2 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata Ness.) terhadap Daya Bunuh Bakteri Leptospira SP.

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    Leptospirosis including zoonotic disease increases during the rainy season. Puddles potentially contained the bacteria Leptospira sp. if it has been contaminated by rat urine. The use of chemical disinfectants in the environment on an ongoing basis can damage the health of living beings that need an alternative disinfectant naturally using plants, one of which is sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness.). The study was conducted to determine the effect of extract sambiloto leaf toward killing bacteria Leptospira sp.The study was conducted by making an extract sambiloto leaf were then made 10 serials dilutions and 3 controls with 3 times replicated tested on the bacteria Leptospira sp. The results showed extraction of a kilogram of powder sambiloto with 10 liters of ethanol 70% by maceration method produces the extract yield 11.2%. Andrographolide levels obtained by TLC-densitometry of 0.41%. The Result of the analysis of sambiloto leaf extract against Leptospira sp. obtained p-value of 0.000 (p < 0.05), which indicates there is a significant relationship, which means the extract of sambiloto influence toward killing bacteria Leptospira sp. The conclusion of this study is the extract of sambiloto could be potentially as a disinfectant bacteria Leptospira sp. at a dose of at least 1.56%

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness.) terhadap Daya Bunuh Bakteri Leptospira sp.

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    AbstrakLeptospirosis termasuk penyakit zoonosis yang meningkat saat musim penghujan. Genangan airberpotensi terdapat bakteri Leptospira sp. jika telah terkontaminasi kencing tikus. Penggunaandesinfektan kimia di lingkungan secara terus-menerus dapat mengganggu kesehatan makhluk hidupsehingga perlu alternatif desinfektan secara alami menggunakan tanaman, salah satunya adalahsambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness.). Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrakdaun sambiloto terhadap daya bunuh bakteri Leptospira sp. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuatekstrak daun sambiloto yang selanjutnya dibuat 10 seri pengenceran dan 3 kontrol dengan 3 kali ulangan yang diujikan pada bakteri Leptospira sp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstraksi serbuk sambiloto 1 kg dengan 10 liter etanol 70% dengan metode maserasi menghasilkan rendemen ekstrak sebesar 11,2%. Kadar andrographolide yang diperoleh menggunakan KLT-Densitometri sebesar 0,41%. Hasil analisis perlakuan ekstrak daun sambiloto terhadap Leptospira sp. diperoleh nilai p-value 0,000 (p < 0,05) yang menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna, yang berarti pemberian ekstrak sambiloto berpengaruh terhadap daya bunuh Leptospira sp. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah ekstrak sambiloto dapat berpotensi sebagai desinfektan bakteri Leptospira sp. pada dosis minimal 1,56%.Kata Kunci: Leptopsira sp., sambiloto, desinfektanAbstractLeptospirosis including zoonotic disease increases during the rainy season. Puddles potentially contained the bacteria Leptospira sp. if it has been contaminated by rat urine. The use of chemical disinfectants in the environment on an ongoing basis can damage the health of living beings that need an alternative disinfectant naturally using plants, one of which is sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Ness.). The study was conducted to determine the effect of extract sambiloto leaf toward killing bacteria Leptospira sp.The study was conducted by making an extract sambiloto leaf were then made 10 serials dilutions and 3 controls with 3 times replicated tested on the bacteria Leptospira sp. The results showed extraction of a kilogram of powder sambiloto with 10 liters of ethanol 70% by maceration method produces the extract yield 11.2%. Andrographolide levels obtained by TLC-densitometry of 0.41%. The Result of the analysis of sambiloto leaf extract against Leptospira sp. obtained p-value of 0.000 (p < 0.05), which indicates there is a significant relationship, which means the extract of sambiloto influence toward killing bacteria Leptospira sp. The conclusion of this study is the extract of sambiloto could be potentially as a disinfectant bacteria Leptospira sp. at a dose of at least 1.56%.Keywords: Leptopsira sp., sambiloto, disinfectan