131 research outputs found


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    Jurnal Psikologi Edisi Desember 2022 ini memuat 15 naskah dari berbagai latar belakang tema tulisan dan asal penulis. Secara umum, terdapat dua tema besar yang cukup mencolok dalam edisi Desember 2022 ini, yaitu permasalahan sosial dan akademis pada remaja dan mahasiswa, kemudian permasalahan perkembangan di kelompok dewasa awal. Isu relasi sosial yang terkait identitas diri kemudian bertransisi menjadi isu-isu perkembangan seperti perihal pemilihan pasangan, dan pengasuhan anak. Sementara itu tema minor yang ada terkait dengan tema menarik di bidang pendidikan terkait guru dan siswa


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    For most women, age over 25 is the right moment to get married to fulfill one of her developmental task. Because of that, backstreet dating behavior usually done by person in order to keep maintenance the relationship before marriage. The aim of this study is to get comprehensive description about why an adult women fight to keep her backstreet dating behavior. This case study has a 30 years old women who still running in backstreet dating behavior as a participant. The result shows that participant does this backstreet behavior because of reasons such as the differences in religion, age, educational and job background. She maintenances the relationship because (1) that is the first time she had a boyfriend, (2) she has storage-fragma type of love, so she really commit to the relationship, and (3) the caring of her boyfriend.Key words: backstreet dating behavior, colors of lov

    Is Academic Achievement Influenced by Self-Esteem, Loneliness, and Internet Addiction?

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    The purpose of this study is to measure whether self-esteem, loneliness, and internet addiction affect academic achievement in college students empirically. This study involved 369 students who actively used the internet in the Greater Jakarta area and several other cities in Indonesia. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the theoretical model. The findings of this research show that the empirical model is fit with data, and self-esteem, loneliness, and internet addiction affect academic achievement in college students simultinously. However, the influence partially shows that self-esteem has no direct influence on academic achievement, but it has strong negative influence to loneliness and internet addiction. Loneliness has negative influence to academic achievement. The other result also show that internet addiction has positive effect to academic achievement.The purpose of this study is to measure whether self-esteem, loneliness, and internet addiction affect academic achievement in college students empirically. This study involved 369 students who actively used the internet in the Greater Jakarta area and several other cities in Indonesia. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the theoretical model. The findings of this research show that the empirical model is fit with data, and self-esteem, loneliness, and internet addiction affect academic achievement in college students simultinously. However, the influence partially shows that self-esteem has no direct influence on academic achievement, but it has strong negative influence to loneliness and internet addiction. Loneliness has negative influence to academic achievement. The other result also show that internet addiction has positive effect to academic achievement


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    Homophobia is an interesting topic to be discussed not only because of its universality but also its controversion. Homophobia grows among the condition of misunderstanding and prejudice from heterosexism hegemony. Homophobia is more impressive to be felt because the shallow understanding of religion. On the other hand, only few people who realize that human sexual attitudes and behaviors is constructed by the culture. Learning processes that supposed to be done by heterosexuals about how to see the existance of gay wisely would help to simplify the problems.Keywords: homophobia, heterosexis


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    Jurnal Psikologi Universitas Gunadarma (JPUG) pada edisi Juni 2023 ini berisikan 15 naskah dari 41 penulis yang berasal dari 15 insitusi pendidikan yang berbeda di seluruh Indonesia. Nuansa positif tergambarkan dari naskah-naskah yang terbit di edisi ini. Bukan kebetulan pula ketika WHO akhirnya pada 5 Mei 2023 mengumumkan bahwa COVID-19 diturunkan statusnya tidak lagi menjadi pandemi global (WHO, 2023). Tanpa mengesampingkan fakta bahwa COVID-19 masih tetap ada, tentu banyak yang berharap pada akhirnya semua yang masih bertahan dan para penyintas bisa membuka lembaran baru dan menjalani hari-hari baru


