17 research outputs found


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    Public interest in colorimetric films for food freshness monitoring has increased recently. In addition to extending the shelf life of packaged food products, packaging materials are also required to provide current information about the freshness of the food while ensuring food quality and safety. The current work aims to prepare smart biodegradable films based on biopolymer-containing color indicators to monitor the quality of Decapterus spp. The pH-sensing colorimetric film was developed from a chitosan biopolymer modified using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and glycerol, as well as methyl red, as an indicator of fish freshness. The effect of using PVA and stirring conditions (temperature and time) on film production was evaluated on its physical appearance, water vapor permeability, and mechanical properties. The results show that the use of PVA can increase the transparency of chitosan films. Incorporating PVA into the film results in brighter and clearer colors compared to films without PVA. The temperature used in the preparation of the film solution has an influence on the mechanical properties and the water vapor permeability. The increasing stirring temperature leads to the enhancement of Young's modulus and the barrier properties against water vapor and moisture, still concurrently impacting a decrease in the film's yield strength and strain. Additionally, the film also exhibits responsiveness to pH during fish spoilage, with a color change that occurs from pink to yellowish. This confirms that the pH-responsive film resulting from this research has great potential to be applied as a real-time indicator of fish freshness during storage

    Karya Inovasi : Alat Peraga Pelayanan Swamedikasi bagi Pasien Batuk

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    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Komitmen Karyawan Pada Perusahaan Retail Sepatu

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap komitmen karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membantu menjawab masalah yang sedang dialami oleh Perusahaan retail sepatu terkait kepegawaian. Aspek yang diteliti adalah komitmen karyawan terdiri dari komitmen organisasional karyawan, komitmen kerja karyawan, dan loyalitas karyawan, sedangkan gaya kepemimpinan didasarkan kepada penggunaan kekuasaan dan partisipasi karyawan yang diijinkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat penelitian yang disebarkan dan jawabannya dianalisis menggunakan uji validitas dan reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, regresi linear berganda, dan koefisien determinasi berganda. Peneliti menemukan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan tidak mempengaruhi komitmen karyawan pada subjek penelitian. Hal ini disebabkan oleh identifikasi komitmen yang dimiliki karyawan, yaitu komitmen yang diatribusikan kepada organisasi dan komitmen yang diatribusikan kepada pemimpin

    Interactive Architectural Compositions in 3D Real-Time Virtual Environments

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    This paper presents an interactive computational system for developing architectural compositions within a 3D real-time virtual environment. The features of implemented system within the interface of Activeworlds platform includes (a) providing a set of 3D building objects that are made available within the virtual environment and can be utilized by the user to construct architectural compositions, (b) allowing users to modify both geometrical and non-geometrical properties of these objects, and (c) maintaining interrelationships between these objects using constrain-based rules automated by the developed system in real-time. The developed IAMVE (Interactive Architectural Modelling in Virtual Environments) system provides more flexibility to architectural designers and develops an edge to multi-user real time 3D virtual environments to be better utilized in the context of architectural desig

    Support Vector Machines Framework for Predicting the PVT Properties of Crude Oil Systems

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    PVT properties are very important in the reservoir engineering computations. There are many empirical approaches for predicting various PVT properties using regression models. Last decade, researchers utilized neural networks to develop more accurate PVT correlations. These achievements of neural networks open the door to both machine learning and data mining techniques to play a major role in both oil and gas industry. Unfortunately, the developed neural networks correlations have some limitations as they were originally developed for certain ranges of reservoir fluid characteristics and geographical area with similar fluid compositions. Accuracy of such correlations is often limited and global correlations are usually less accurate compared to local correlations. Recently, support vector machines have been proposed as a new intelligence framework for both prediction and classification based on both structure risk minimization criterion and soft margin hyperplane. This new framework dealt with kernel neuron functions instead of sigmoid-like ones, which allows projection to higher planes and solves more complex nonlinear problems. It has featured in a wide range of medical and business journals, often with promising results. The objective of this research is to assess the benefit of support vector machines as decision making tools in the field of oil and gas industry. To demonstrate the usefulness of the support vector machines technique in petroleum engineering area, we describe both the steps and the use of support vector machine modeling approach for predicting the PVT properties of crude oil systems. A comparative study will be carried out to compare their performance with the performance of the neural networks, nonlinear regression, and the empirical correlations algorithms. A preliminary results show that the performance of support vector machines will be accurate, reliable, and outperform most of the existing approaches. Future work can be achieved by using this new framework as a modeling approach for solving oil and gas industry problems, such as, permeability and porosity prediction, identify liquid-holdup flow regimes, and other reservoir characterization

    Examining the Effect of Parent's Supports Toward the Champion Motivation Possessed by Athletes Samarinda in 2018

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    The aim of this research is to examine the effect of parent's supports toward the champion motivation possessed by athletes in Samarinda city. This research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The instrument of research is the questionnaires shared to 50 parent's Silat athletes in Samarinda. The population of this research is all parents athletes and Silat athletes in Samarinda. The saturated sample research technique is used to the all over population as the sample and it presented in the percentage term. This research is expected to be done in 6 month periods. The result of this research is that the support parent's athletes gained a positive trend with 93.4% and the champion motivation of athlete also had the same pattern with 97.2%