6 research outputs found

    Checklist of Flora Along Tourist Trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia): Misconception of Restoration and Ecotourism Programs in Mountain Region?

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the diversity of plant species along the tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan and combat any misconceptions about ecosystem restoration and the ecotourism development program in Mt. Lamongan. A floristic survey was done through flora identification along the hiking trail from the gate of Mt. Lamongan nature recreation area in Papringan Village to the slopes of Mt. Lamongan. The identified species were listed and their taxonomic status analyzed using information from the GRIN website. This study found that exotic plant species are abundant along the tourist tract. Human activities were identified as contributing to the introduction and establishment of exotic plant species. Result of the research indicate that restoration knowledge and techniques do not exist in the Mt. Lamongan region. A comprehensive evaluation of flora should be implemented to enhance the restoration program and protect forest area, especially the tourist corridor to the peak of Mt. Lamongan. Integrated actions to enhance restoration and promote tourism are needed. It encompasses strengthening the restoration concept and technology, eradication of exotic plant species, and establishing a proper tourism interpretive tract

    Constructing Phenetic and Phylogenetic Relationship Using Clad\u2797

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    Relationship construction has a very important position in classification process for arranging taxonomy of organism. In the world of taxonomy, there are two the most familiar relationship diagram, cladogram and phenogram. In every construction activity, a researcher is always facing character state data from taxa that becomes components of the diagram. Calculation that is used for construction is often incorporate iterative or repetitive process that needs time and precision. The existence of calculating tools that produces both text and graphical output are hopefully decrease time and error during construction. Basic algorithm that is used in calculation is for phylogenetic construction by Kluge and Farris in 1969,for phenetic construction using cluster analysis with slight modification. Basic common algorithm used in the software is by calculating two dimensional arrays of taxa x characters matrix and creating distance or similarity matrix. In more detail the program creates one dimensional array of taxonomical object and each object has some other one dimensional array containing data commonly exist in a taxonomic unit. The relationship between one object and theother are regulated by an object that created by class representing taxonomic tree. Cladogram is constructed by calculating nearest distance between each taxon (OTU) and creating one HTU in every bifurcation. Phenogram is constructed agglomeratively by searching highest similarity between taxon then grouped into new taxon. Program calculates numerical data after we do character scoring. Final result for each user may be different; this may be due to decision by user during construction process. This paper hopefully attracts people from systematic computation to develop further into open source software and multi-platform feature

    Kajian Etnobotani dan Penentuan Jenis Pandan (Pandanaceae) yang Bermanfaat Melalui Struktur Morfologi dan Anatomi di Jawa Timur

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    Seiring perkembangan budaya, baik tradisional maupun bioteknologi, penggunaan bahan pandan, seperti dapat dijumpai baik dimasyarakat, pasar tradisional, mengalami pergeseran yang digantikan oleh bahan lain, seperti tali oleh plastik, topi dari bahan kain. Kajian tentang pandan (Pandanaceae) sendiri belum banyak diteliti baik diversitas, jenis pandan yang berpotensi untuk kerajinan (etnobotani) serta pemetaan luasan area pandan terutama di Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencapai beberapa tujuan jangka pendek dan menunjang untuk tercapainya tujuan jangka panjang. Tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan jenis pandan (Pandanaceae) yang berpotensi untuk kerajinan yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan taraf ekonomi masyarakat Jawa Timur. Selain itu, data base yang dihasilkan untuk memanejemen pandan (Pandanaceae) guna pelestariannya di Jawa Timur untuk mendukung fungsinya secara ekologis. Adapun tujuan jangka pendeknya adalah kajian etnobotani untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap jenis pandan dan pemanfaatannya guna mendeteksi adanya erosi apresiasi. Hasil dari eksplorasi jenis pandan (Pandanaceae) akan dilihat struktur morfologi dan anatomi untuk melihat serat pandan guna menentukan jenis pandan yang berpotensi sebagai kerajinan. Selain itu, akan dibuat data base serta dilakukan pemetaan lokasi habitat pandan (Pandanaceae) untuk pelestariannya di Jawa Timur. Metode yang dilakukan pada tahun pertama meliputi: kajian etnobotani dilakukan secara "etnodirect sampling" dengan teknik wawancara langsung maupun semi struktural terhadap masyarakat. Data akan dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan rumus, juga dilakukan eksplorasi dan pemetaan vegetasi jenis pandan (Pandanaceae) di kota dan kabupaten Jawa Timur, kemudian tumbuhan diidentifikasi melalui struktur morfologi kemudian dibuat herbarium. Pandanaceae yang ditemukan terdiri dari dua genus yaitu Freycinetia dan Pandanus. Freycinetia hanya satu spesies yaitu F. insignis sedangkan Pandanus terdiri dari 6 spesies dengan satu varietas. Freycinetia hanya ditemukan di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru karena habitusnya yang memanjat, sehingga tumbuhan ini cocok untuk hidup di daerah hutan. Pandanus yang ditemukan yaitu Pandanus bidur, Pandanus furcatus, Pandanus labyrinthicus, Pandanus latifolius, Pandanus tectorius, Pandanus tectorius var. varigatus dan Pandanus amaryllifolius. Lokasi budidaya pandan umumnya banyak ditemukan di daerah yang terdapat sentra kerajinan. Daerah-daerah yang membudidayakan pandan yaitu Lamongan, Nganjuk, Jombang, Trenggalek, dan Malang. Nilai manfaat masyarakat terhadap Pandanus labyrinthicus sebesar 0.3, sedangkan untuk Pandanus tectorius mempunyai nilai manfaat sebesar 0.5. Hal ini karena informan yang tahu Pandanus labyrinthicus hanya 5 dan bagian yang digunakan hanya satu yaitu akar tunjangnya. Sedangkan untuk Pandanus tectorius masyarakat banyak yang tahu karena beberapa informan berada di dekat lokasi sentra kerajinan pandan. Sedangkan untuk Kabupaten yang lain, pengetahuan masyarakatnya sedikit sekali. Juga bagian tubuh tumbuhan pandan ini yang digunakan ada 2 bagian yaitu daun dan akar tunjangnya

