oleh modalsimbolik dan modal ekonomi yang dimiliki. Negosiasi dan kontestasimuncul di antara tokoh-tokoh tersebut dalam praktik sehari-hari, dalamrelasi Sayuri sebagai geisha dan ―mother‖, dan antara Srintil si ronggengdan dukun ronggeng. Sebagai geisha dan ronggeng, para perempuan inimembentuk tubuh dan penampilannya untuk menarik dan menghiburlaki-laki. Budaya geisha dan ronggeng ini mereproduksi berbagai kulturlainnya seperti mizuage dalam geisha, dan ―bukak klambu‖ dalamronggeng, yang keduanya sama-sama bermakna menjual keperawananperempuan kepada penawar tertinggi. ―Mother‖ pemilik Okiyadiuntungkan oleh praktik ini, di sisi lain, Srintil berhasil mengelabuhiorang lain dalam peristiwa ―bukak klambu‖. Muncul pesan yang berbedadari kedua novel ini, dalam The Dancer norma-norma dalam tradisi―ronggeng‖ dipertanyakan sementara Memoirs of Geisha cenderungmenerima tradisi geisha sebagaimana adanya

    An Empirical Investigation of Outsourcing Implementation in the Indonesian Manufacturing Industry

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    This study aims to identify regulations and analyze the determinants of outsourcing implementation in the Indonesian manufacturing industry using an analyctic hierarchy process (AHP). We examines both the Indonesian Labor Law–Act No. 13/2003 and the Regulation of Minister of Manpower and Transmigration No. 19/2012 on Conditions for Outsourcing the Implementation of Work to Other Companies. The results suggest that business efficiency, human resource development plan, types of outsourcing, wage level and worker incentive, recruitment and training cost, skilled worker and productivity, recruitment process, and government regulation are the priority factors to implement outsourcing in Indonesian manufacturing industries
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