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    Nowadays as one of the most important aspect in industry sector, the psychosocial factors almost ignored by the companies and organizations. With more concern in work safety, those factors should be done in work environment in order to give honour to workers, especially who work in iso-strain job. If companies don't have any attention, their worker can have injuries potentially and the death accident can happen probably. The feeling of being lonely and losing work motivation and the injuries started from sick until the musculoskeletal symptoms can be found in the workers. Companies and organizatiOns can do a lot to treat them as human. This short paper tries to compares three different job like mountain emergency officer, lighthouse officer and officer who works in freeway for giving the ticket and collecting the money. The comparation based on the psychosocial factors theory tells us that mountain emergency officer and lighthouse officer don't receive well treatment as worker from the government and have many bad consequences like being ill and because of don't have enough medicine it can brings them to the death. On the other side, officer who works in freeway already have good treatment from the company, at least better that the two first jobs

    Sikap Akan Respon Terhadap Identitas Sosial Negatif Dan Pengungkapan Orientasi Seks Pada Gay

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    Sebagai salah satu fenomena sosial yang kontroversial, gay selalu menjadi topik yang menarik untuk didiskusikan. Penolakan masyarakat terhadap keberadaan kaum gay membuat gay menjadi sangat berhati-hati untuk membuka orientasi seks. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui kontribusi sikap akan respon terhadap identitas sosial negatif terhadap coming out pada gay. Studi ini memperlihatkan hasil bahwa sikap akan respon terhadap identitas sosial negatif memiliki korelasi positif yang signifikan dengan coming out dan memiliki kontribusi 18.2% terhadap coming out. Oleh karena itu, hasil studi ini memerlukan diskusi lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih menyeluruh tentang gay

    Faktor-faktor Yang Memengaruhi Efikasi Diri Penggunaan Kondom Pada Pria Gay Dengan Perilaku Seks Berisiko

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    Inkonsistensi penggunaan kondom tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam perilaku seks berisiko yang dilakukan banyak kelompok yang potensial terinfeksi penyakit menular seksual, termasuk pria gay. Efikasi diri penggunaan kondom dianggap salah satu hal yang memengaruhi peran dan penggunaan kondom dalam hubungan seks sejenis pada pria gay. Beberapa hal ditengarai memiliki peran terhadap efikasi diri penggunaan kondom ini seperti harga diri, beberapa alasan dari sikap positif penggunaan kondom, serta kecemasan sosial. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memahami faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi efikasi diri penggunaan kondom pada pria gay dengan perilaku seks berisiko. Partisipan dalam studi ini adalah 47 pria gay berusia 19-34 tahun yang tinggal di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan beberapa hal menarik. Harga diri memiliki korelasi positif dengan efikasi diri penggunaan kondom dan beberapa perilaku seks berisiko. Beberapa alasan positif mengapa kondom digunakan dalam hubungan seks dan menampilkan korelasi dengan efikasi diri penggunaan kondom adalah keinginan diri sendiri, menghindari perasaan tidak tenang setelah berhubungan seks, serta faktor kebersihan. Kecemasan sosial tenyata memiliki korelasi negatif dengan efikasi diri penggunaan kondom. Kontribusi bersama-sama harga diri, alasan-alasan penggunaan kondom serta kecemasan sosial menjadi kuat bagi pria gay dalam memiliki efikasi diri penggunaan kondom di tengah perilaku seks berisiko yang dilakukannya. Kelompok pria gay dengan peran seks sebagai bottom muncul sebagai kelompok dengan harga diri paling rendah dan memiliki kecemasan sosial paling tinggi sekaligus efikasi diri penggunaan kondom paling rendah dibandingkan kelompok pria gay dengan peran seks sebagai top dan versatile

    Emotional Abuse and Domestic Violence : a Gloomy Snapshot

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    Emotional abuse and domestic violence are the widespread social phenomenon in the world. Male domination that supported by the culture pushing the accident to be happened much more and being legitimate in the society. Its affect can give more than just a traumatic syndrome but the continuity of the accident by the children someday. The interesting fact is when we found that the accident can happen also in an opposite thing. Male can be battered by female in heterosexual relationship and the accident can be found in gay and lesbian couple. Even though the cause is different for each other but serious injuries and death become bad common consequences. This cycle must be stopped soon or the accident will always be the big mistake in the family life
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