    Eksplorasi Beberapa Jalur Potensi Wisata Birdwatching di Bandealit, Taman Nasional Meru Betiri

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    Indonesia adalah salah satu dari negara tropis dunia yang memiliki kekayaan biodiversitas yang sangat tinggi. Salah satu kawasan yang memiliki biodiversitas tinggi dan dijadikan cagar alam adalah Meru Betiri. Kawasan ini tidak hanya terkenal dengan perlindungan terhadap Harimau Jawa, tetapi juga berbagai keindahan panorama alam dan lokasi hutan hujan tropis yang masih terlindung, salah satunya adalah wilayah Bandealit. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan jalur strategis yang dapat disarankan sebagai jalur birdwatching di Bandealit. Pengamatan dilakukan selama dua hari, yaitu pada tanggal 16-17 Nopember 2012. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan menjelajahi jalur-jalur yang dinilai berpotensi sebagai lokasi pengembangan birdwatching. Selain itu, juga dilakukan wawancara terhadap orang-orang kunci untuk mengetahui fluktuasi jumlah spesies di kawasan, konfirmasi jenis, serta mencari informasi terkait spesies yang belum dapat ditemukan. Kami telah menentukan tiga jalur yang berpotensi sebagai jalur birdwatching, yaitu Muara Timur (jalur 1), Savana (jalur 2), dan Lintasan Satwa (jalur 3). Jalur 1 tidak direkomendasikan karena kuantitas dan kualitas spesies yang ditemukan tidak terlalu baik. Jalur 2 dan jalur 3 direkomendasikan untuk pengembangan wisata birdwatching di Bandealit. Kata kunci: Bandealit, birdwatching, jalur birdwatching Kata kunci: Bandealit, birdwatching, jalur birdwatchin

    Coffee Landscape of Banyuwangi Geopark: Ecology, Conservation, and Sustainable Tourism Development

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    Coffee landscape is one of the crucial element of BanyuwangiGeopark, East Java. Coffee landscape plays an essential role in supporting the sustainable ecosystem in Banyuwangi Geopark. A number of studies have already examined ways to develop and preserve the coffee landscape and its biodiversity, especially in coffee cultivated under agroforestry system. This paper aims to describe the ecology of coffee land-scapes in Banyuwangi, identify the problems and opportunities for preservation and biodiversity conservation, explore the possibilities of integrating coffee and tourism, and provide recommendations to preserve the coffee landscape and its biodiversity. Field survey, literature studies and interviews with farmers, tourism consultants, local travel planner, and local guides were conducted to get comprehensive dataand infor-mation of the tourism potential of coffee landscape ecosystems. All these data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Results of the study showed that Banyuwangi was home to numerous state-, private-, and peasant-owned coffee orchards. Coffee agro-forestry had already been established for a long time, contributing to biodiversity con-servations. Coffee cultivation was a common practice among communities, which later inspired the creation of a coffee festival. The high number of tourism attractions located in the geopark area coupled with the trend in tourism development, there was potential in integrating coffee into tourism. Important actions have to be done first, and these were: mapping and describing coffee orchard distribution, enhancing peas-ant capacity in coffee cultivation, introducing and strengthening sustainable tourism principles, and establishing regulation to ensure the preservation and conservation of coffee cultural landscapes. The outcome of analyses can be used to provide guidelines for the management of coffee landscape in the Banyuwangi Geopark area in future

    Etnobotani Masyarakat Lokal, Struktur Anatomi Jenis Pandan (Pandanaceae) Bermanfaat di Jawa Timur

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    Along with the development of culture, both traditional and biotechnology, the use of pandan, as can be found either in the community, traditional markets, experiencing a shift which was replaced by other materials, such as by plastic straps, caps from fabric. Ethnobotany study done by collecting a "ethnodirect sampling" technique with direct or semi-structural interviews. The method is carried out at pandan anatomy including: methods for extracting fiber, making transverse and longitudinal leaf preparations, measurements of leaf length and fiber strength and making preparations transversal and longitudinal of supporting root. The long term goal of this study is to obtain a data base of pandan (Pandanaceae) that can later be used to perform resource management in pandan (Pandanaceae) to its preservation in East Java, thus supporting ecological functions and the resulting types are also cultivating other Pandan also potentially. The short term goal is to get the kind of pandan (Pandanaceae) is useful to be developed as a craft that can later be used to improve the economy of East Java community through anatomical structures. The three types of pandan namely P. tectorus, P. labyrinthicus and P. furcatus has the potential to be developed as a base for the manufacture of rope and handicrafts. The potential of plant-based crafts from fiber can still be developed on the craft of Pandanus