70 research outputs found

    Go+ Dalam Menunjang Int+ Untuk Pengelolaan Data Cmb Pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    The development of information technology , especially in the era of globalization software much influence on human life and the world of education. And supported by increased public participation in information technology to education in particular. Higher Education is a leading university that has had the best level of recognition from the National Accreditation Board makes a lot of enthusiasts who signed up. College Marketing Division has Integram system that supports data management Prospective New Students and can only be accessed on campus. Therefore we need a system that can be used online. To support this necessary or membership management student called INT +. There are four problems in the system that is running INTEGRAM system . There are three objectives in this study. Researchers using the prototype as a research method . Data collection techniques used were observation to stakeholders in the marketing division . This study is limited to the process of getting the data presentation area in the form of name , email and telephone number Prospective New Student . GO + is the latest version of GO that are connected to the Internet can be accessed anywhere. In the implementation shown prototype GO+ with INT+ , so it can be concluded that GO + with INT+ to maximize the performance of Personil Marketing

    Digital Signature :Best Practice Solution for the Distribution of Letters in College

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    Purpose of implementation ofweb-based information systems that allow user stoaccess information anywhere and anytime. Especiallyin making letters out stillusea wet signature. So that has not been able to provide information quickly and accurately. Identified there are7 (seven) point concerns the handling and processing of the paperstoday. However, the problem can besolved by building a Digital Signature Designand is online, so it can reduce the error rate and the information obtainedis really precise, accurate and in accordance with the needs. Obviously with the directional flow methodology description, ranging from th eillustration Figure Digital Signature, Flow distribution sub part Digital Signature, Digital Signature Flowchart, cycle and Digital Signature Digital Signature Use Case. From the Literature Review,has been much research on the Digital Signature Algorithm and Digital Signature Scheme. In the implementation phaseof the prototype described in detail the design of Digital Signature, the program listings are shown to display a letter that has been approved and has been signed. It can be also generatedauthentication system called digital signature is a waytoen sure the authenticity of an electronic document and keep documents in a time sender can not deny that she has sent the document

    Analisa Peminjaman Buku Perpustakaan dengan Menggunakan Sistem Rfid pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja

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    Advantages of a technology requires the media to support the process of understanding. Methods that can be used to store or receive data remotely by usinga tool called RFID tags or transponders. One methodthat can be used by officers of the library is still in a process of semi-computer to the process of borrowingbooks in the library. Though the process already usethe technology is there, but officers still commit twicethe work. The constraints of the process due to still use big book for data pribadi will borrow books raharja, who later data will be transferred to a computer by using micsrosoft excel. To overcome the various problems as described above, can be done by usingadditional technology to support the activities of the loaning library using RFID. Then needed a quick and efficient process to resolve problems that occur above.The current process of borrowing and pemindahan data are still semi-computer.           &nbsp

    Peningkatan Website Ranking Exist-club Pada Pb Exist Jakarta

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    One of the technologies developed in the increasingly computerized world of information technology is the website. The website is an information media offers a range of up to date information and the existence of a good maintenance process, evena role in website ranking positions should be also of note because it is one of thenecessities in the present information especially in the sport of badminton. This has been the rationale for how to improve the position of web rank significantly in order topopularize a Website Exist-Club which is the official website of PB Exist a badminton clublocated in Jakarta so that it can affect the visitor traffic of visitors is high. The speed andconvenience of a positive value in a website with so will make it easier to access by anyone and anywhere. To accomplish the intended, there are 17 step strategyimplemented for the purpose of improving the web rank Websites Exist-Club which willdirectly account for direct pembuktiannya on a measuring instrument using the Alexa and Google Analytics

    Joblist Dokumentasi Berbasis Website dengan Ilearning Wikis

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    Teaching and learning process in education is a core activity. This process is the interaction that occurs between faculty and students as well as influenced by existing activities. The use of integrated information systems to process the job sector in the organization has become an absolute necessity. However, such systems generally do not provide a container to encapsulate all the information to help evaluate student performance. In addition the number of scattered data in a database system resulted in a massive copy process at any time require the data. Thus, the existence of this reality by using Wikis iLearning data can be displayed in a container that allows a work history of development and there is one report display tasks can be neatly arranged to facilitate the search. Monitoring evaluation of student performance will be more focused to achieve a successful student project. This paper attempts to describe the problems faced in an information system, especially in the documentation of student performance evaluation, explanation iLearning Wikis, architecture, program listings, as well as diagrams. In the prototype implementation is shown a graph of the data development and documentation of student work. Wikis iLearning is a website joblist documentation that provides reports and data storage facilities provide user profile information. Implementation of Wikis can be used to provide solutions to the problems in teaching and learning in particular database storag

