508 research outputs found

    An assessment of counseling needs among international graduate students: implications for university students’ programmes and services

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    Interest in going abroad for studies is getting higher in Indonesia. But foreign students will find it even more problematic, because they face both the normal adjustment problems of studying in university plus adjustment problems of adapting to a different culture.Comparisons study between Malaysian and Indonesian Master Students in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia used 80 students (Malaysian = 40, Indonesian = 40) showed that there is a significant difference in counseling needs between two groups (t = 1.954; p<0.05), but local group (Malaysian) counseling needs score was higher than Indonesian group. The well prepared mental set and social support came from Indonesian Students Organization might be potential resources that made adaptation of Indonesian students became easier. The competitive conditions in looking for jobs in Malaysian, the limitation of resources especially in social support, finance might cause the counseling needs in Malaysian students higher than Indonesian students. Both groups showed most needs for counseling in (1) finance, (2) general health, (3)study stress. These findings suggest that responsible consumerism; daily health management,time and stress management were important topics in university’s programmes and services for student


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    In this 20th century, technology development becomes very fast, includes internet. This condition gave easiest and fastest way to access any kind of information, including pornography. This research aimed to explore the corelation of attitude of adolescents to pornography in internet and their sexual behavior. Using 50 senior high school students which came to internet rental at the age of 15-19 years old, had chosed by incidental sampling, the results showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between attitudes of pornography in internet with sexual behovior of adolescents (r:0.371, and p:0.009). Sexual behovior was measured from behavior of awakening and exploration, autosexuality and heterosexuality that is including kissing necking petting, heavy petting, and copulation. From pornography in internet, adolescents only learn that sex is somehow more romantic or less wrong if it "just happens " and full of passion. By portraying spontaneous, unplanned genital intercourse as the ultimate pleasure, these programs model a behavior that puts teens at increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases or unplanned pregnancies. Community counseling approach gave complete and integrated intervention model to help adolescents. For community direct intervention, non traditional sex education for adolescents was designed as community-wide educational programs And for community indirect intervention, suggested government to make regulation for internet rental business. Individual, group and peer counseling for the direct clients intervention. And parents', teachers' developing program for indirect clients' intervention

    Persepsi Siswa terhadap Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Permainan Monopoli Indonesia

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan persepsi siswa terhadap manfaat pembelajaran matematika berbasis permainan monopoli Indonesia. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 31 siswa kelas IV SD. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket tertutup dan terbuka, lembar observasi, catatan lapangan, pedoman wawancara, dan tes tertulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa menganggap pembelajaran matematika berbasis permainan monopoli Indonesia mendorong siswa lebih giat,lebih siap, dan bersemangat belajar: lebih memperhatikan pembelajaran, lebih memahami materi pelajaran, ingin terus belajar, dan berani mengemukakan pendapat. Selain itu, belajar melalui permainan monopoli Indonesia memberi kesempatan siswa untuk berdiskusi secara leluasa, tidak mengantuk, dan tidak membosankan. Penggunaan permainan monopoli Indonesia juga membentuk persepsi bahwa matematika adalah pelajaran yang menyenangkan, seru, dan mudah. Aturan permainan monopoli Indonesia memberi peluang pembentukan karakter

    Uji plagiasi Pembelajaran Operasi Pecahan dengan Cuisenaire Rods

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