    Penerapan Viewboard Technomedia Journal Menggunakan Sistem ILearning Journal Center pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin cepat dan selalu memberikan inovasi dalam membuat suatu karya yang kreatif dan bermanfaat dalam memberikan informasi sama dengan hal nya Perguruan Tinggi Raharja yang sangat membutuhkan informasi dan sistem informasi yang akurat,cepat dan efisien. untuk menunjang keaktifan penulis karya ilmiah atau jurnal dengan TMJ merupakan sebuah sistem pelayanan penulisan karya ilmiah atau jurnal dari hal memberitahukan informasi pembukaan jurnal, template jurnal dan submit jurnal dengan tujuan, memberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa sehingga tidak mengalami kekurangan dalam informasi mengenai jurnal adapun tujuan dari Viewboard TMJ adalah sebagai tempat pelayanan informasi dari data-data yang sudah ada dan terkait dengan penulisan karya ilmiah atau jurnal sehingga nanti nya akan menampilkan informasi yang valid juga dapat mudah untuk di pantau dengan menggunakan berbasis komputer, hal ini memudahkan admin untuk mengolala data yang terdapat pada TMJ menjadi sebuah Viewboard. Viewboard ini berbasis web karena Viewboard yang diterapkan untuk menampilkan informasi menggunakan website Kata kunci : TMJ, Viewboard, Journal The rapid development of information technology and always provide innovation in making a creative and useful work in providing information similar to Raharja High School which is in desperate need of information and information system that is accurate, fast and efficient. to support the activeness of the author of a scientific or journaling work with TMJ is a system of writing service of scientific papers or journals of the matter informing the opening of the journal, journal template and submit the journal with the purpose, notify all students so that there is no shortage in information about journals as for the purpose of Viewboard TMJ is as a place of information services from existing data and related to the writing of scientific papers or journals so that later it will display valid information can also be easy to monitor by using a computer-based, it is easier for the admin to mengolala data contained in TMJ becomes a Viewboard. This Viewboard is web based because the Viewboard is applied to display information using the website.Keywords: TMJ, Viewboard , Journal &nbsp

    Viewboard sebagai Laporan Jumlah Keseluruhan Artikel pada ILearning Raharja Ask And News

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    Sebuah informasi dapat mempengaruhi proses terjadinya komunikasi. Dengan perkembangan zaman yang kian modern seperti saat ini informasi jadi lebih mudah untuk didapatkan karena dapat diakses secara online melalui media elektronik. iRAN (iLearning Raharja Ask and New) sebagai media aplikasi online yang memberikan pelayanan informasi umum maupun khusus pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi yang selalu ter-up to date. Dalam sebuah sistem perlu adanya sebuah data yang dapat menggambarkan atau memberikan pengukuran performa dari sebuah sistem sebagai bukti jika sistem tersebut memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat. Dashboard merupakan sebuah sistem aplikasi yang dapat menampilkan informasi dalam bentuk sebuah panel yang penting bagi pemimpin untuk dapat mengendalikan dan membawa organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Selain itu sebuah dashboard juga dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk memonitoring kinerja, mengevaluasi proses dan memberikan solusi bagi proses yang sedang berjalan. Dengan adanya viewboard atau dashboard diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai kinerja dari official site iRAN

    Kepuasan Pelanggan Rooster Atas Kinerja Pelayanan Rooster pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja

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    Information service system currently has penetrated into the various elements one of which is college. Information service system has grown significantly with the increasing needs of customers for information. Of these needs we are required to always move forward and follow the development of information technology. However, the information service system ROOSTER there are some shortcomings that must be corrected to be the subject of research. Among the problems that there is a level of satisfaction of service performance Rooster. ROOSTER ("Role Online Ticketing System Raharja") is an information service by using the "online ticket" that the system is provided as a further container to accommodate question obtained operators iDuHelp!. This research data derived from questionnaires online (iSur) to the 20 respondents who had made at Rooster ticket. From the questionnaire online (iSur) concluded that the service Rooster effect on customer satisfaction. While customer satisfaction and trust are factors that affect the customer\u27s intention to re-use the Rooster. The findings of this study indicate that overall customer satisfaction has a strong influence to re-use the Rooster
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